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Posts posted by luciusfunk

  1. I would have preferred Becky to win MITB, but the Ellsworth finish was great. I loved it. I love it, Maggle!


    The men's MITB match was pretty good, but with a shitty finish. I would have preferred anyone but Corbin to win. Well maybe not Zayn. I don't get what people see in Sami. I thought for sure since Nakamura was attacked at the beginning he'd come back out and win it.


    Loving Breezango's skits. Don't give two shits about Maria and Mike Kanellis, but I never watched him in TNA/ROH.


    Tag team title match was one of the better matches. New Day always delivers.


    Didn't expect much with Lana.


    Predictable finish to Orton/Juicer Mahal.

  2. 6 minutes ago, AtariLegend said:

    Jinder could always hold it to Mania too and we could have another title reign equal to or worse than JBL's ridiculous title reign in 2004. JBL held the title for almost a year and his highest rated observer title defense on PPV was 2 stars...

    It was so bad, I literally went from a fan who had been watching every PPV since I became a fan to skipping them.


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  3. 1 minute ago, AtariLegend said:

    Might not want that, WWE india tour is in September.

    That might mean A.J. or Nakamura (yikes, why's he in a multi-man ladder match on 2nd PPV?) putting over Jinder at SummerSlam.

    He could always hold off on cashing in.

  4. Glad I didn't bet on that match. I thought there was no way they were putting the belt on Jinder. Unfortunately he'll be champion until the next Smackdown PPV because they don't do championship matches on TV anymore. 


    Maybe vacant will come out of nowhere with a title reign because of the Bollywood Boys interfering. 

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