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Status Updates posted by Revolver

  1. 5 stars for the info..

  2. Valitor. Lykilorð: revolver5

  3. hah yeah I see you even have Iceland posted in 'Interests'. =)

    our economy blows a pretty hard one right now though.. and will throughout the years, I'm afraid.

    when'd you visit the last time? and do let me know when you'll pay us another one =)

  4. Chris1989: nah I don't take it personally... that three-minutes of fame and already trashed to pieces thing is mostly a joke, can't help but laugh really.

  5. bp240 - this is so out of line what they say there... can't imagine what famous people have to go through

  6. hahah! this is laughable!

  7. hi there! it's Eli from Iceland here... I just wanted to say that Axl totally misread what I said. I NEVER said that he approved of the shirts-being-thrown-out thing!

    I said it as it is, that the rumour is utter bullshit and has no place in discussion =/

    best of love, Eli Kofo

  8. takk fyrir það... sendi þér Message með uppl. um þetta samt fyrir dáldið löngu.. sé samt að það stendur 'Not read yet' svo bara láta þig vita að það sé þarna

  9. I take back what I said about a perfect fit... but damn, you're weird. and yeah, Don't Cry is amazing and Axl COULD'VE played it at RiRIII but didn't want to...

  10. you're weird.. and stubborn, a perfect fit, 5 stars

  11. W. Axl Rose.. I just can't believe it man, I just can't.. LOVE the new album

  12. while MSL's story was funny and he got us leaks so I think we should trust him.. but I still believe your story over his, just sayin'

  13. if it's really you (THE Beta..) then cool, you're son is protecting from MSL and himself from Axl(?) but goddamn, post something if people are bitching, tell us your story of the phone calls and stuff!!

    although I doubt you're Beta, just wanted to say

  14. has not set their status... yet!

  15. þetta var þeirra síðasta svar til mín: 2009 væri náttúrlega snilld að taka þá inn..Egilshöll pökkuð... þú verður í bandi ef þú nærð einhverjum contakt við umbann...ég fer aðpósta mína contakta útí heimi varðandi þá..

  16. kom bara við til að segja að ég talaði við whitesnake gaurana (b2c held ég) og gerði þá mjög spennta yfir GNR, ég mun hjálpa þeim að ná sambandi, veit ekki alveg hvernig en sjáum hvernig allt gengur þegar Guns fara á tour

  17. 5 stars... but hey, do you know if Iceland will have to wait long for ChiDem? or is it released on the same time everywhere? (except for UK)


  18. please just shut the fuck up man.. you kept telling everybody that Don't Cry was a written by Slash only just up until you were told it was written by Izzy & Axl you ass, that's when you change the subject.. you're just trying to find anything, anything at all that is wrong with Guns N' Roses as it is today you jerk-ass-mother-fucker

  19. eeeyyy how's that glove eating progress coming along?

  20. bleeeeessaður

  21. ban this fucker

  22. happy birthday man, hope you'll have a great one

  23. class act GNR fan, 4 stars..

    I always thought you were a girl though, never noticed the gender thing

  24. hey, 5 stars for a quality GN'R fan

  25. guess a status is appropriate

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