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Posts posted by Mr_Oujamaflip

  1. I thought Tree of Life was crap.

    Saw it in the cinema on a whim and nothing happened. There was so little progression of anything it felt like a bunch of random semi-related scenes stuck together with some creation stuff in the middle. Just felt so... scattered.

  2. Okay, but now you're just generalizing.

    And thats basically what the whole things about, you see a bunch of people that dress a certain way or read certain books and you get 101 pre-concieved ideas about em without actually knowing shit except what they picked out of their wardrobe that morning and the last fuckin' thing they got out the library.

    There wouldn't be a term for this kind of thing unless it was a generalised view on what they are. NormalGuns, also like how you've assumed I have some issue with these people and I'm using this thread as an insult to them when I'm not, I'm simply stating why people do have problems with them.

    Fact of the matter is, any such term, chav, hipster, hardcore gamer, whatever, applies to a generalised view of how certain people are, or percieved to be.

    As for knowing people who are like that, I've met many people who have shifting opinions on things as soon as they gain popularity, may not necessary be a conscious decision but it happens and part of that is what the whole hipster thing is.

  3. No, a hipster isn't about what they like, it's about what they DON'T like.

    They always dislike things that are popular whether they're good or not, or some indie underground thing is better than whatever everyone else likes. I don't have a problem with opinions but don't intentionally not like things just because everyone else likes them, it's stupid.

    Hardcore gamers are also hipsters. People who hate on CoD for the sake of hating on Cod, mostly PC gamers unfortunately (which I am) and hating on console gamers. Like people who say Obilivion was better than Skyrim because it was more complicated. That does not necessarily mean better.

    They're all different brands of hipsters.

    Honestly most of the games you listed are mediocre anyways. Has nothing to do with 'em being popular or not. (And Oblivion is much better than Skyrim) :shrugs:

    And no, they don't 'always' dislike popular things. They probably just dislike the things that you like, which makes you sound bitter.

    Indie music is what's popular nowadays anyways, and I can tell you with certainty that hipsters don't dislike indie music.

    Hell no, Oblivion sucked. Also the games were just examples.

    And to be fair, as for not liking things I like, why would that make me bitter? I like them so good for me. My issue is they dislike things for the sake of disliking them, often not actually giving things a chance which is never the right way to go.


    Hipters try hard to be different, to look sophisticated, like they don't follow media trends, like they're superior in some way. Let's say they like an Indie band. The band becomes popular? They suck now. They used to be better when they were unknown, hence the phrase "I _____ before it was cool". I fucking hate it.

    This is what I'm getting at.

  4. No, a hipster isn't about what they like, it's about what they DON'T like.

    They always dislike things that are popular whether they're good or not, or some indie underground thing is better than whatever everyone else likes. I don't have a problem with opinions but don't intentionally not like things just because everyone else likes them, it's stupid.

    Hardcore gamers are also hipsters. People who hate on CoD for the sake of hating on Cod, mostly PC gamers unfortunately (which I am) and hating on console gamers. Like people who say Obilivion was better than Skyrim because it was more complicated. That does not necessarily mean better.

    They're all different brands of hipsters.

  5. Day Z will become a standalone game

    I've been looking for a reason to upgrade my hardware. Everything I've seen about the mod looks brilliant. Fascinating style of game play (even if the average life span is 45 minutes), and is probably the most impressive zombie/post-apocalyptic games out there.

    Other than the massive hacker problems the game is very fun.

    I hope they make it into an MMO-ish environment with a few safezones but otherwise do what you wish.

    Add in a good economy system and we've got ourselves the best game ever.

  6. I really enjoyed the 2/3 of it but the final part was a bit meh.

    Most notably the large crowd of cops running at dudes with machineguns despite the cops also having guns. Sorry, but that's fucking stupid. Also wasn't a big fan of Batman's survival, I'd have preferred it if he just KO'd Bane and was like, yep, game, I'm out rather than faking his own death.

    Otherwise, good movie.

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