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"Guns n Roses - Live in Chicago". New DVD?


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Sorry if this is old news... I just got a newsletter from a Swedish DVD onlineshop. This DVD was listed as new release, date 2006-07-03.

Have I totally missed this or is it a new official DVD release? :question:

Source: http://www.discshop.se/shop/ds_produkt.php?ref=&id=55972

..interestin'..once GNR gets huge again..they try to earn fuckin' money with old - not official - vids..

Edited by sixtus
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Yea i brought this,i also told the guy at the music store that it was missing like 8 songs and all the rants were cut out,he seemed surprised but i dont think he really gave a shit.Anyway i took it home,watched it, got pissed off cause they cut out everything and took it back and swapped it for Iggy live in Brussels.Iv now ordered the full version off ebay.

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