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Posts posted by Mr_Oujamaflip

  1. That is a point but then al the pixel would be upscaled and from the detail in the writing and opposing Pokémon it is clear this hasn't happened.

    Compare that picture to this and it is clear to see that your Pokémon is far more pixellated than it should be.


    That is pretty bad. It'll prolly get updated soon enough, I suspect they're going for the mechanics first then upping the graphics.

    Plus, that battle there will be epic.

  2. Saw some new screens from Pokémon Black and White, in particular battle screens and to be honest I think the graphics are a joke, the are still really similar to HG/SS/D/P graphics but your Pokémon in your team looks stupidly pixillated when compared to the other games.


    Its a poor quality picture but you can still see your team is very pixillated when compared to the HG/SS/D/P generation.

    Have you considered the screen was on the DSXL or whatever it's called. It has a larger screen but the same resolution so games are more pixelated.

  3. I feel that you should all know that Gengar is the greatest pokemon ever. My level 42 Gengar defeated all three of Lance's Dragonites in the Pokemon League by himself without being healed or revived. I just think you should all know.

    I had a level 55 Pikachu that once beat 3 level 100's without healing. Sure they were all waters but who cares.

    On that note, just bought Pokemon HeatGold off Amazon.

  4. Don't get the love for Tom Morello, his retarded effects have ruined just as many songs as they've improved. He always over-does it. Look at Original Fire by Audioslave, the song's fine until his solo. Just awful.

    Johnny Greenwood has to be one of the more original guitarists of recent times, uses the effects well in addition to other instruments, like his radio in Climbing Up The Walls. Get some great ambient sound which makes the songs seem so full as well as those powerful, driven chord sequences. Great stuff.

  5. There are two screws which are attached to a metal plate which have screws which attach to the tremolo block. Try lossening them, this will cause the back of the bridge to raise up allowing you to both push and pull the whammy bar, however it prevents you from going very far either way, it can also make your strings lose tension even more than usual. You could also try very slightly loosening the screws that attach the bridge to the body, however this also weakens the the strength on the bridge so if you overdo it you could snap the screws or even rip the front of the wood off.

    Otherwise, get an ibanez or a raised tremolo system.

  6. Episode 3 ends the current arc with Gordon Freeman IIRC, Valve has stated that HL3 will be what HL2 is to HL1, a full sequal not a story continuation.

    Also, as for Portal 2, notice on the Steam page where it is announced certain letters are underlined? Check out the "Dinosaur puzzle" thing. Portal 1 on the PC got an update which added radios to the game which could be found, an achievement with them. The ending was also lengthened.

    The radios were decoded (I read some stuff, it's insane) and people found blurred images through decoded sound files as well as a Telnet modem number. It's an awesome way to advertise a game. Theres a 700+ page thread on the Steampowered forums as well as 100+ threads on places like Somethingawful. http://kotaku.com/5484157/valves-portal-puzzle-so-far-the-files-recovered-from-aperture-science this link has a shortened version of what was found.

    It's also been suspected that Cave Johnson will be the antagonist, hes a dead billionaire who started Aperture Science and had his brain imprinted into a machine, peeps reckon GlaDOS' personality is based on him. Saying stuff like "If you like it so much why don't you marry it".

    Very interesting stuff.


    Oh and there are suspicions that since Portal 2 has now been announced, some dude from Valve is giving some info on Episode 3 at an awards ceremony on the 11th of March, this was deciphered from one of the pictures (I think it was of a DOS screen or some shit).

  7. he was a poser looking for relevancy when he recorded a shit r&b parody with timbaland.

    singing awesome songs with the band that helped create them is gonna make a lot of people happy. especially for all the soundgarden fans who didn't get to see 'em back in the day. i saw chris open for linkin park and it was cool and all, but a true soundgarden show with Thayil, Cameron and Shepherd would be so much more legit and coolness.

    agreed, I was starting to really dislike Chris Cornell. His first solo album wasn't bad but the second just... wasn't something I ever thought he had in him, and to see him actually go all the way and release an album like that really put me off.

    I'm glad I have a chance to see Soundgarden live though, for a long time I never thought that would happen and thats why this is great news

    Dude, his first solo album was amazing, the 2nd not so, the 3rd meh.

    and now I'm aware of Euphoria Morning

    that one any good? haha

    Takes a few listens to, not a happy album either but the songwriting is very good, possibly his best album vocally, maybe beaten by Temple of the Dog. It's very different, lots of acoustics, different instruments and styles. Love it.

  8. he was a poser looking for relevancy when he recorded a shit r&b parody with timbaland.

    singing awesome songs with the band that helped create them is gonna make a lot of people happy. especially for all the soundgarden fans who didn't get to see 'em back in the day. i saw chris open for linkin park and it was cool and all, but a true soundgarden show with Thayil, Cameron and Shepherd would be so much more legit and coolness.

    agreed, I was starting to really dislike Chris Cornell. His first solo album wasn't bad but the second just... wasn't something I ever thought he had in him, and to see him actually go all the way and release an album like that really put me off.

    I'm glad I have a chance to see Soundgarden live though, for a long time I never thought that would happen and thats why this is great news

    Dude, his first solo album was amazing, the 2nd not so, the 3rd meh.

  9. Maybe I'm just spoiled because I played the Jedi Knight series. TFU was just button mash, button mash, then a bad quicktime boss fight. Also the story made no sense, secret apprentice that created the rebellion and dies at the end but is actually still alive for the sequel. Wat.

    No the ending does make sense depending on whether you played it as good or evil.

    The ending he survives is the CANON one.

    Bit like KOTOR. Darth Revan from the first one was a woman and the evil ending was the canon one.

    Funny you should mention that, initially it was still meant to be ambiguous either way, but LucasArts cut the schedual for KOTOR2 and thus a significant amount of storyline got the chop and thus a slight overlook set it all up. Seriously though, they DID fuck KOTOR2 in the bum. Hard.

    Yeah KOTOR2 got screwed hard. It isnt a bar game but compared to the first one its downright shoddy. So many glitches and alike. Huge story gaps aswell.

    Then they cancelled KOTOR3 which was in development.

    KOTOR I was one of the best games I ever played, you know it's good when you go back to it and play it all the way through again just to see the other ending.

    Still holding out on Battlefront III, it WILL get made, the question is, when and by who?

    That'll be made by whoever, the other games weren't exactly the deepest of games. Wait for the next Battlefield engine and whack some Star Wars skins on and that's what it'll be cos thats what the other 2 were.

  10. Maybe I'm just spoiled because I played the Jedi Knight series. TFU was just button mash, button mash, then a bad quicktime boss fight. Also the story made no sense, secret apprentice that created the rebellion and dies at the end but is actually still alive for the sequel. Wat.

    No the ending does make sense depending on whether you played it as good or evil.

    The ending he survives is the CANON one.

    Bit like KOTOR. Darth Revan from the first one was a woman and the evil ending was the canon one.

    Funny you should mention that, initially it was still meant to be ambiguous either way, but LucasArts cut the schedual for KOTOR2 and thus a significant amount of storyline got the chop and thus a slight overlook set it all up. Seriously though, they DID fuck KOTOR2 in the bum. Hard.

  11. Maybe I'm just spoiled because I played the Jedi Knight series. TFU was just button mash, button mash, then a bad quicktime boss fight. Also the story made no sense, secret apprentice that created the rebellion and dies at the end but is actually still alive for the sequel. Wat.

  12. ^^ yeah that mission kicks ass! special ops are my favourite part of them game. i'd rather they make more as DLC than new maps. also i found out what to do in the museum level, there's a button on the desk which says "do not push". so push it and you get a big surprise(i won't ruin it!!)

    i really can't get into the online, there's just too much going on and they changed ALOT for the worse IMO. also i'm experiencing some minor lag issues, plenty of times(even with a full green bar of signal) if a guy shoots at me and i duck behind a wall in time. i still die, then i watch the kill cam and it shows the other guy is shooting right at me and i don't jump behind a wall?

    Playing 360 or PS3, I have it for 360 and have only had minor lag in one game but my brother on the PS3 has had a fair bit of lag. Probably due to the problems they had with the PS3 servers.

    ps3 version. its not lagging for anything else but that though

    Yeah its a general problem with the PS3 MW2 servers, they were down for a day and were back up but there are still some teething problems with it. Sorry mate.

    PC version lags a bit. Also got problems with host migration, picking hosts, cancelling games midway through, stopping parties for no reason, merging parties also can cause crashes.

  13. Ah, I see. I guess it was just the "obnoxious" way you posted it that made me think you were being sarcastic.

    Lol, take it as "frustration" more than anything else. I was really looking forward to that game and it's just disappointing to see another promising title turn out to just be another console port. Only shooter I'm really looking forward to for PC now is Bad Company 2....

    I agree tbh, also other things like lack of admin controls and lean, I mean, why get rid of lean? That's just weird.

    next thing you know they will take out keyboard and mouse support

    Wouldn't surprise me. I remember reading an interview where they actually specified that it would have "added keyboard and mouse support". Seriously...

  14. Ah, I see. I guess it was just the "obnoxious" way you posted it that made me think you were being sarcastic.

    Lol, take it as "frustration" more than anything else. I was really looking forward to that game and it's just disappointing to see another promising title turn out to just be another console port. Only shooter I'm really looking forward to for PC now is Bad Company 2....

    I agree tbh, also other things like lack of admin controls and lean, I mean, why get rid of lean? That's just weird.

  15. I think the price is a bit higher everywhere. They reckon it will break the $500 million first week mark but that isnt surprising with the price rise!

    i think thats an insult to the fans! i know it will have alot of replay value. but so do alot of other reasonably priced games! Halo3(even though i didn't like it) was similar and sold at a normal price as was MGS4(which was about twice the length of single player most games have and came with an extra game MGO and free DLC)

    i'll still buy it, but fuck them

    also i don't think i'll enjoy the online as much as COD4 just because they've added in too many perks which makes it too easy

    Damn right it is an insult.

    If it was any other game I would refuse to buy it for sure. I just hope this doesnt become a regular thing with games!

    Yeah, it's even more expensive for PCs and they've taken all the stuff that makes PC games better out pretty much. No dedicated servers

    No mods

    No lean

    No free DLCs

    100+ pings

    9v9 max limit

    What's the point in it even being released for PC?

  16. Anyone know how Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is?

    Looks too realistic. I hate when developers brush gameplay aside and only care for realism.

    The first one was classed as a military sim, so yes, it's going to be realistic

  17. The team that makes Half Life 2 Episode 3 also made L4D, TF2 and Portal afaik.

    Right now they're working on the extra bits for TF2, LFD2 and Portal 2 as well as Episode 3.

    Also, Episode 1-3 are not Half Life 3, they just bridge the gap.

    Apparently Portal and Portal 2 are directly related to Episode 3 as well, the Boreleas(Spl?) was owned by the same company that made Glados and the portal gun so it's plausible.

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