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Posts posted by steve-o

  1. Only in Canada.


    "Oh Oh Oh Dave is dying!"


    Many American rock imposters over the years.

    Should we start with the "Peter Criss is homeless and a dying drunk on the skids" guy?.

    Calm down Zint, only having a laugh.

    yeah I know...just sayin' though

    And Tom Arnold even went down to "save" Peter Criss. :lol:

    yeah but he wasn't dumb enough to let the imposter live with him, and work on music together :rofl-lol:

  2. Brother Ali
    Brother Ali

    The local boy done good, is getting some love on here, which is a real shock.

    my favs are


    Swollen Members

    Brother Ali

    Abstract Rude

    Oh no and Posdnous, they did this one song together that is absolutly amzaing, so them as a team makes my list

  3. It's one of the better rap albums of the new millenium, definitely. "I'm Me" is a killer track. He's not the best rapper alive, though. Jay-Z and Nas are both head and shoulders above him in terms of the mainstream, and as far as hip-hop goes, I prefer Kanye. And the underground has a lot of gems, too -- Talib Kweli and Atmosphere, for example. When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold is a bizarre sort of rap/hip-hop/electronic dance mix.

    Atmosphere is my favorite out there right now. Pretty much everything they put out is solid. "Paint it gold" is only rap album i have bought this year.

  4. That one is really good.

    I liked the Jay Z,Run Dmc and 50 cent the best out of the first group. Pretty creative though, really cool.

    The end of the JAy Z is my favorite, when 99 problems is misxed with the end of Paradise City it is amazing.

    is sweet too

    its scary how perfect these two^ mashed up, I mean they barley changed the timing if it all.

  5. Pantera is awful are you serious their singer is so bad, they're just like a fad band with the new age emo hippies




    all together in one post?

    Pantera might be the musical oppisite of moth emo and hippie.

    Are you sure you don't have them confused with another band?




    not really like pantera, at all

  6. I don't follow MMA or UFC, but I met these some guys this weekend at a club in Minneapolis. who apparently fight in the UFC, or so I was told

    One guy's name was Antonio Nuguierae (sp?) and the other guy was Spider Silve (sp?) people would come up to him and call him spider, or I heard him called Anderson the Spider Silve. I bullshitted with them and their party for a minute or 2 but was really loud to really talk with them. They were both built like tanks from what I could tell and always had a bunch of people around them. So do these guys have any game in UFC, or are they a bunch of no name bums?

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