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Posts posted by rain_king

  1. *Everybody Knows by Leonard Cohen as intro music

    01. Chinese Democracy

    02. Welcome To The Jungle

    03. It's So Easy

    04. Mr. Brownstone

    05. Shackler's Revenge

    06. There Was A Time

    07. Richard Fortus solo - James Bond

    08. Live and Let Die

    09. Drum Solo

    10. Sorry

    11. Rocket Queen

    12. DJ Solo

    13. Sweet Child O' Mine

    14. Dizzy Solo (Ziggy Stardust)

    15. Street of Dreams

    16. You Could Be Mine (with F1 on the video screen)

    17. Jam (Black Betty)

    18. My Generation in G with Tommy Fuckin' Stinson

    19. Jam

    20. November Rain

  2. *Everybody Knows by Leonard Cohen as intro music

    01. Chinese Democracy

    02. Welcome To The Jungle

    03. It's So Easy

    04. Mr. Brownstone

    05. Shackler's Revenge

    06. There Was A Time

    07. Richard Fortus solo - James Bond

    08. Live and Let Die

    09. Drum Solo

    10. Sorry

    11. Rocket Queen

    12. DJ Solo

    13. Sweet Child O' Mine

    14. Dizzy Solo (Ziggy Stardust)

    15. Street of Dreams

  3. I don't give a crap if someone doesn't get to hear their sermon.

    Yeah I know, not the point of the thread, but still...

    Well, it's not like the FCC is out to jam this one guys signal. It affects anyone who uses anything wireless.

    and we thought axl had problems with his earpiece before.

  4. I say don't release the album until there is a reunion of the real GN'R. Anything before this would be too soon, imo.

    I honestly think these "negotiations" have to do with the real guns reuniting. It has to be. I could see the label basically telling Axl to go fuck himself with this new GN'R shit. I'm sure the material Axl has isn't bad, but the label has to realize that the only way they can really capitalize off this thing is for Slash, Duff, and Co. to have contributions on the album. They're probably saying something like, you want more money for promo - SLASH IS A MUST!

    Do you really think the label sees Frank Ferrar's presence being felt as a selling point? That probably carries about the same weight in their mind as a random crack whore off the street having credits on the album.

    A reunion and re-recorded album would be fucking huuuge. Unlike anything the rock world has ever experienced. I'm sure the label probably realizes - Slash, Duff, and Izzy would do it. Now all they have to do is convince old cranky pants. In the words of Steven Adler - "Nothing would be bigger."

    i couldnt disagree more, after the failure of libertad i really doubt that the record company sees the old guys as a strong selling point. not when they could promote it with members of primus, NIN, the replacements etc. the new guys are a way better selling point for todays youth market.

    ps. quoting adler might hurt your point :P

    the presale is probably a bad idea too, it's an invite for ridicule, who in his right mind would pay for CD in advance....

  5. What do you guys think about Axl's latest statement regarding the album, "this is not a promise, a lie or a guarantee, but we do wish to announce a tentative release date of March 6"? I think the album will probably come out this year, but I would be shocked if it came out in March. I could just see next December rolling around, with all of us stewing about this latest comment. I think it could end up alongside such classics GnR quotes as "I wouldn't say soon is the word", "We hope to announce a release date for Chinese Democracy in the next couple of months" (March 2004 when Axl cancelled GnR's RIR appearance because Bucket was AWOL), and "There are 13 tuesdays left in the year, pick one". This is not a promise, a lie, or a guarantee, but I believe somebody will insult me for making this thread.

    i think axl wants it out by then but he's just covering his ass since he now knows every single thing that can go wrong, so i'm thinking march/april will be the release for cd, since he'll tour this summer and he wont go out before the record is set.

  6. friend who makes guitar pro files sent this to me

    and since i dont know how to record directly from the computer, i recorded by my mp3s mic

    this sounds alot like the intro to cd


    ive got the guitar pro file to, i renamed it to guns n roses since it was blank


    my friends never heard of any of the new songs so he didnt like delibrately make this.

    if it is then is the intro some song by a different band?

    it sounds like the official chinese democracy midi file :P

  7. " If we are delayed for unseen reasons, you also will be notified as soon as possible in regard to a new date "

    so if we hear nothing, it will NOT mean somethings gone wrong as axl himself promised he will notify us

    true enough

    then again, it takes 8 weeks when axl delivers the record, so mid januari we should get a confirmed date. if we dont hear anything in januari it probably means they wont make the date and it will take some time before they can get a rescheduled date (in this time we wont hear a damn thing).

  8. There's a strange sense of relief that comes when you read offical statements from Axl and Merck...it's similar to the feeling of coming up for air when you are underwater...I think it's time we all take a break from Chinese Democracy, at least until we get the next official piece of news (the release date).

    Doesn't the release date for this album feel like the location of El Dorado?

    I think we are all drained of speculating and theorizing...

    Here's some key take aways I will be thinking about during the break I will be taking:

    1. Axl says this is "just an album", but he's made it into so much more and the pressure he feels is self inflicted.

    2. Will more time create more delays? I always feel like Axl is constantly improving this album and more time off and he'll want to record a new song, or have Ron add all of his touches to the music...Axl is a man that misuses his time...

    3. Axl should get the fans back with a single and fast.

    4. Why does Matt13 let wild monkeys pound him in the ass?

    5. Is Brain gone for good?

    6. The 2006 tour was POINTLESS! Hate to say it, but we all got suckerpunched bad.

    Did I miss anything?

    the tour wasnt pointless, I had a great time at the show i went to and i still enjoy watching the boots. thats a good enough reason for me, and the fact that they played 70 shows for people like me is the best reason to tour imo.

  9. Download it if you want but here's what you'll be missing.

    Like a kid at Christmas, you won't get the thrill of buying it, getting home as fast as you can so you can unwrap it and look through the entire booklet as you listen to the entire album over and over again in full excitment. I for one, won't download it, not cause I think it shows disrespect, but because I don't want to spoil my fun. I know you can still do that even if you download it, but it's just not the same. but eh, some of you are the same people that read every movie spoiler they can get their hands on before it hits the theater.

    On a side note: I couldn't help myself and downloaded the demos originally...but I haven't listened to them since cause I want that experience.

    That's what you are saying at the moment but I dont believe that you will be able to resist when it's really here.

    And Im surely buying 1 or 2 copies of the CD and certainly the LP and everything else that gets released but if it were to leak beforehand I know I couldnt resist the temptation.

    i agree with axlcorp there, after a wait this long the record deserves a proper 'first play' for me, it'll be hard to resist (and i'll probably download a copy just in case) but i find that the 'xmas experience' leads to a nice memory of "when i first heard xxx record..." while mp3's just give me a cheap feel, it just lacks the exitement.

  10. Will Anyone Ever Hear “Chinese Democracy”?

    GNR fans are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore. Now that the rumored November 21 release date of Guns N’ Roses looooooong awaited new album Chinese Democracy has come and gone, the revolt is upon us.

    [via Blabbermouth]

    -- Elizabeth Goodman

    nice, rolling stone came up with the rumoured date of november 21st in the first place, now they try to get some controversy when it turns out they were full of shit

  11. well to be fair to the Eagles of Death metal its Axl's fault for giving them the gig in the first place. If he didnt like them why let them support?

    I really doubt that axl picked them. Wouldn't Merck or a tour manager more likely have picked them?

    probably but Axl probably had to aggree or something

    they've got a decent reputation for being a qotsa side-project, but with josh homme gone and the bad reviews they might just be awful now (same thing pretty much happened with brides of destruction, great first album > niki sixx leaves> mediocre second album)

  12. No one is going to write "Finck" all over the song. People aren't going to be out in the streets when the single is released going, "Man, that Robin Finck is a genius!"

    - "Yeah, but what about Axl?"

    - "Who?"

    Like it or not, Axl Rose is the driving force behind the band, and the person most associated with the band. The general public probably has no idea who Robin Finck is. Only the fans really know, and perhaps some NIN die-hards.

    Axl said it was a Robin song. He didn't say Finck is responsible for all of it. Axl rarely lets others write lyrics. Based on how he said it, I have always gathered that Finck wrote the main intro/riff, which is kind of funky and techno-ish like a NIN song via classic GN'R (it's similar to the SCOM riff, really, but with funkier techno edge - which is pretty cool).

    I don't think Finck actually wrote the entire song. And I don't think Axl has to worry about Finck stealing his thunder if it's released as a single.

    axl will ant the name finck all over this, remember it's guns n roses and not the axl show, he needs to show the world that the other bandmembers are very important to this record. thats why ron and frank have been in the studio too, to show the world they're not just hired hands.

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