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Status Updates posted by Marky

  1. Damn you. My mates paying £71 to see the Arctics at Wembley. I couldn't get tickets for them, Kasabian, Paramore (olol), TCV and just about every other fucker. And I get to see Ian Brown attempt to sing at a Southend panto hall. Noice.

  2. badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger SNAAAAAAKE!!

  3. lol voldemort got banned on mygnr

  4. Hey friend, how may I be of service to you?

  5. 4 stars is good news for you.

  6. Dont worry, it's just an evil ploy ;D

  7. You be 1-starrin'?

  8. You be 1-starrin' a playa?

  9. You be 1-starrin' a playa? :(

  10. You be 1-starrin' a Vice President?

  11. You be 1-starrin' a brutha?

  12. Damn, just found out. I even recognize your sig, hard to think you're actually gone. Rest In Peace.

  13. Without you, I am only a mere shadow of my former self.

  14. Dude, you need to be posting moar.

  15. LMAO this is terrible.
  16. I gotz you to 2 stars mang. My 5 rating goes a long way.

  17. Very much so. I am, however, upset about your personal statement. How very rude indeed, I feel compulsed to lodge a complaint with the management.

  18. 10,000 POSTS MADAFACKA

  19. Yo Castiel is 1 starring us all. I'm down to 3!

  20. Why? :( I liked that vid of the fat guy :(

  21. 4 stars tastes good.

  22. My apologies, I'm on the lookout for he who be hatin' me. 5 stars for you sir.

  23. My apologies, I shall attempt to boost your score. 3 people have visited my profile in the past 2 days, and one hasn't denied downstaring me. I think it's time to unleash the banhammer.

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