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Posts posted by Substance

  1. the most annoying thing there are the fans shouting...mostly girls screaming :huh:

    Clearly they aren't there for the music. Take those same girls and put them in front of Pantera playing Walk and they would probably walk out.

    And by the way, Pete Wentz is pretty much the definition of EMO. Does that make Fall Out Boy emo? I guess that part is up to the listener.

    Do you mean the label idiots put on people or the genre of music? The two are completely different.

  2. what. the. fuck.

    I know makes me want to punch an FOB fan.

    Punch my friend please. She got sucked into the emo scene but denies her music is pointless sissy emo shit. Its SO annoying...and I can't stand paramore either....gawd it all makes me wanna throw up.

    FOB and Paramore are pop rock; terrible pop rock. You have no idea what emo is.

    Paradise City Girl, is this person here, whom I quoted, the friend you were talking about?

    Are you gonna beat me up? :scared: :scared:

  3. I honestly don't see any sort of problem with this. So they like a song and decided to cover it. Oh well. It doesn't affect anybody's status as a Pantera fan, it doesn't make the original version suck, and it doesn't make Pantera suck. So really, what's the fucking problem?

    Dry out your fucking panties and deal with it.

    I love you.

  4. Predator: Concrete Jungle

    What did you guys think about it if you've played it?

    When I first played it I thought it was pretty good.

    It's one of the old PS2 games I want to get ahold of right now including Collosseum: Road To Freedom.


  5. what. the. fuck.

    I know makes me want to punch an FOB fan.

    Punch my friend please. She got sucked into the emo scene but denies her music is pointless sissy emo shit. Its SO annoying...and I can't stand paramore either....gawd it all makes me wanna throw up.

    FOB and Paramore are pop rock; terrible pop rock. You have no idea what emo is.

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