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Posts posted by holydiver

  1. what if it's 2 years ago? it's still true and arguments don't have an expire day... also many of the new members are studio musicians and usually the studio musicians do commercials, work for pop bands etc.. (ie fortus). so that's also partly true. and the blues is quite a pop song ...

  2. wow .. there's be going a huge bashing in here lately .. i suggest some respect for the others and for ourselves (right) ? ;) maybe that's what makes gface believe we're bashing axl's new band. gface the case is just like this : this is not the real gnr. this is axl's project. it has the name guns n roses. many of us do not agree with this action. all of us will give it a try whether it's called unfairly gnr or not. many of us will be bashing it after the album release if it has spoiled the gnr tadition of making great albums.. that's the whole matter ;)

  3. i believe izzy was mostly responsible for afd. all facts show that.. when he was sober he put out an album like afd. several years after ,he was so high on drugs that he couldn't do it so good any more and that's why uyi turned out to be more axl-style. also i see many people concentrate mainly on the lyrics when they are talking about songwriting. no my friends.. that's wrong have you ever tried to write 10 seconds of music ? also remember that scom is remembered for its music, not for its lyrics and so are many other gnr songs.. btw i guess that axl used to consider izzy as an older brother and did what he said at first. don't forget he left indiana to find izzy. izzy was the driving force, axl was the best "instrument" in his hands (considering part of the lyrics and vocals).

  4. izzy/axl/duff/slash/steven dot

    "they look old and lost it" ?? even if they did look old who cares ? axl will be looking old in a decade too if he doesn't already.. should we change a singer then too ?

  5. i think there is a reason why ppl and critics consider AFD one of the best albums ever and UYI only a pair of top 90's albums.. and i can see why of course: because appetite was made by punks and uyi was made by "aristocrats". and why does uyi has more sophisticated lyrics ? appetite has the most sophisticated and together REAL lyrics i've ever heard in an album because they mean what they say, they don't say it because they just believe it's right. ilussions has more of a patternalistic attitude. and of course afd has much better music, more rhythms, better solos, better chord changes, what if it doesn't have an organ or a sitar or a piano ?? better it doesn't..

  6. reexel if you read gnr lies cover you'll see that neither axl agrees with what the song says .. and i ask again: what's wrong with black ppl ?  :-/

  7. yes i'm reffering to the whistling part, so i guess glorifiedGNR might be right ,because i've never heard this part anywhere else except the song. maybe it was like a "borrowed"-war-melody from the american song.. then again maybe it wasn't but it fits so right in both cases.. ;)

  8. based on the "fact" that this is a "new" band i don't believe it will be able to achieve the same as the old one. maybe it becomes one of the biggest bands of our time but that doesn't mean it has conquerred the world, right ? i believe it is able to make good music but not to start a new way of thinking/acting as the old one did.. what makes me think that? i don't know exactly.. it's axl who is older now... it's the other guys who obviously don't have 1/10 of the attitude the old members had, it's the image axl is selling these few last months that indicates he'll go for the more mainstream side.. i just fell it.

  9. "sorry off topic but,"one in a million" must be one of the BEST of GNR.. axl knows where to hit,police,black persons and stuff like that ...its just soo true! "

    reexel you're obviously a nazi... wtf is wrong with black persons ?

  10. well.. maybe it's better you don't remember  ;D there was a buckethead guy in the messageboard at the time (just like mr sparkle right now .. mr_sparkle beware ;) ) who insisted that the new band was way better than the old in every chance he got he said how great bhead is over slash and i was kinda mad at him, and him to me and we kept arguing about the whole matter in a very intense way ;) something you had said had started it all and when i replied buckethead insisted replying in your behalf and it was a crazy situation ,hehe:)

  11.       i just found out this one today and i was really surprised that all these years i hadn't noticed. right before the first time axl starts singing there is a small melody. today i listen to afriend of mine singing it and i say "sing it again" cause i thought i've just heard wrong. but it was it. then i tell him "that's gnr's civil war your singing.." and he says "what's civil war ? this is an old song that was sung by the communists during the greek civil war in1949" !!!!! that's were my mouth drops , my eyes pop out etc etc just like in the movie "the mask" ;) to understand better right after ww2 in greece there was a civil war communists against king's ppl. it lasted until 1950 i think and the communists finally lost (though not very fairly because the others were helped by foreign nations too). isn't it just astonishing ? do you think axl knew this and wrote the song based on this fact or it's just a coincidence ? i think he must have known it because both that melody and the name "civil war" is too much to be a coincidence .. :)

  12. hey i don't think madison is diplomatic ... at least to me.. right mad ? we just know each other since the messageboard days and it's kinda different ;) madison remember when i dissed you in the messageboard and then that "buckethead" guy keeped getting on my nerves and i was really pissed of with him ? haha it was funny now that i think again :)

  13. that's b*llshit slash never sold out. he was there for his fans , he did a couple of guest appearances, some of which were not very credible but he never sold out because simply he doesn't need the money and because all he did was playing guitar and not promoting a product. and you can't say axl never cooperated with the pop side because he did. mtv awards for example. and yes there were commercials during the breaks so if you want it that way then axl helped mtv get more viewrs ,the ones who happened right after to watch the tv commercials. so it's exactly the same thing if not worse..

  14. of course it would... let me tell you why: because afd was not just an album.. it was revolution of a kind that had never happened. the sex pistols were revolution but they blamed society for everything. nirvana was supposed to be revolution (?) but they also blamed society for their mess. rolling stones were revolution but they also blamed society. guns n roses were revolution with appetite but they didn't blame solely society. the whole album has a sarcasm for itself. they say "yes society is a b*tch, but we're no different than that too".

    look at nightrain : the out-of-world lyrics, how they seem to care only about a bottle of whiskey- it's the attitude of a man that doesn't care. they say ppl are starving to death right now ,but we don't give a sh*t all we are good at right now is singing about whiskey..

    look at it's so easy: how it refers not to society but in person ."you get nothing ... use for you" a line that's so hard and it refers to you, not to us. it says "if you're that way then you deserve what happens to you and stop b*tching about everything.".

    look at pc: it also refers to "you". it's a song against political correctness (ie "the surgeon...i can't see"). it says that if you feel the pressure of others (meaning that everyone expects you to think in a fixed way-because that what political correctness is) the way i do then most probably you'll go nuts, like the song goes nuts in the end and you'll really need to go to some paradise city where you can finally do/have what you want.

    look at outta get me: one word "they're outta get me". who ? he doesn't say the state, or the cops are outta get me. he says everyone is outta get me and that's so true because everyone watches your moves and is ready to criticise them any given moment. haven't you noticed ppl at your work or in the bus taking curious looks at you because you might have long hair and they immediately think you're some punk? they don't say it but they make up their minds on you based in any trivia things they might not like. that's also authority in a way, so the song is not only about the state's authority ,it's about authority and supression of your ways of acting and reacting because of exactly that "non-official but still powerful" authority. it's against authority coming from simple people. from your grandma that wants to make you eat your food while you're 20 years old. from your college that expects you to have the exact habbits he does. from any person that expects you not to smoke ,although you want to. from your neighboor who is an *ss and wants you to inform him before you bring your frinends home to have some fun. the song is again against the way of acting of the simple citizen including them of course.

    you can see that it's not an ordinary album. it's sarcastic to itself and that's what makes it so special,raw and honest. it's a band that knows it has disadvantages and states them and makes fun of them. it doesn't simply blame everything generally to society.. that's all... it was a bit long ;)

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