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Posts posted by TAYLOR

  1. 50 i think is cheap nowadays isnt elton john like a 100.00 i would never pay that not even to see gnr.

    i dont think they are doing the presale at glasgow with the 02

    a hope its not sold out when i call up on the 2nd of march im going to call at 9am

    saying that in 06 when they did glasgow it wasnt sold out busy but not sold out.

  2. wow been here myself for 8 years and fair enough i havent really been here in recent only cause there is nothing to really post about

    but ill be sad to c the fourm go had some good times on here years ago few good laughs

  3. Ive always thought it strange when I read something that Matt said when they got back to LA after the last show in Argentina (last one they were all together)

    And Axl said something to Matt like

    "See you in two years" or something like that. Matt thought they would take some time off but not two years and then get back to work.

    You go on a 28 month tour...see how long it takes you to be in motion all the time and balance all the past present and future out. Come home to a shitstorm and have to rewire yourself to being "normal" ...

    Ya know..maybe Axl was burned out...completely uninspired after UYI and then all the shit came down in the courts, with his woman, the band ect...

    think about it since he ditched Indiana and headed for LA he was in constant motion.always on the run, always in demand ect...what ya going to do with the millions you made? You cant be a rockstar 24/7. Throughout the UYI tour you can hear it in his rants...listen to them...sounds like disillusionment to me...most of us have no idea what pressure must have kicked him in the balls when the court cases started rolling in...and the two loves of his life come out swinging HARD..his bandmates estranged and eventually going off or being fired/resigning/quiting

    In 1990, Axl said he wanted the UYIs to be so expansive so that they could spend the "next five years" planning on what to do next.

    In a 1994 interview, he wanted GN'R's next album to come out in 1996.

    It seems after the UYI, he did indeed want to just take a break. But it all came crashing down:

    April 1990: Axl and Erin marry

    May 1990: Axl files for divorce, but changes his mind 24 hours later.

    May-June 1990: Steven has intense drug issues, is nearly fired from GN'R; rejoins on the condition that he does not use drugs.

    June 1990: Dizzy joins the band.

    July 1990: Steven is fired; Matt joins the band.

    September: Recording of the Use Your Illusion albums seriously begins.

    November 1990: Axl and Erin break up.

    January 1991: Axl and Erin's marriage is annulled. GN'R play at Rock in Rio, debuting their new lineup.

    May 1991: The UYI tour starts

    July 1991: Recording of the UYI is finished.

    August 1991: Izzy announces to the band that he's leaving after the leg of the tour is up.

    September 1991: Axl meets Stephanie Seymour; they begin dating not long after. The Use Your Illusions albums are released.

    November 7th, 1991: Izzy officially leaves the band.

    1992: Steven sues Guns N' Roses for owed royalties; "Stump", The biker whom Axl hit in St. Louis sues Axl, for $200,000 in damages.

    July 1992: Axl is arrested for the events in St. Louis.

    Mid-late 1992: Axl buys the place in Malibu; Stephanie moves in.

    Late 1992: Axl Rose is convicted of inciting a riot in St Louis, given two years probation and fined $50,000. GN'R is banned for life from St. Louis.

    September 1st, 1992: The contract which gives Axl control of the Guns N' Roses name is put into effect. Axl, Slash and Duff are made the sole members of the Guns N' Roses partnership. However, should Axl be fired or leave the band, the name will go with him and he will have the legal power to form a group of the same name.

    February 4th 1993: Axl gets engaged to Stephanie Seymour; three weeks later, he leaves her after she apparently cheats on him.

    April 1993: Izzy rejoins briefly to replace a wounded Gilby; apparently "blackmails" the band for money.

    July 1993: the UYI tour is finished, although some late 1993 shows with U2 are considered.

    August 1993: Axl goes to court against Steven on behalf of Guns N' Roses. It is settled out of court and Steven is awarded $2.5 million. Axl files suit against Stephanie Seymour, alleging stolen property and physical abuse on her behalf.

    October 1993: Axl settles out of court with Stump, who receives an indeterminate amount of money, as well as Axl's autograph as part of the settlement. Stephanie Seymour countersues, alleging that Axl abused her at a Christmas party in December 1992.

    November 1993: The Spaghetti Incident is released.

    December 1993: Stephanie Seymour gives birth to her second son.

    March 1994: Stephanie Seymour gets Erin Everly, Axl's ex-wife, to testify that Axl also abused her. Erin begins her own separate case as well, and talks to People Magazine about her relationship with Axl in June 1994.

    January 20th 1994: Axl's last major public appearance and performance of the 1990s with Bruce Springsteen at the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame. Slash begins work on what would become the first Snakepit album; One notable night of recording happens during the LA Earthquake of 1994.

    May 1994: Gilby has an explosive interview with Kerrang in which he reveals that there's no "next" GN'R album, says Axl and Duff turned down his, Slash and Matt's work (the first Snakepit album).

    June 1994: Gilby is fired from Guns N' Roses, sues GN'R a month later and receives an out of court settlement.

    Ca. October 1994: Axl and Slash (separately) attend the premiere of Interview with the Vampire . Axl loves the movie, Slash hates it. GN'R records Sympathy for the Devil for the soundtrack of the film. Unbeknownest to Slash, Axl allows his friend, Paul Tobias, to record an "answer" solo alongside Slash's own, which infuriates Slash.

    December 1994: Sympathy for the Devil is released as a single.

    January 1995: Zakk Wylde comes in and jams with GN'R for a week at the behest of Axl. Axl wants Zakk to replace Gilby alongside Slash. Slash doesn't like the idea, but Axl and Zakk are keen on it. The only thing that stops it from happening is Zakk demands a large amount of money and a separate tour bus.

    February 1995: After much haggling between Axl and Slash and threats of litigation, It's Five O' Clock Somewhere is released. Slash tours the album not long after.

    April 1995: Axl and Erin are still in litigation over a year later. Both Stephanie's and Erin's cases are settled out of court for an unknown sum.

    1995: Axl is visited by his stalker, Karen McNeill, for the first of four times. She claims Axl is telepathically communicating with her and finds her way inside his house, scaring him.

    October 1995: Friend of Axl/GN'R, Shannon Hoon, dies suddenly of an overdose.

    April 1996: Axl attends an RHCP show, goes backstage and is barely recognized.

    May 1996: Axl's mother dies of cancer.

    October 1996: Slash leaves suddenly.

    January 1997: Axl decides to hire Robin Finck at Matt's suggestion.

    April 1997: Matt is fired from Guns N' Roses.

    May 1997: West Arkeen dies of an overdose, suddenly.

    July 1997: Axl sees Radiohead, is spotted backstage.

    March-May 1997: GN'R works with Moby.

    August 1997: Duff leaves GN'R.

    February 1998: Axl is arrested for disturbing the peace; is fined and the case is wrapped up a year later.

    christ with all that going on no wonder we didnt hear much from him. thats alot going on.

  4. he prop does smoke and drink he is human and we do all smoke or drink from time to time.

    but i did read somewhere that he wasnt addicted to drugs and wouldnt let himself get addicted but of course in the old days he did coke he could tell with half the performaces he was out of his head he was just carefull not o let the drugs win.

    there was somewhere else i read he used to smoke pot and it has something to do with welcome to the jungle and comming to la.

  5. i really dont know what happened aint beeen on for ages but read the post by axl and it was harsh and foul mouthed no need for that but as i said i dont know the ins and outs off it all.

    i have been a menber here for years and never had a problem with Madison but i dont get involved in a lot of fighting.

    has Madison been baned or just stripped of her admin status.

    i woner if axl will lose many fans over that outbusrt thats some temper he has.

  6. yeah they would have put u out on ur ass years ago when i went to c def lepord u were aloud to smoke in there but once that stuip law came in fuck it.

    what is worse is when i went to c velvet revolver in 07 slash comes on stage with a fag not fair.

    that concert was different i took my eldest daughter it put her to sleep she said she was bored to tears :rofl-lol:

    the ladies where fine :rofl-lol: only thing is u cant get a fag that was the let down 3 hours with nae fag.

    One bonus to the gents was nobody ( staff ) was willing to go in so it basically became the smoking shed

    If thats the case if they do come im in the gents having a fag im sure u guys wont mind :tongue2:

  7. thats like miles away from me secc is 5 mins in the car, in honestly i thought the 2006 concert in the secc was great but he sounds much better now.

    i hope he does come but i think he is wainting to c what response he gets from these tours.

    Uh-oh..West coast bias.

    Kidding :xmasssanta:

    Yeh I can understand them wanting to play the likes of Asia first as the fans in general seem to be a lot less fickle over there and just accept the band as it is.

    i dont think they bother the same about who is in the band they just accept them as over here we want reuntions and shit plus i think they have a bigget base of fans there than here.

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