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Quit on GNR already ?

Guns Fan

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Ok ... late 90's everybody already knew the tittle for the so long waited album ... Fans were thanking God, that finally we were going to hear AXL, once again, most fans did'nt care that it was'nt the original line up... of course that doesnt mean that thousands maybe millions were really upset at AXL's decision, but what ever we wanted something new, and we actuaLLy got it on the end of days soundtrack, new guns n roses , new sound completly new idea, that gave us all hope... Now years later and we still have'nt got'n anything but a few live songs and a promise that the album will come out this year... now if the album doesnt come out this year "which is very possible" how many of you true fans will quit on GNR once N for all ???

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How do you 'quit' a musical taste?

Its like saying 'I dont like potatoes anymore because their flavour hasn't changed for so long'.

You dont choose to enjoy certain aspects of life, your personality dictates what you enjoy and what you dont. You may choose to not go to the concerts and buy merchandise, but thats about it.

If I had the choice, I would never listen to GNR again the way the whole thing has been handled since the early ninties. As I love AFD and always will, I live in the hope of some new material in that style. But it is merely a hope.

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How do you 'quit' a musical taste?

Its like saying 'I dont like potatoes anymore because their flavour hasn't changed for so long'.

You dont choose to enjoy certain aspects of life, your personality dictates what you enjoy and what you dont. You may choose to not go to the concerts and buy merchandise, but thats about it.

If I had the choice, I would never listen to GNR again the way the whole thing has been handled since the early ninties. As I love AFD and always will, I live in the hope of some new material in that style. But it is merely a hope.


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I doubt very seriously that anyone reading these forums will "quit" listening/following gnr, the very fact that we are reduced to checking the internet for any news means we are very hungry for new material, i am sure there are people here that would wait a lifetime if they had to.

Besides whats the point of getting uptight now, we are very close to the illusive album dropping, remember you may walk into a record store and it may just be there, well i believe that it will be here before the new year, sometimes i wonder whether some people on this forum actually want the album to come out the way they carry on.

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I doubt very seriously that anyone reading these forums will "quit" listening/following gnr, the very fact that we are reduced to checking the internet for any news means we are very hungry for new material, i am sure there are people here that would wait a lifetime if they had to.

Besides whats the point of getting uptight now, we are very close to the illusive album dropping, remember you may walk into a record store and it may just be there, well i believe that it will be here before the new year, sometimes i wonder whether some people on this forum actually want the album to come out the way they carry on.

true ... "that reads this forum" cause I know of alot of people that have quited ...and nOw they hate GNR ...


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If you dont get new material from GnR you will quit listening to AFD, the greatest album ever made? There is absolutely no logic in your post. This is not a boyband, were you can replace new kids on the block with take that and then replace take that with panic at the disco.

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...now years later and we still have'nt got'n anything but a few live songs and a promise that the album will come out this year... now if the album doesnt come out this year "which is very possible" how many of you true fans will quit on GNR once N for all ???

Actually we got new, unmixed songs from the studio. And let there be no illusion, Axl GAVE them to us :)

I'm Rick James Bitch

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I for have to agree with everyone else on this.I have been a fan since 1987 and thats along time but as mad as i get i will NEVER quit loving GNR cause its part of my youth etc...But I really wish AXL & company would get it together......Cause all this BS will taking away from the speciality of guns for alot of fans!

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There comes a time to lay things at rest.

It pissed the hell out of me when Izzy left then Slash and finally Duff. To me that was the end of an era. Then the word got around that AXL was gonna plod on and carry the banner of GNR with him. I was like ok..this should be good. Then years went by. Theres no way to recreate the era that made GNR so powerful and great. What I really wanted to see if Axl was capable of bringing GNR back to thier rightful places.

Duff said it in an interview Iread one time. That GNR went out with a wimper. That they never got to get together and celebrate that huge UYI tour. They played Argentina and then POOF disappeared. TSI was mainly recorded during the UYI sessions and was never meant to be anything than a transition album. Thats what I feel... GNR went out like a bunch of sissies.

The longer this shit goes on....the more hysterical it becomes. When I saw Axls choice of replacement guitarist it seemed completely insane. Not because they were not great guitarist but because he had veered into turf that made GNR seem weak and vulnerable and all to complacent. The deafening silence and the whole issue of an Album that was supposed to be delievered in what 98? 99 has made all this wait stupid and foolish.

I've read the news.. follow the lines... even went to see the new band in Moline. It was great. Fantastic. Fun. Then more waiting for this opus to surface.

Quit? nawwww.. I got to much curiosity and time and money invested in this trademark. I'll hang around and let Chinese Democracy either confirm or dispell my growing disdain for a singer I very much admired and respected.

Edited by rockerman
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I'll never quit. But GNR fans in general go through a lot. I'm constantly having to defend the band. Thank God my friends don't read these forums so they don't know about the cancelled concert. That would of been more ammo to use against me! <_<

I've seen them two times. I would never buy a ticket again because I don't support an artist who shows clear contempt for his fan base. I will however buy the music and watch a concert on DVD or internet.

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