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Ace Spade

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Posts posted by Ace Spade

  1. Mama Kin

    it is okay if u dont like them it is your opinion but ah listen to Love is only a feeling dude, and Blind man off there 2nd cd, they have kick ass guitar and music, if u dont like the singer fine but dont discredit the band ......they are true rock n roll, anyone who dont think so really does not know what rock n roll is. they have fun and they intertane people. something no band does anymore.

    Yeah i can understand The Darkness being great entertainers and for fans that are in their early teens it would be amazing for them watching them live. I would be surprised though if i saw a large majority of older men and women rocking out to them. Once you get past being entertained you want to listen to the lyrics and how deep the songs meanings are. I just don't think The Darkness have this quality. They maybe able to entertain but once it gets past that i don't think they cut it. JMO

    honestly dude i would think that older people not teens would like them better because they sound nothing like recent rock. they truly have that classic rock sound and presence. as for the lyrics yeah they are ment to make u laugh, i mean most there songs are quite crazy but if u listen to the music they are more old sounding than anybody out right now. As i said not all there lyrics are like that. and not that it matters because there music hands down is better classic rock then anyone in the past 5 years

    Zipgun is right. Mama Kin, I suppose you dont listen to AC/DC either, eh? AC/DC's lyrics arent deep, lyrically thinking they're pretty shit but hey, they can entertain. And I dont think lyrics really arent the point of AC/DC, as they arent of the Darkness'.

    What people need to get is that the Darkness is a parody of themselves. There's the great music, and the superb humor. And if you get past the parody, you'll notice how FUCKING TALENTED these guys are. Saw them live a few weeks ago, one of the best shows I've been to.

    You're comparing them to AC/DC!? :laugh:

  2. Get in! Rob Zombie is fucking great! It's just a shame that most of his albums tend to be 50% killer, 50% filler. But still, the mans a legend! I'll be getting this on Monday!

    I have all of his albums and I think they're strong all the way through. Just my opinion though. And yes, I will pick up the new one too. rock1 rock3( Hey that post rhymes!)

  3. Ill prolly get flamed to death for this.

    I was watching SCOM on YouTube the other day, and I thought the weak links were Finck as I don't like his way of playing, and AXL. I really hate that new voice of his.

    Finck & more importantly, Botaxl, were/are obviously the weak links in fakeGNR. I felt bad for axl during the VMA's & those NA tour shows, that's how lame I think he's become. I always wonder what everyone working for him really thinks & if they're just too scared to tell him about his hair/wardrobe/voice. Seriously, what could some cool guy like Stinson really think about axl nowadays, besides it's cool he gets paid for not doing much. Back in the day, Stinson ripped on Axl/GNR for the same shit he's now playing an active role in. Weird.

    What did Stinson say about him/them?

  4. My Chemical Romance is an excellent name, and so is Green Day, most of you just don't know what it means.

    The worst names came from the 80's:


    Great White


    And the worst name for a band I like:


    In fact I wish Dave could have come up with something better because they get disrespected right off for their name all the time when in fact they are a collective of high-precision musicians.

    I totally agree with you on your point about Megadeth. They get laughed at for their name by people who have never heard their music before. I think the name was better suited for the 80's. I even read an interview with Dave, and in it he said that the name Megadeth is probably A hinderence these days for main-stream credibility. He also said that it's been so long with the band name now that it's pointless to change it and that the fans are all that really matter anyway.

  5. In England it is, yeah.

    Yeah... In england they release albums on a monday... but in scotland we leave it to fridays... Party days. :P By the way... to all you narrow minded people out there who refer to scotland as even remotely a apart of england :fuckyou: We're no more a part of england than Canada is of the U.S

    Canada isnt a part of the U.S? :o

    Not yet. :devil:

    Bush wants our oil! :devil:

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