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Posts posted by GNRfan001

  1. "All of our autographs are GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC, and come with a Certificate of Authenticity."

    And this guy seems to have endless authographs. Wouldn't trust anyone on eBay with authographs. and COA's aren't worth the paper they are printed on. 99% of all eBay authographs are fake!

    yeah.. but still looks very very nice!....i might give him 50$ for it but not almopst 450$

  2. you take a long time...hmm thats interesting.

    i doubt anyone will want to wait 6 months like I've waited? oh wait...you didnt send? ;)

    i dont care if they want to trade or not.. the lsit is there for the taking if they really really want something they can tell me if not so fucking what?

  3. and anyone else who i traded with please post you experiance

    Well, it did take you about 6 weeks to send after you received my dvd. It was 1 dvd. 1. and it was INSIDE the United States!

    I don't approve of your practices gnrfan001. If you're going to charge Europeans for postage, then why can't they charge you. Get over yourself. you're the biggest noob ever. "oh, i want some of those DVDs, but i'm in the USA. if it helps, I used to live in Croatia." HA! Do you know how hard I lauged after that? Man, I could have sworn it was 3 weeks.

    Hey Petar, there's this really cool guy you should trade with, his name is alex22gnr. Here's his website:


    It's time you get screwed over for a change!!!!!

    I am still in the process of trading with Cody (cotis), but he has been very professional, unlike YOU!


    not trading anymore i just tried getting some shows from my favorite band,,

    you asked for welcome to the videos i think a decrypted welcome to the videos..


    added a warning on my list in the memrobilia and traded section

    it reads..


    i take al long time to send DVDS


  4. dude its a public forum i can say what i want and you can say what you want..

    and i really dont care that you posted my name into your bad traders list.. the reoson i reacted that way is in defense of my name and the trades that i do.. if somone went posting shit about you would you just sit their and read it.. or would you go into defense mode to clear your name of what was said?

    i dont want to make anything out of this because internet fights are pretty lame im just trying to clear my name of what was said by you. once more im sorry you never got your dvds. and lets put this behind us almost all traders have had deals were they dint go the way you wanted them to go

    for example

    you had a bad time with me

    GNR_4_ever told us about his bad time with a trader

    and i had i bad time were i got screwed out of 10 dvds from some guy in chile

    the point is shit happens and im very sorry it happend to you.

    aww nice sob story. i dont fucking care what you think. i said what i said, becuase its thr truth. i got fucked out of a deal with you, so I'm going tot ell peolpe about it.

    you can "clear your name" all you want, you will remain a bad trader in my opinion.

    nothign else to it.


    you actually think that YOUR opinion matters to me?

  5. Somebody sent me a teaser for an upcoming issue (Jan. 1) of Thrasher magazine. I'm not sure if this is a joke or what. But here's what the teaser said:

    Guns 'N' Roses album gets Ellington's help.

    1 January 2007


    Copyright 2007 High Speed Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.

    After eight years and millions of wasted dollars, Guns 'N' Roses' unreleased album Chinese Democracy (thought to be the biggest debacle in music history) got a lift when a fed-up Erik Ellington handcuffed himself to Axl Rose and made him finish the entire album in two days.

    I don't know if this is a joke or what. Is Ellington a GNR fan?

    So, I was wondering if anybody is familiar with this magazine, and if so, have they seen this article?


    i used to get that magazine all the time but i stopped getting it last year :(

  6. You need A LOT of work. Use some tutorials.

    Why? Because they don't include some, oh so super, cool effect? The three first ones, the gilby and the red with the bullet logo are all prettier than your signature and that's all that matters..

    thanks for fighting for me :)

    those are my first ones and yeah.. they do need some help

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