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Posts posted by TheSeeker

  1. 8 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    And to simply keep the wheels of society rolling. You know, keep science going, keep people happy, and yes, keep business ticking away. Discouraging people from travel in general would be an act of hysteria, at this moment. And fortunately, policy-givers are a tad more knowledgeable and considerate than you.



    • Haha 2
  2. 5 hours ago, UcudBmine said:

    I'm getting tired of all the corona bullcrap. People panicking over practically nothing. I do seem to be the only person who thinks that it wouldn't be too bad if 10-25% of the world population died out. We are overpopulated, this virus is showing that once again.


  3. 1 hour ago, action said:

    I have enough bread stocked, for 3 people for at least three weeks. It's bread in plastic foil, ready to bake in the oven. We had our first one today and I tasted delicious, better than fresh out of the store.

    Also, 4 kg of sausaches though granted, that won't take us 3 weeks. but our fridge is only so big.

    Three bags of potatoes, 10 desifectant soap pumps, 12 FFP2 mouth masks, 15 boxes of biscuit, 50 liter of drinking water, 30 cans of 0,0% beer, 20 bottles of fanta, baking power and eggs to make pancakes (if the world ends, we're going to do it while eating pancakes), and a truckload of canned food: vegetables, frankfurter sausaches, corned beef, and what have you.

    I still feel it's not quite sufficient. In fact, I'm getting a little worried. But going to the shop is out of the question: many people came home from their ski trips, and thanks to lousy security at our airports (haha), I don't have any trust in our government to handle this epidedemy efficient.

    Bags of rice last indefinitely in storage - you should probably get some

    Toilet paper is also going to be in short supply

  4. Unless you're about to have a heart attack, US isn't even letting you get tested




    Just giving a heads up to what I and my doctor both considered a very fucked situation. I just spent a week in Japan, a country at high risk for COVID-19. I wore a mask and essentially tried to stay away from most touristy places (not my first time there), but trains and stations are still packed with people, so there's really not much you can do.

    On arriving back to America (3 days ago), I developed a 102F fever, coughing, and aches. I went to a local hospital in Brooklyn's ER. I informed them of my travel, they provided me a mask, and redirected me to a private room and followed infection protocols (full face covers, gloves, aprons, etc.). I had a chest x-ray and testing for flu/cold/pneumonia/and about 25 other viruses. They all came back negative.

    At this point, the hospital called the CDC requesting permission to perform the COVID-19 testing. The CDC denied the request on the ground that I did not have the most life-threatening symptoms: chest pain and shortness of breath. According to everything I read it's very likely not to have these symptoms if you're in your 30's and relatively healthy.

    And... that was that. They discharged me, said I don't have Corona virus, since they didn't test me for it, and said I can ride the subway, return to work, do whatever I want.

    Of course my doctor disagreed. She said I should treat myself as if I am infected. My partner is currently staying in a nearby hotel since we live in a studio apartment. I've performed a self-quarantine for 14 days. Fortunately I can work from home and my partner can deliver me groceries if I run out.

    But I don't think that many people are aware of the fact that they're actively not testing people for COVID-19, even people who have travel history to high-risk places.



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