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Posts posted by Martina

  1. Same old Axl.... :heart:

    When I logged on and saw that headline, I though oh shit this could be bad for GnR, but then I read that he bit a cop and just started laughing :lol:

    he didnt bit the cop.he bit the guard of hotel.its deffinetly NOT THE SAME THING.I mean,if he bit the cop,I dont thing he would be out of jail right now.

    and whats with all people that were bitching about tommy&axl fight,why didnt he hit back?see,you'we got it now.see what happens.now you are bitching how he is fuckin psyho,and bites people.

  2. ****************************************



    Axl Rose told a journalist on his way out of jail what happened!

    Here's what he had to say:

    " I had to do it. I saw them and I was like.. damn these assholes are the boon brothers!

    They fucked with the best GN'R board last week-end, I had to show these fuckers what

    happen when you fuck with GN'R Fans"

    :laugh: good one

  3. Axl was too drunk too know what the fuck he was doing.

    as slash's apettite said : Assaulting a woman is wrong fullstop. Don't care that they might've been drunk or whatever, no excuse.

    there is nothing cool,or good in this story as some people said.some parts might not be 100% true but he cant control him self,and thats bad. I still cant image how the hell he bited that guy in leg???? thats........like.........weird.... :drevil:

  4. Not exactly, because I'm pretty sure VR's album will still be rooted in "Rock N Roll", and not the Techno/Industrial path that Axl has taken GnR on.

    :lol: can you tell me which new songs have techno beat ?

    :unsure: silkworms?

    they dont play that song anymore...its past...it even wont be on cd...so think about that song like it never existed :D

  5. Not exactly, because I'm pretty sure VR's album will still be rooted in "Rock N Roll", and not the Techno/Industrial path that Axl has taken GnR on.

    :lol: can you tell me which new songs have techno beat ?

  6. Intro

    Welcome To The Jungle

    It's So Easy

    Mr. Brownstone


    Robin Solo

    Live And Let Die

    Knocking On Heaven's Door


    AXl thank you, you're a very generous crowd

    Merck and Beta on Stage

    Dizzy Solo

    The Blues

    You Could Be Mine

    Out Ta Get Me

    Ron Thal Solo

    November Rain

    My Michelle (w Sebastian Bach)

    Band Introduction

    Robin Solo

    Sweet Child O' Mine

    richard solo (beautiful)





    robin intro

    Paradise City

    thats one fuckin nice setlist rock3

  7. Not that I'm complaining but the sound problems at Rio took all the fun and made it aggravating for me. I wanted to kill my computer at 'The Blues'

    yeah I know,sound was really shit,but I'm not making big deal out of it....what happend,happend....shit happens....

  8. lots of others did get to see rir streamed live...but it was streamed,weather you saw it or not...and what if audio was shit?we could easily get nothing...than we would complain...and when we get something...we still complain....

  9. geez you are talking like the show was cancelled....there wasnt live stream ...so what???we had rock in rio....having both was just too good to be true...and we will se video of this concert sooner or later...

    i read band came on stage on fuckin time!!like,wow!!

    we cant have every show streamed live....we didnt have luck this time,hope it will be better next time (I have no idea when it will be)

    but yeah....life goes on

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