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Status Updates posted by November_rain

  1. "Always" and "Never" mean the end of crativity and freedom.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. November_rain
    3. Gia


      One of the worst posters on this forum

      1 star

    4. November_rain


      My my, I feel so hurt...

  2. And you still think you´re cooler by mocking some people...

  3. Así me gusta!!! Ya era hora de que empezaran a aparecer los españoles por aquí, que he estado muy solita!!

  4. Chuloputas? hahahahahah, what an " original " nick name.

  5. Culture and education will make you free.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      Nazi's limited and restricted culture and education though didn't they, it was key to what they were attempting to achieve, ergo NVs comment stands.

    3. kogun


      it stands, but sometimes it doesn't work (my point about germany stands too : one of the most educated nation allowed the nazi regime). i mean, in our modern society, sometimes "culture" isn't really culture, and "education" isn't really education. it's often manipulation.

    4. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      Yeah, i could definitely agree with that, culture isn't a construct necessarily but the way it is presented to us is often skewed and slanted, yeah you have a point there

  6. Disappointed...VERY disappointed..

  7. Don´t let this loser to get you down. You are way cooler than him!!!

  8. Dude your username is pretty funny. It made me laugh!!

  9. Fernando, don´t let all the miserable bastards to let you down. Don´t waste your time with them.

  10. Fried cats? ##f*@*"$!!!

  11. Fried cats? ##f*@*"$!!!

  12. Having family involved in business never has a happy ending.

  13. Hello hello, how is it going man?

  14. Hi Charlie, I LOVE it, the more I listen the more I like it. How are ya doin´?

  15. Hi Charlie!! How are you man? Just a few words to wish you a happy christmas!!!


  16. Hiya Leigh!! I´m back! Hope you are doing ok.

  17. Hiya Leigh!! I´m back! Hope you are doing ok.

  18. Hola, soy yo, solo me pasaba por joder lol

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