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Posts posted by carsonskitz

  1. just got home, drove up to camden with a few friends. Walked to the dingwalls and spoke to a doorman who said that the show was canceled, anyways went to the worlds end for a few then decided to head back to the dingwalls for a double check. I spoke to the freshen up man in the toilet who said that guns would indeed be playing at 2 am, but what the hell does a freshen up man know. So i asked a barlady and she also said it was canceled. Had a mooch about and found the actual venue room which was open but werent allowed in by the public, it was just full of chairs and the stage hadnt been set up so thats when i pretty much accepted it werent happening, 2 guys (they worked there, definately not bar staff, maybe management but who knows) then came in and told us to get out, so i asked him what was going on and his reply was that ah "axl rose is a prick" so i replied "well he aint is he mate" but he was adament on his statement. When i phoned earlier a guy said that them canceling had cost the venue 12 grand. So i asked the guy who called axl a prick why it cost them 12 grand, and he said that they had booked a comedy night for tonight, and when they heard guns n roses would be playing they immediately canceled..probably guessing that if gnr did play they would well earn there 12 grand back...but when they canceled, they obviously lost out.

    But fair enough if hes got a soar throat, especially with the 2 gigs coming up. Would have been a fucking great gig though. So there you go thats what i found out.

  2. Might be nothing, but I went on their site and checked "Listings"


    Date Time Artists Price Tickets

    Sat 16 Oct 19:30 Private Function

    Ya never know. Could be "cancelled" today and moved to tomorrow?

    just checked htgth and jarmo has said theyre traveling up to birmingham tomorrow...i dont know wether to drive up to camden or not, it would take about an hour..not too far

  3. the venue might be saying it's cancelled to keep the great unwashed away, as it'll be an industry only event, unless you have an "in" or you're a hot chick

    Fuck it, I'll head along. It's only roun the corner from me. :)

    i spoke to jarmo and he said that it aint happening but maybe he's just saying that. On fbook his status just said he was in camden, could mean anything...im gonna head up. what time people going

  4. Man did anyone else have the dubious pleasure of standing near a deranged eastern european guy who was about 10 rows back?

    He was short but stocky as hell, not sure if he was mentally deficient, on serious class A's or both.

    He was dancing like a moron and singing unbelievebly badly so loudly that even at 10 rows back I could hear him more than the band.

    + he kept screwing up the lyrics don't cry became don't try and even Guns n Roses were is his head: Guns not Roses.

    I'm sure I wasn't the only one to see him the crowd around him were giving him a wide berth.

    Still a relatively small annoyance on what was otherwise a dabulous night.

    ha, i had this odd guy by me on the 13th, and i swear down that when there was a band jam he started singing a coldplay song

  5. Right I will start from the beginning. I got to the O2 at about half 1 thinking there would already be a fairly big queue, there were about 15 :lol: Or as we (the guys I started talking to) looked at it, we were the 15 biggest fans of Guns N' Roses in England. I met an Australian bloke who was seeing them the next day and at the other two dates and a Brazilian fella who had the exact same tattoos as Axl minus the Appetite one, wierded me out a little to be honest but each to their own. I was the guy with brown hair, wearing the Chinese Democracy t-shirt with the red star, dark grey jeans and Reading Festival bands on my right arm in case anyone on here was curious.

    Got into the venue and was right on the barrier in front of Fortus and Bumble. Sebastian Bach were meant to go on at 7 but they didn't hit the stage till half an hour later which is still early. It seemed to take 2 or 3 songs for everyone to warm into them, for some reason it picked up a fair bit after he introduced Nick Sterling and said he had just turned 20. They put on a really energetic show and were very tight, main problem was that you could hardly hear Sebastian at times and when you did it didn't come out very clean which was a shame as he was clearly giving it his all but that problem got resolved as the set progressed. The guy really does work the crowd though, swinging the mic, he almost killed Nick at one point :lol: stopping the song to get us all fired up and his general interaction was brilliant. They went on for a solid hour, some guy kept coming out telling them to keep going. We also got to hear a new song, it was slow one and it sounded really good, slightly more radio friendly from what I could tell but I'm no huge expert on his music.

    Also, I had no idea George Chin was Asian, I always just assumed he was your typical American bloke for some reason. Bach tried to get him to take a bow with them but he seemed too shy.

    It didn’t seem to take too long for them to set up the stage for Guns. I also caught a glimpse of the set list and TWAT was on there but it seemed to be after DJ’s solo so I’m not sure how legit that was, I only caught a 2 second look so maybe I read it wrong. One of the camera guys came out saying it would be about 10 minutes. 20 minutes later they hit the stage, I couldn’t quite believe how early they were, I was settling in for a long wait. It was incredibly cool of them as it no doubt helped out a lot of people as It did me and my brother and also my parents who decided to come pick me and him up which was awesome of them. Thank you Guns for coming on when you did, it was highly appreciated!

    Anyway, they came on and I went fucking mental! The band as a whole was on fucking fire, I have never seen a band throwing so much of themselves into the music while executing it with such precision. They all seem to work off of each other which is great to see and you can hear it in the music, anyone who tries to argue that they aren’t a band have either never seen this band or are just choosing to be an arse just to press people’s buttons. They are a team all there for one another and for the crowd.

    My voice was pretty much gone by the time Sorry kicked in but I soldiered on. In some way it really makes you respect how much singers have to go through not to blow their voice out each night. I think it was during Sorry that Beta appeared in front of me and the guy with the Axl tattoos started talking to her. I was hoping to say hello and thank her for all she has done but she seemed busy and I didn’t want to bother her. I think it was also in Sorry that I had a little moment with Ron, he was on the mic and we caught each other’s eye and I made a fake ‘stroking my beard’ hand movement and he returned the favour, but of course he had a real beard to do it with.

    There was no low point for me. Vocally Axl was superb, musically the band was intense. Some big highlights were This I Love, Shackler’s Revenge, Knocking on Heavens Door, Street of Dreams, Sorry, Better, IRS, Madagascar, fuck it, at this rate I’m just going to end up listing every song, the whole set was incredible, all 170 minutes of it!

    I’ll just list some highlights as I doubt you want to hear me whittle on for much longer.

    I got a pic off Ron after one of the songs during which I jokingly bowed to him. The guy really worked his way into my heart last night :xmasssanta: Top class bloke.

    I never realised how powerful Fortus was while on stage, the guy hammers the guitar like he’s trying to destroy it. The guy likes to sing along to the big belting moments as well, he also shouted at the guys at the middle of the stage to “Wake the fuck up!” He sported some Union Jack patches on his clothes which was a really nice touch. Anyway, the guy’s stage presence is exceptional.

    DJ worked the crowd in his usual brilliant way. During Nightrain he went over to the section reserved for disabled people and hugged some of them which was incredibly cool of him. He gave me a respect fist pump ^_^

    After November Rain they started that stop/start outro they do but Frank (who was flawless to my ears) deliberately waited for ages to throw them all off so Axl joking said “Fuck you” and got up from the piano.

    As already said, Axl put on the bucket and the people who got it all cheered. That Bucket travelled a fair old way, it started right on the left hand side of the arena.

    Axl pretended to be actually flying during Nightrain.

    Ron collapsed after Rosie and Axl got him back up.

    They played a really beautiful instrumental of Madagascar before they kicked into the song.

    During Don’t Cry Axl didn’t have a hat or bandana on and at times he really looked like he was 20 which was kind of trippy. The acoustic version of Don’t Cry comes across much better than any youtube video I have seen of the old band playing it in full.

    Axl sang the “Gas Chamber” part of Paradise City for the second verse but the band handled it perfectly.

    From what I could see loads of people were still there at the end of show and I think Axl mentioned it in his “Thank you” part at the end but I couldn’t hear him all too clearly as loads of people were clapping/screaming around me.

    The sound was spot on. You could actually hear what each of the guys were playing and Axl was at the exact right level to compliment it throughout which with that many instruments is a huge achievement. The reputation the O2 has for being one of the best is well deserved from what I experienced. My only complaint was that Dizzy’s piano during his solo was a little too quiet.

    Anyway, thank you to the O2 and thank you Guns N’ Roses for giving me one of the greatest nights of my life! It was emotional, skill wise it was spot on and overall it was an absolute monster of a show. On my death bed I’m pretty sure that night will float into my memory!

    couldnt agree more, it was fucking incredible.

    Getting ready for tonights show, got my bottle of jd for the car journey(im not driving)..also, whats this about a t shirt of the whole band? cartoon stlye?

  6. Hopefully there will be some cool people either side of me who wont mind my brother joining me later on. It's so wierd knowing by this time tomorrow I will be seeing them.

    So fucking excited!

    What time are people planning to queue? I'm getting a train from Canterbury at about midday so should be at the o2 by 2.

    Fingers crossed they play Shacklers like they have done past few dates, my brother's face will be priceless.

    hey man, didnt know you was from canterbury..thats where im working currently...anyways, im planning on getting up there around that time. Is there any meet ups going on?

  7. is anyone driving there? parking is such a bitch at the 02. 20 quid i think

    Better than trying to get taxis and stuff I wouldn't mind paying that for parking to be honest.

    yeh true, theres a cheaper option, the tube next to the 02 has a carpark its like 3 quid to park, but they shut at midnight. So its a bit risky especially with gn'r stage times

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