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The Promotion thing


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I was wondering what you guys think about Guns N Roses promo. Well i know there isn`t really any promo. But lets take Merck`s words. 13 Tuesdays left.

In my opinion if it would come out this year, he would have done everything right. I mean face the facts.

Guns isn`t the biggest band anymore. We don`t live in 91 anymore. So no matter how good the promo would be, there would be no lines at the stores, and they wouldn`t do a "top first day selling" no matter how good it would be.

Just imagine, i am six hours ahead in time zone, go to a store buy it cause it`s there, and then come here and spraid the word. We would do the promo anyways and i would say not even 24 hours everybody, in the time of interent would know about this thing, even papers and magazines. So why spend millions on advertiseres and whatever, just to say it will be out in two weeks? Would that make any difference (to us fans it would but marketing like)??? Would it make a difference if it goes number one in the first or second week??

what do you guys think about that?

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