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Posts posted by Mr_Oujamaflip

  1. Looks cool except for the SHITTY dialog wheel.

    Back in Fallout 2 you had up to ten possible dialog options, you could make very significant choices, solve situations through dialog, persuade people etc...

    Now you have 4 shitty dialog options which are not even written lines you can pick up.

    Can't understand why it is so hard to create a proper dialog system with arguments / counter-arguments, and a dialog tree with some options only available if your stats are high enough.

    Guess reading probably takes too much effort and kids with a low attention span can't handle it...

    Well considering it's a wheel there could easily be other options added to the wheel and the stat options were in 3 and NV so I don't see why they'd remove them. Just might not have been shown.

  2. I think backwards compatibility is a huge deal. I have yet to upgrade due to the fact that I have so many games sitting on my XBOX 360 hard drive that have yet to be played. I would imagine that many others find themselves in a similar position. If most of the games we own can be played on a newly purchased Xbox One, that's going to motivate a lot of people to upgrade.

    I agree here, if it had it at launch I wouldn't have looked twice at the PS4. I think it could be a problem though cos a lot of people I know who upgraded traded in all their old stuff to bring the costs down so it may not draw people who switched back (like me).

  3. From what I've been reading it isn't optimization they've just lowered the quality. The developers didn't have the manpower to produce multiple versions so they've dropped the PC specs to be in line with the consoles. Wouldn't be the first time it's happened.




    I do hope this isn't the case and the PC version gets the love it deserves. I'm not particularly interested in the game, I didn't like 1 or 2 but if a very PC focused developer like Projekt Red does this what hope do other AAA titles have?

  4. House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House

    Cuddy gets hotter and hotter and hotter

    Eh, sometimes I think she looks great, sometimes not. Cameron is where it's at, even though that's the obvious choice.

    once you get to the Olivia Wilde seasons, you'll never look at Cameron again

    I've never been a big fan of hers tbh. And I'm not looking forward to the team change up, I like this team; though I know they all come back to some degree in later seasons. From what I've heard, the show starts going downhill after S3.

    the team after this is good and it includes most of the first team in different forms and capacities....the season to get to the new team sucks as it's a play on reality shows

    the show drags, like all shows do when they've been on for awhile, but it picks up a bit when House really goes into decline with his painkiller addiction

    I never finished the final season but the girl in that was hot too. It's just rolling in hot girls.

    That and Chuck. Just hot women everywhere.

  5. Yeah, The Talking Dead show said only two more shows until next season.

    I feel like this season was so short.

    I hope they get Beth and Carol and head back to the church. I also hope that Abraham and Glenn and Maggie and the rest find their way back. They are all stronger together and who knows what crazies they will encounter next season?

    Nah mid season finale. I reckon they'll meet up to save Beth and Carol from the hospital for the mid season finale then head on out to DC.

  6. I loved wind waker HD. Recommend it to anyone. One of the benefits of the Wii u is backwards compatibility. I'm half way-ish into Twilight Princess which was my favourite Gamecube game and I have Skyward sword which I have still never tried..is it as bad as some say?

    It doesn't go that far back though, my Wii U doesn't read gamecube disks and has no memory card slot.

  7. It kills me to know that Apple fans think they're doing the right thing.

    I'm doing the right thing to have an iPhone, feel free to tell me why I'm doing the wrong thing.

    Last time I checked I had my complete iTunes library on my phone, it's in sync with my MacBook so my calendars, photos and spreadsheets are all linked perfectly.

    I listen to music, browse the web, make calls, text and email on it in that order.

    I don't need apps or open source operating system. That's for geeks and developers. I swear half the people that complain about iOS lockdown only say it to defend their horrifically shit phone running Android from 4 years ago.

    iTunes was dreadful last time I checked. Does having low quality music files not bother you? It would me.

    I only ever notice a quality difference when I use shit headphones, when I use my decent Sony headphones I don't have any complaints.

    On a headphone related point, why are Apple in ear headphones so expensive when they're absolutely crap sound quality?

    Well that same system can be applied to any Apple device.

    If you didn't have iTunes you would be able to do all you've just said on any other device for a lot cheaper.

    You can even do it with some Android phones already although it's a little fiddly.

  8. Latest iPhones are same kinda thing as ever, although all the newest phones have been pretty stale this year, nothing really good like the HTC One or LG G2 was last year.

    As for losing market share it's also because Samsung offer different phones for different people, all kinds of sizes and prices so more people will go to it especially since at the moment it's Apple's phones that seem to be lacking in anything interesting. When I worked at Vodafone a few months ago we saw more and more people moving from iPhones because they were bored.

  9. I started messing around with the Total War series the other day.

    Rome II and Shogun II are really fun if you can get into strategy games. Definitely takes some thinking.

    Rome 2 is the worst Total War to date, by some distance.

    Loving the appreciation for Zelda, Paper Mario 1+2 and KOTOR.

    Some epic games there.

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