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Posts posted by GNRfan001

  1. I use iMovie - which is on the Mac so that proabably doesn't help much.

    As for GNR DVD's...some of them are ISO's meaning you burn them straight to DVD and the menu's will appear. If you just got a single media file then you'll have to make your own.

    when i finsish the torrent and everything is done..

    almost 95% of the time the menu is a .vob file or a .ifo file

    and the actuale videos are broken into parts anyw3ere from 3-10 parts

  2. so what program do you guys use to make DVD menus..

    i am in need to know..

    or better quisten when i finish downloading a concert how do i burn the menus it came with?

  3. I'm liking this spoiler thing its pretty fucking sweet!!

    i want the old skin though..or maybe the Chinese democracy skin we had along time ago.............................................................................








    so does anyone know when chinese democracy is being released! : )

  4. Iam the only one laughing right now, knowing what I know. But hey you all said I was liar, thats cool, see who leads the charge when the single hits


    hey i read your posts

    and i thought that you actaully did know something..

    i am waighting for what you were talking about

    there was no intenttion on being rude t'words you

    i just wanted people who dint see your post to have a place to read them!

  5. Just wanna let you know Petar, don't upload too much. InsightBB (I assume that's what you have, biggest high speed in IL, IN, and KY) limited peer-to-peer uploading to 20 GB/month. GAY!

    i am not sure if i have insight BB

    the internet provider i have is sbc but Im not sure if insightbb controls them or not..

    either way that is pretty lame they are only letting people upload 20 gigs..in my opinion it should be unlimited upload right

    even if you only upload a little.

    right now on my pct account(i got it back yay!)

    so far this month i have uploaded 15 GB

  6. hey there everyone. this is basically a BUMP up

    because Cotis is a great trader.

    so umm if cotis i added your link up in my thread \.. if you dont want it there then please say so

    theres a few good words written about you there!

  7. I'm worried too..hate to say it.

    ...i'm unfortunatley drifting into a dreaded "I'm getting bored with my favorite band" stage :( .

    i hate it when i ge to that stage

    i was a week into it then the open letter came out..then i got interested again

    but now its happening agian

    o no save me save me

  8. The most of you live in America is that wright?

    P.S I like American Muscle cars and BMW.

    i used to live in croatia but now i live in america i think must of the people from this forum are from the UK

    but then again what do i know.

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