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Posts posted by Lumikki

  1. So @killuridols just posted this interesting little article in the London concert thread. Since we're talking about Slaxl right now, this article seems appropriate here. Apparently what Axl does with young, hot chicks nowadays is to spend the majority of the time reminiscing and whining about Slash. :rolleyes:  Some interesting quotes:

    "We talk about tonight’s show and when Axl hears that “Live And Let Die” is my cell’s ringtone, he says to me : “Hey, that was Slash’s idea to make ring tones out of our songs. I wasn’t for it at the beginning, but I must admit he was right”. During the whole evening, Axl doesn’t stop telling us stories about Slash, about their childhood like when him and Slash had a new song and both jumped on his grandmother’s bed so happy, before being given a roasting. He goes on saying that it’s been very difficult to find an other guitarist after Slash, who was unique, and goes on praising DJ Ashba as a very nice human being. Clearly, Slash is still very much present in Axl’s life, even though he’s supposed not to be a part of it anymore…"

    "He also deeply regrets the image that the press has made of him, making its profits of a megalomaniac, temperamental and erratic Axl, before making excuses to him, without doing it publicly. If Axl insists on the fact that he always tries to be direct and serious with the press, he’s unlike Zakk Wylde who can tease more without having a bad reputation in the press. Likewise, says Axl, Slash is considered as an angel by many journalists but can be much less nice in private."

    "We are listening to Muse on the radio, “By The Sword” on Slash’s solo album is now on air. While Andreï stands up to switch to another station, Axl stops him and says “No, leave it. I love this song”.


    Axl was clearly obsessed with Slash the entire time they weren't speaking to each other. That's not really new knowledge, but confirmation of that once more.

    The story about Axl and Slash jumping on his grandmother's bed is hilarious and adorable :lol: Such children.

    I like Slash, but I can totally believe that he can be much less nice in private where the public won't notice.

    Didn't know Axl loves "By the sword". Cool. And I'm willing to bet Axl has listened to every single thing Slash has ever released. And we know he's also read his book, etc.


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  2. 58 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Ye... I don't know... Haha... It's so bad that kind of thing still exists in 2016 <_<

    I just googled his name and the only thing that came out was this: "Andrew Gillot is a music promoter and producer from Los Angeles, CA. He has worked with Lana Del Rey on various projects."

    And then I found this story that matches pretty much all of the speculation that we've done here but he denied everything.


    Apart from the general cringeworthy-nes of the situation itself, this is actually a pretty interesting find. Thanks for posting.

    Shows how obsessed with Slash he was all this time. Taking this to the Ladies' Thread, I think.

    • Like 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, Millions said:

    Yes, I even saw this story in an Austrian newspaper today.

    If that is actually true and that really was him... Well done, Axl. Countless people all over the world who weren't even aware of you, that picture or any of the memes associated with it, now know all about it as well.

    I get that he might be upset about the whole thing (and I don't blame him), but that was the worst possible course of action to take. :facepalm:


    Also, that's a nice picture of Melissa. She looks really cute there. As does Duff in the other one. :heart:

    • Like 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Frey said:

    And I don't know about super BFFs, but they did hang out together when they were young. I remember Izzy saying he has very vivid memories of spending the summer when they were 16 or 17 with Axl and just driving around through the fields and doing drugs all day. Izzy was also the one who convinced Axl to try and sing in his band. And he was close enough to Axl to know about his messed-up home life and his lack of success in getting pussy. Sounds like they were at least somewhat close to me.

    11 hours ago, thunderram said:

    Lastly, regarding Niven's assertions about Izzy's attitude toward Axl in the early days when Axl first came to LA, and their friendship, the fact that Izzy repeated decided to form groups with him says otherwise. Not only that, Izzy basically stole Axl away from Rapidfire. He obviously didn't have too much issue working with him back then.

    All of this. Additionally, people like Chris Weber or Pamela Manning have also talked about how Izzy and Axl always used to hang out with each other, also in private and not just for band practice or whatever. Somebody even said they were "joined at the hip". And Izzy himself has referred to himself and Axl as a "package deal" and to Axl as his childhood friend and talked about how he was the only one who could calm Axl down and stuff when he had one of his freak-outs because they've been friends for so long.

    I don't doubt Izzy's and Axl's relationship is complicated and was maybe even a bit unhealthy at times, but to say Izzy always hated Axl and wished he'd never had to deal with him is completely ridiculous. Izzy was the one who periodically checked-up on Axl and tried to call him, even when Axl wanted nothing to do with him. Doesn't sound like he was glad he didn't have to be around him anymore.


    12 hours ago, Kira said:

    Yes, Niven and Goldstein are both very unlikeable, that's the business I guess. 

    Niven, I find to be a pompous blowhard who likes to inflate his importance to the band in those days.  Whether he was fired or not, I believe the band still would have spiraled out of control.  Despite his bluster, Niven had no more control over Axl than anyone else did. 

    This article (and many others he's done) are just transparently full of bitterness towards Axl.  We all know Izzy is a great songwriter and was a really important part of the band.  That being said, he didn't have the stage/video presence that Axl and Slash did that propelled the band to international stardom.  He kind of had the luxury of being the "mysterious" one, who didn't have to participate in too many interviews or appearances. 

    And if he really wanted to do RnRHF, why didn't he do it without Axl with the three other original members who were there? 

    Every time I hear an audio interview with Niven, I just can't stand his tone.  He's totally slapable.


    Good post, agree with everything. Especially the part about Niven being slapable.

    And honestly, Izzy did have it easy in that regard. All the day-to-day work of running this band (which is at its core a business) and most of the promotion was done by Axl and Slash. Axl even said once that he and Slash took care of all the business-related things and then ran them by Duff to get his opinion. Even when he was strung-out, Slash has been said to be on the phone starting at 8 or 9 in the morning and doing business. Axl/Slash/Duff running this thing and taking care of the brand has been that way for many years now (although Duff is much more involved nowadays).

    Meanwhile, Izzy was off somewhere driving his bikes or doing whatever. Certainly not doing interviews or anything. I get why Axl and Slash would be kind of resentful about that. I'd be too.

    11 hours ago, ludurigan said:

    Please give me a quote of any GNR member saying that Izzy was lazy on the songwriting and or recording sessions of UYI. I dont remember any of that.

    I'm too lazy (:lol:) to look for the actual quotes right now, but just off the top of my head I remember

    - Axl saying that getting Izzy to work on the UYI records was like "pulling teeth" and that Izzy couldn't even be bothered to show up and do his own songs properly, and the only reason they even are on the record is because Axl wanted them on there

    - Slash saying they all dreaded recording with Izzy and that Izzy made a lot of ridiculous demands

    - Slash accused Izzy of turning in sloppily made demo-tapes (though Izzy said that sounded more like Slash repeating what Axl's saying)

    Additionally (not specifically about the recording of UYI, but Izzy's alleged sloppyness/laziness in general):

    - Slash complaining about how Izzy came in totally unprepared and not being able to play some songs when he stepped in for Gilby for a few shows. Said Izzy hadn't picked up a guitar in a year and it showed.

    • Like 2
  5. This Slaxl topic reminded me of something, so Story Time:

    Slash once talked about how one Halloween, he was stuck in a hotel room with a guy dressed as Slash and the guy's girlfriend, who was dressed as Axl. After some time, the girl and the guy started making out with each other or whatever (I think Slash called it "started doing boyfriend-girlfriend things" or something :lol:) and Slash had no choice but to watch. I'm sorry, but the image of Slash trapped in a hotel room and watching two people impersonating him and Axl get it on with each other is just... :rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol:


    17 hours ago, nonok said:

    Axl's androgynous look is what made him as sexy as he was, no one can deny it, no matter how much they want to. All girls love a sensitive yet manly guy, and he was the absolute extreme of that.

    As for the second thing... I've honestly thought about that seriously at some points. I mean, Perla looks eerily like Axl in a lot of photos and can be as boisterous as him. And Axl's biggest relationship was with Erin - dark, curly haired, shy (but dirty-minded and excessive in private, judging by the ISE video and many interviews). I mean, I'm not saying they'd go for each other if they were gay, but I'm saying it. :lol:


    I have too. I was actually thinking of Renee when I wrote that, but Perla makes a lot of sense as well. She's also curvy, often has her dyed some shade of red and has a temper. And also her facial structure- she's got that same cheekbone thing going on when she smiles that Axl has. I also remember Slash saying something like "I always go for the wildest and craziest girl in the room". Well, I can think of someone else who fits that description, and he's not a girl :P

    Axl does seem to like women with lots of dark hair. Most of the women he's been with or was attracted to fit that description.

    And yeah, say it. :lol: Let's be real, they totally would go for each other if they were gay... And maybe even if they aren't. It has been seriously debated by some people if there was more to Axl's and Slash's bitter break-up than just what we know about. I was amused when Steven Tyler once said that he knows what happened between Slash and Axl, but that he can't talk about it in public because it's very personal. :wow:

    14 hours ago, killuridols said:

    Yup, that's the thing. He's always had an androgynous look but he never looked or sounded gay. He has a well balanced combo of male-female (even if he still battles against homosexuality). This is what made him become an idol for both male and female. He was never rejected by the guys, like some other good looking but gay singers (i.e. Ricky Martin). In that sense he was somewhat like Freddy Mercury, although Mercury was openly gay.

    Nowadays Axl looks like a butch lesbian :lol: and yes, I'm still attracted to him, maybe because I'm a bit gay. All my boyfriends were that type of pretty face, female facia features. That's why I'm not attracted to Slash or Duff or Izzy. They look more manly.

    Who's the redhead Slash married? Renee Suran?

    Yeah, he had a lot of raw male energy to balance out his femininty.

    He does look like a butch lesbian. I occasionally still find him attractive. Depends on the picture, etc... Agreed that the other three look more manly. Although Duff used to be a bit of a pretty boy as well (especially in the early days of the band).

    Yes, I meant Renee, but like I said above, Perla is a lot like Axl as well in some ways.

    19 hours ago, Carlycosmos said:

    Omg those pictures are so good. I have to say I woudn't mind seeing Axl and Slash kissing. With tonge. :rofl-lol: This is your fault girls! :drool:

    Keep posting pics please LOL

    I wouldn't mind seeing that either... Or that:

    14 hours ago, killuridols said:

    Me either. Do that fucking butt onstage already, Slash! Grab it, squeeze it, bite it, kiss it, touch it, feel me :drool:

    LOL :rofl-lol:

    oh and this just reminded me of the tons of fan fiction there is out there with Slaxl as subjects of the most pornographic stories. Have you girls ever read this?

    I have, but it's been quite a while. Much of it is so badly written (bad spelling/grammer, out of character-nes, etc) that I mostly just get pissed of lol. And I actually prefer things that have at least some kind of plot going on rather than just straight-up porn :lol: I remember when I was a kid, I used to hang out on rockfic.com a lot.

    18 hours ago, cheesecake said:

    I actually typed a lengthy reply to Apollo last week when he blasted me for mentioning Axl's weight. But I was on the road at the time (passenger, not driver) and didn't notice my mobile data was turned off. Only noticed it once I clicked submit and it didn't go thru and after turning data on everything I typed disappeared :max:. Was not in the mood to retype.

    Some people need to understand for some rockers image comes in a package and that includes appearance. Yeah Axl's belting out killer voices now but it would be more pleasant if he appeals in the look dept too (not that he is bad looking btw but I guess people get my point).

    I agree with you. Axl has always relied on his looks and sexuality as well as his musical/frontman abilities, and that's how people will always remember him and why he gets a lot of shit for his appearance now. If he'd been ugly and unappealing right from that start, it would have been different, but as it is...

    And yeah, just cutting out the booze would already help a lot and it's not that big of a sacrifice to make. Maybe hanging out more with Duff and Slash again, who both can't/shouldn't drink will help with that, but that is most likely wishful thinking :rolleyes:

    • Like 3
  6. This picture has both Slaxl and ass/legs in it :D



    On 5.6.2016 at 10:56 PM, killuridols said:

    OMG I cracked at this! :rofl-lol:       It's true, it does look like that.

    Axl must have been a woman in a previous life because he was as pretty as a fine chick and now that he's older, he still looks like a lady when he puts on those lady hats.

    I was observing that the fat in his body is distributed pretty much like a woman. He has a massive fat ass (that I wanna eat :drool:), chubby arms and a fluffy belly :P Not to mention he wears EYELINER too.


    I have ran out of likes so thank you girls for posting those Slaxl pics :drool:. Sometimes I wonder how Slash could resist that sexy beast Axl was!

    It totally does. Although like you said, Axl is so girly, he could even pass for Duff's wife if done up right and as long as he keeps his mouth shut :lol:

    But I actually agree, he does have a pretty female fat distribution going on. And he used to have some very girly/androgynous facial features too. But strangely enough, this only makes him incredibly attractive to me, despite the fact that I'm pretty heterosexual and not very attracted to the female side of things.

    I wonder how anyone could resist. But yeah, must have been pretty tough for Slash being around that all the time :P

    (And I notice Slash did end up marrying a curvy redhead soon back then. Maybe the sexual frustration Axl caused him became too much  :smiley-confused2::P)

    On 5.6.2016 at 11:08 PM, killuridols said:

    OMG why you do that to me? :facepalm:

    Tomorrow when I'm on my computer I'll share more of these. Just wait for me. Lol.

    I'm sorry! .... (okay, no I'm not :P)

    And I think Slaxl pic spam is welcome at any time :lol:

    On 5.6.2016 at 11:11 PM, nonok said:

    True to the first, and lol to the second. :rofl-lol: He's probably just as irresistible to men as he is to women.

    @Lumikki Those are awesome, I have them on my phone but you saved me the trouble of transferring them to my computer. But it's not Slash that Axl was spinning round in the last one, it was some chick that was with them on the tour bus (there's a video of that somewhere on youtube). Still cool to imagine it is, though.

    Ah, too bad. I've actually seen that video I think, but it's been yeeeears....

    On 5.6.2016 at 11:23 PM, killuridols said:

    hmmm knock me out with those American thighs! :drool: 

    You girls are gonna kill me. And oh, Slash butt! :o

    Haha, yeah, he chick Axl's spinning around is one of the backup singers from the UYI tour. I guess that's Tracy or Roberta.

    lol Slash with those fishnet gloves. He looked like a bad. Tranny and last gif, I watched quickly and thought Slash hand was doing something else :rofl-lol:

    Yeah, I can guess what you were thinking :rofl-lol:


  7. 6 minutes ago, -W.A.R- said:

    i never knew Izzy sold heroin....you learn something every day

    What did you think

    "I've been the dealer, hanging on your street..." was about? :P Izzy did indeed make his living by dealing heroin before Guns got big.

    45 minutes ago, ludurigan said:

    lazy? by all accounts? what accounts?

    the band worked very hard at his ideas? what?

    Slash's, Axl's and even Duff's I think.

  8. In honor of all the Axl, Slash and Duff love going on right now, let's have some cute pictures of them!

    Axl and Duff (look at Duff holding both Axl and a kid on his shoulders! How cute is that? And the man clearly can multi-task :D):


    Nice hat, Axl!


    Some Axl and Slash cuteness (Axl is so adorable in these!):




    All three:



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  9. Yeah, sure, Alan Niven, go ahead and contribute some more to the tension that seems to be going on currently between Izzy and Axl (and Slash and Duff?). :facepalm:

    Always has such a hard-on for Izzy and Slash, and always trashes Axl. (Notice how he keeps referring to Izzy as "Iz" and to Axl as "Rose" throughout the article?)

    Don't get me wrong, I love Izzy and Slash as well, but let's try to be a little fair at least. And frankly, Izzy is not a saint either, as much as Alan Niven seems to think he is.

    Also, if Izzy really hated Axl as much as Alan Niven thinks he does, Izzy wouldn't have been the only one constantly checking up on Axl over the years, and the first one to make up with him again and join him on stage.

    Just shut up and go away. :facepalm:

    EDIT: Just saw that this is an old article. Doesn't really change anything though, except for my first parapgraph. Niven is still a douchebag.


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  10. Well, it would have been cool if Slash and Duff had played with them, but I still think it's really sweet and a very good sign that they were there to watch/support Axl.

    And Axl gave it his best to impress them. Amazing show! :headbang:

    Didn't Axl say "I recognize some faces here tonight" at the beginning of the concert? Or something like that? I assumed he was talking about Slash and Duff.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, stella said:

    It's interesting, that - people like to say that Axl didn't care about his bandmates but he has been the only one to show up for them. In Duff's case, Axl actually flew up to Seattle to see him in the hospital. I read in an interview with Del James that during the LA riots, Axl made his house available to any of his friends who needed a safe place to stay.

    Yes, I've noticed that as well. He's done some really caring and sefless things for other people and sometimes does't even tell them.

    Like you said, he was the only one to stay with with Steven in the hospital (and missed out on being in a movie because of that!), he was the only one to call Duff in hospital and then flew out to see him... The Del James story you mentioned where he offered his friends to stay at his house and the story where he was the one who somehow came up with the money to get Slash out of jail. And he didn't even let Slash know. I've also heard from many people that he's very generous. And he loves children and animals.

    Seriously, Axl is a mess, but he does have a very sweet side to him as well.  ;)


    4 minutes ago, starlight said:

    yes...Axl's book would be very explicative but I 'm still of the opinion that he wouldn't tell us all the truth about his life and GNR,simply because there are things that can't be said.

    oh and I'm waiting for Izzy's book it 'd be like reading the Holy Bible !

    I'd LOVE to read Izzy's biography, but I don't think we'll ever get one.

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  12. 13 hours ago, stella said:

    That public school and contact with the outside world had to have been infinitely helpful for Axl in developing his own ideas. I've read about some fundamentalist groups that homeschool or send the kids to their own religious schools. The kids don't seem to have any access at all to any world views and perspectives other than that of their religion. I do remember reading that Axl had to go to church eight times a week or something, though, so that probably did influence things a lot.

    I honestly don't remember that incident in Slash's book (but I haven't read it in a very long time) , but that sounds as though it was framed in a way that was totally wrong. That's something that could and should have landed that woman in jail for statutory rape and/or sexual abuse of a child, but it doesn't seem as though any of them were considering that. There was another interview with Steven online years ago where he defended what happened to him when he was getting picked up by older men for drugs on Santa Monica Boulevard where he was very defensive and basically said, there was nothing wrong with it and he wasn't the only one it had happened to. I do have to think all of that had an adverse effect on Adler.

    RE: the piercing, you're right - there really wasn't a lot out there in the mainstream. There were men with earrings in the 80s, but that was about it; I remember that there was a guy in Skid Row with a chain from his earring to his nose piercing (Rachel Bolan, I think, but don't quote me there, LOL) and some attention was given to it. Seeing anyone with a more complex piercing like a nipple wasn't ordinary.

    Body and hair mods in general have come a long way toward general acceptance over the past 20-30 years. A friend of mine let her daughter (who is around 10) dye her hair blue and wear it to school. I had to shake my head at how easy she had it, LOL. I went to a pretty liberal school in a big city in the late 80s - 90s, and I still would have been sent home if I'd showed up with blue hair. Hell, I had black nail polish and that was a scandal. :)

    Yeah, I agree, public school was probably really was a blessing in some ways for Axl. I also might be wrong about that story being in Slash's book (it's been a long time since I read it as well), could also have been just an interview or something.

    Yes, I vaguely remember what you're talking about with Steven. I remember reading a thread here (or somewhere else maybe) with people speculating if Slash had done the same thing (having sex with older guys for drugs/drug money) because of the things Steven said. But if Slash did, I get the feeling this is one of the things he'd lie about and never mention.

    And yes, I think Rachel Bolan's that guy! I don't know much about Skid Row, except for a couple of their songs, but I always notice that piercing as well.


    7 hours ago, Bandanaman said:

    WHAT? I was sure you are from Finland because of your username! 

    Lol no :lol: Is he against us or what?

    Haha, you're not the first one to be confused by my username :lol: I'm not from Finland, but I did spend some time up there when I was younger and picked up some very basic (and very limited) Finnish language skills. Are you from Finland then? And welcome to the thread! (Tervetuloa!)


    5 hours ago, Archtop said:

    Ha Ha media thread has gone to pot without us, I've just read two pages of biscuits/cookies/scones.

    Ive never read Stephens book, it always came across as bit a bit depressing.

    I have read Duffs which I thought was really good, and I had a lot of respect for him at the end, Slash on the other side was more of a light read a little trashy in places not particularly insightfull but entertaining. 

    As a whole I don't really like biographies,  I have read a few where I end up thinking, You know what I don't think I would like you very much if I met you.  So I've given Stephens a miss as I have read a lot of comments that he has a tendency to blame others for his misfortune, which I feel I would end up getting annoyed with. Opinions please.

    Really gutted not going to see Axl/DC my husbands an AC/DC fan so we looked at it  but it's a Childcare issue with us. Never mind.

    I think Duff's first book is the best of all the GnR biographies. It's not just a rock star biography, but actually has literary merit imo. It's inspirational and moving. Well, I found it moving at least. It made me cry and smile quite often. Plus, unlike the others, he actually wrote the book himself. He gets even more points for that.

    His second book isn't bad either, but less interesting. But it still made me cry and laugh at times, urgh :P The man has a way with words that just gets to me lol. Most of the stuff in the second book is from his news paper columns.

    Slash's book is a typical rock n roll biography. Nothing more, nothing less. I liked it though, very entertaining and funny at times.

    Steven's book is by far the worst on every level. It's been a long time since I read it, but I remember thinking it was badly written, and it made me dislike Steven. After reading Duff's book(s), my respect and admiration of him grew even more. After reading Slash's book, my opinion of him remained pretty unchanged. But after reading Steven's book, I started to actively dislike him and I already wasn't too fond of him before (although I felt sorry for him as well).


    5 hours ago, starlight said:

    Anyway I've always wondered why Axl said in an interview  that Slash's book was full of lies...I'm curious to know which lies Axl was referring to.

    I know as Marc has said that Slash tells little lies to look cooler but surely he doesn't come across as someone who doesn't say the truth.  Also at the time the book came out there was still bad blood between them so probably Slash didn't feel too comfortably to talk about Axl.

    I'm curious about that as well! I would love to have a book discussion with Axl about Slash's book. Or better yet, he should write his own book and tell us his view on things :max:

    • Like 1
  13. 17 hours ago, Kira said:

    there is an old interview with Axl somewhere, when he says how old he was when he lost his virginity.  sixteen or seventeen?  It's hard to remember now.

    Interesting, didn't know that. I'm starting to feel I've missed out on quite a few interviews after all  :P If that's true, then there's even less of a reason for Izzy to make dumb comments.

    16 hours ago, Andy14 said:

    Btw. Does Axl still have the piercing? Just curious :ph34r:

    When was the last time we've seen Axl shirtless? :lol: Not exactly many opportunities anymore nowadays to see if he still has his piercing. And I don't know whether to be sad or relieved about that :smiley-confused2:

  14. 11 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    I wonder if you girls would take any other guy who's not Axl for that rotten teeth.

    Are you sure?

    Have you seen that stuff live in direct before? Plus the bad breath?

    Depends on the guy. If the rest of the guy was as cute as Axl, I might be willing to overlook the bad teeth (as long as it doesn't get too bad obviously... :lol:)

    11 minutes ago, pinkforgirls said:

    Slightly off topic for a quick moment. What does the green plus sign next to users' names mean? I see that it's community reputation but how is it earned? 

    Yeah, by likes.

    All this teeth talk reminds me of this Slash video. It's pretty cool! It has Slash demonstrating what a huge dinosaur expert/nerd he is among other things :D And towards the end of the video Slash talks about how his biggest fear (besides public speaking) is going to the dentist. And how he hasn't gone to the dentist for years because he hates it so much.

    (And yeah, you can tell that's true tbh :smiley-confused2:... his bottom teeth especially are pretty messed up. I often notice these when he talks)


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  15. Gonna join the not that gross club. I actually never thought his teeth were that bad. Just very discolored. But at least they were even and he still had a cute smile.

    I always notice his teeth on this picture though LOL Nevertheless, still adorable :wub:



    6 minutes ago, Kira said:

    As for Axl sneaking into Gina's bedroom;  I'm sure it was from that article, but it might have been in a foreward by the writer Dean Kuipers.  I think the original article was bigger than this part.

    Ah okay. I don't think I've ever seen a longer version of that article. Proabably doesn't exist anymore on the net.

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  16. 1 hour ago, stella said:

    ITA, waiting until one feels right about it is nothing to be ashamed of, and high school kids shouldn't feel pressured into having sex or feeling it's necessary to be socially accepted. 20's definitely a late bloomer statistically, but I wonder if those stats would be different if one looked at kids from very religious backgrounds vs. others.

    All the stories about Slash and Steven when they're young teenagers actually make me sad. Steven Adler has mentioned that he basically prostituted himself to adult men when he was 12 or 13..that's not a sexual escapade; that's an adult performing a criminal act on a minor.

    The statistics actually are different, I think I read something about that once. But this was talking about people from very fundamentalist circles. Axl's background is certainly also very religious, but he at least went to a public school and wasn't home-schooled and all that jazz.

    And I totally agree about Steven and Slash. It makes me sad as well. I remember reading Slash's book (I think?) and he was talking about a very young Steven getting into trouble because he was sleeping with some guy's wife (the guy and his wife being around 30 or mid 20s or something). Slash made it seem like the problem here was the woman cheating on her husband with Steven and the husband getting mad about it, instead of the fact that a young boy was having sex with an adult. That one definitely made me raise my eyebrows and question the kind of world view some of these guys have. And while Slash seems pretty unharmed by his various early escapades, I've often wondered if all the things that happened to Steven aren't one of the main reasons why he is so messed up (and he might not even realize it himself).


    1 hour ago, stella said:

    Okay, I actually know this story! Or what the story going around was...that Tracii Guns and Axl both decided to get their nipples pierced. When they went to get the piercings Tracii saw how painful it was for Axl and chickened out. :D

    I'd love to know the details, though - nipple piercings were pretty uncommon in the 1980s, and from what I have been told they're incredibly painful to get, so it doesn't seem like the sort of thing one would do without a compelling reason.

    I didn't know that! Thanks for telling that story :D I was under the impression piercings in general were pretty uncommon in the 80s (at least compared to nowadays), so I was always curious what made Axl decide to get one. The only thing I remember that he himself said about the piercing was that girls should be careful to get involved with someone with piercings like that because a man like that might be really masochistic and enjoy the pain. Or something.


    36 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Yeah, a person who knew both Axl and Gina. What they said its similar to what Gina said, especially the part of her "maintaining" Axl, supporting him financially.

    What I'm saying about the letters is that they are in the batch of things Erin auctioned so I'm thinking those letters belonged to her, not Gina. Would Erin auction the letters Axl sent to Gina? I suspect not.

    Also, Gina doesn't sound like the kind of person she would show those letters in a magazine.

    Cool! How did you meet someone who knew Axl and Gina?

    But they aren't? I just clicked through the auction items to check and these particular letters aren't among the things Erin sold.

    You can still see all the items here: http://www.julienslive.com/view-auctions/catalog/id/110/lot/47326/AXL-ROSE-AND-ERIN-EVERLY-NOTES

    And like I said, I also remember seeing these before Erin ever sold anything, so I'm pretty sure they are Gina's.

  17. 12 hours ago, RONIN said:

    " I only like you guys, Nirvana, Jane's Addiction and two other bands, and all of you hate me.

    15 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    On the other hand, he was generous and really liked those bands as well as Metallica and FnM. He took a lot of shit and insults by them before reacting in his own impulsive and crude manner. He must have been frustrated and hurt by all this but he couldn't understand why they disliked him so much.

    Despite everything else (and the everything else being mostly Axl's fault), this has always made me feel really bad for him.


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