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Posts posted by Micks

  1. I can only speak for my self but i guess i do think more detailed about it than you would (being not a musician). But i wouldn't speak much about the terms, I'd think it to myself maybe. I guess, but actually that aren't that crazy many terms used in "daily language" i mean. We don't go into really describing a riff or at least. Music can be really fucking complicated, but that's usually not what you think of when listening, only if you have to like "analyze" a song.

  2. Ok ive been having a few problems singing in "middle" voice (i think it's called that anyway...). Anyway the point where you move from chest to head voice. I think i keep going into falsetto if im singing around that bit otherwise you can hear a deffinate jump from chest to head. If anyone understands this help would be appreciated. Thanks

    I understand it, but i can't help you. I guess it's all about practicing

  3. I play guitar. Cobain made me pick up the guitar, i quickly realised he weren't worth immitate. I usually get periods of totally obsession of bands/guitarists, so when i have one of these periods i quickly try to rip off as much as overall possible from the guitarist. I've done this with several of guitarists. I can't name a single influence but Jimmy Page, Tony Iommi, Slash, Billy Corgan, John Perry, Kirk Hammett & Linde are just some of the guitarists i've been influenced by.

  4. Axl got this magnicifent ability to make a scream carry on for such a long time.


    Have you ever heard Bruce Dickinson or Ian Gillan scream? they can hold a scream for 3 times longer than Axl ever could.


    As a matter of fact i actually saw both of them performing live. But as this thread was about me thinking alcohol and drugs would affect holding a scream, those persons didn't spring to my mind cause i never thought of them as hardcore drinkers nor junkies.

  5. I know i'll never be able to afford a gibson. I tried playing one once in my life. It was so great, i never played such an awesome guitar before. Really like.. best memory of playing guitar... ever.

    I play a fender every now and then at my school, it's just not the same. I like fender, but gibson are better for what i like to play.

  6. I guess it depends on who you are. Nirvana never had setlists. Cobain would play a couple of chords before the song so that the rest of the band would know which song they were about to play. I liked that for the spontaneous element.

    But i do think gigs should be structured and well-practiced. The other seem like "well, we're so good, we don't even bother to practice we'll just play some shit for you". I know not all bands think this way. But that's what it tells me.

    If you're in a big band and people actually knows most of your songs it doesn't matter much. Make sure to play something kickin' in the beginning. And save something good for the end too.

  7. They're probably great musicians but this hard rock shouldn't really be covered by strings in my opinion.


    It can work. When i saw Rammstein their support was Apocalyptica - absoloutely awesome.



    Yep definately a fucking awesome band. But the thing about Apocalyptica is that they play more metal stuff.

    Metal and classic music (where cellos belong) have a so much in common. My music teacher said it's probably the two that have the most in common of all genres yet so different. And i see what she means.

    I think that's why it works so well for Apocalyptica. And the fact that they got much better distortion than this thing. :P

  8. Axl got this magnicifent ability to make a scream carry on for such a long time.

    I'd think that has something to do with shape & condition, how long to go without breathing. But as far as i know Axl was fucked up on drugs and alcohol alot. Leaving him in a bad shape. So how did he do this?

    To make this more discussable:

    Discuss Axl Rose's vocals in general

  9. Honestly, i don't know. Maybe when "Chinese Democracy" is released. But even then it's not sure. Guns N Roses is a huge name and Axl won't need to promote it cause it's so big already. So i guess GNR will only tour again if Axl feels like touring. I guess he will but we can never be sure, he's toured many times in his life and its not sure he's willing to do it again.

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