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Posts posted by Mr_Sparkle

  1. Once again I must pull out my pocket knife and carve holes in your theory... You see, back in the day, when it was called "The America's"  You could possibly call everyone Americans... But when everyone started splitting off into different countries, they took on Proper names such as 'Canada' and 'United States of America' .... At this point, it no longer became proper for everyone to be generalized as 'Americans' as that name was now given to the citizens of the United States of America... therefore making the rest of the people on the continent 'North Americans'  We refer to the Indians here as 'Native Americans'  in Canada the simply call them 'Natives'... (note american is not included) ...  So, once again you are wrong... Thanks for the rating, i would rate you but society has already done that... Your IQ is below 70 so here is your rating:

    gnrlies rating - Mental Retardation  

  2. lol.

    Well at least it's a GNR argument, and it took people's attention off the old topic.  ;)

    You know, I think Da is smarter than most people give him credit -- at least in this case.  

    So, when do you get to see the New GnR?  I get to see them Dec 22nd in phoenix... getting giddy already  ;D

  3. Let's not start this citizenship and country bashing Sh*t again we already had that in another thread , let's not get to far off the topic  ::)

     Peace GnR Nation  8)

    what are you talking about this topic has been goign for 6 pages lol

  4. Ok, so more uneducated people are having a say in this i see...  What you dont' seem to understand is, North America, Central America, And South America are all Proper Names... 'North'  is PART of the name... We are NOT the same as all of those other countries because Europe is not broken into parts like 'North Europe' 'South Europe'  'Up you butt Europe'  nor is Asia broken into 'North Asia'  'South Asia'  it IS NOT IN THEIR PROPER NAME.  

    So, according to your crap logic we should be called "United States of Americans'  instead of 'Americans' for our proper name?  Go screw yourself you are the most insulting person I have ever met GnR lies...  Mr. gnrlies.... The continent is North America...  'United States of Americans' or whatever commie name you want to call us are 'North Americans'  Canadians are 'North American'  But the only people who are offically 'Americans' are people born in the United States of America!!!  Or people who have become citizens.. You still have not backed up your thoughts with any facts... all you can say is  'I'm right your wrong cause it says america in the name North America so you are all americans'  Man, your argument is WEAK.  Like I have said a million times, the term American is related to Citizenship.  When you become a citizen of the US you become an American Citizen.. Not a Canadian Citizen... This also comes with being  a North American... If you can't understand this, and do not see this, please don't EVER come to America or North America or anyting that says AMERICA because you are disrespecting this counrty and the Entire Continient.  It's one thing to have an opinion, but YOU ARE WRONG and you are disrespecting my country and many other countries... How would you like it if I said, hey I'm going to New Zeland and then fly to Syndney... it's the same thing here... You have no clue, you probably have never been 100 miles from your home town and you probably live int he Outback and get tought your Geography by kangaroo's... that's the ONLY way I can explain how rediculous your theory is.  

    Thanks and have a nice day!   ;D

  5. But you see thats just unprofessionalism

    Which is the fault of axl, not some manager of some venue who has certain rules and proceedures to follow.

    It's called rock and roll, not meeting to go over the fiscal year projections and profits.... *sigh*  gnrlies, you just don't understand rock n roll  

  6. has he ever??  When i saw them with Metallica he showed up at 1am via helicopter... people don't change man... so you either deal with it or don't go see him  *shrugs*  

  7. I suppose Axl should arive a week before every show.. and do a DNA test 72 hours before the show... and have a full body cavity search 3 hours before the show to make sure he is there..   ::)

  8. Yeah, I have been to tons of concerts... And those 3 are the only 3 i have had issues with..  Ahhh, even though there are risks.. you would still enjoy sitting by me  ;D

    best concerts i have ever been to:

    1. Guns N Roses

    2. Pearl Jam

    3. Adam Sandler

    oh, and i have the audioslave CD and it's really, really good   ;D

  9. lol, well.. at least axl throws his whistle and mic out at every show.. I am sure the rest of the band will throw out some good stuff too.  buckethead is just different that's for sure lol...  I have never gotten anything in concert.. the following things have happend :

    1. Front row at a Fiona Apple show up against the stage... Fiona Leans over me, and the drops the mic on my head and apologized for what seemed about 5 minutes... lol, then she came out after the show to apologize once again.. was pretty funny.

    2.  Bass player for Sound Garden when they opend up for Gun's N Roses a while back kept spitting beer on us the whole time they played.. Needless to say i was getting pissed and finally started throwing whatever I could find at him... Security gurads didn't do crap, as they were pissed from the soakings as well.  Nothing grosser then spittle from a bass player...

    3. Mike Patton spitting chewing tobacco all over us when Faith No More opend up for GnR... I mean, just because someone threw the can at him didn't mean he had to start chewing it and spit on us.  LoL... he is a great talent though... but I was pissed as well after that show.. good thing Guns N Roses came on and made me forget... I was about to start thorwing crap at Mike too... But he stopped... lol

    So, i am not too fond of getting anything thrown and or spat at me during the shows... lol   ;D

  10. If you were being sent to a deserted island for an extended period of time, and could only take one GnR disk with you... What would it be?  Mine would be AFD... Would you take an offical? Or a bootleg?  Make your own CDR with a mixture of songs?... Remember, can only be 1 disk... ;D

  11. You just might be the stupidest person on the internet.  WE didn't adopt anything... our name is america... You keep saying technical... you are so wrong you shouldn't even be allowed on the internet to spred your commie views.. lmao  Slang would be american, Technically sound would be North American.. You are wrong, wrong wrong... and everyone here knows it.  Everyone here has proved you wrong over and over again.   ;D

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