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Posts posted by Substance

  1. so much for musical knowledge, Joey werent a guitarist. and just as Johnny Ramone cant play like Petrucci, by the same token, he cant play like Johnny, he cant play that fast, for that length of time, with that kind of continous meticulous kind of timing.

    I'm pretty sure Petrucci can play 3 notes for 2 minutes straight.

  2. He never said they weren't talented. He said they were overrated. (He doesn't think they're as pleasing to listen to as everyone says.)

    P.S. Dream Theater is the best band ever. ;)

    I can't really stand Dream Theater :P

    Your definition of 'overrated' are quite different then my.

    "Regarded more highly than is deserved."

    I'm sure you'd agree that rated would mean how good someone thinks something is. You might rate a band's music lowly, does that mean they're untalented? No. Is it your opinion? Yes.

    He thinks they're overrated, that people rate them higher than he thinks they actually should be rated. It's still an opinion no matter what.

    Therefor the lack of music knowledge ;)

    lmao. I quit. :heart:

  3. He never said they weren't talented. He said they were overrated. (He doesn't think they're as pleasing to listen to as everyone says.)

    P.S. Dream Theater is the best band ever. ;)

    I can't really stand Dream Theater :P

    Your definition of 'overrated' are quite different then my.

    "Regarded more highly than is deserved."

    I'm sure you'd agree that rated would mean how good someone thinks something is. You might rate a band's music lowly, does that mean they're untalented? No. Is it your opinion? Yes.

    He thinks they're overrated, that people rate them higher than he thinks they actually should be rated. It's still an opinion no matter what.

  4. i like pink floyd but they're extremely over rated in my opinion

    When people say that Pink Floyd are overrated, they show their lack of musical knowledge.

    When people don't know what an opinion is, they show their lack of intelligence.

    This isnt a question about opinion. If you say Pink Floyd is overrated, you obviously don't manage to see the true

    musical genius of Pink Floyd. I don't mind of you don't like them, but I react when people say they are 'extremely overrated.'

    It is your opinion that Pink Floyd is good. His opinion is as valid as yours. Commit some more fallacies, please.

    I beg to differ.

    I don't mind if you like Pink Floyd or not. You can't say that musical skills is a matter of opinion?

    I don't like John Petrucci, and Dream Theater better than Ramones. But I do accept that John Petrucci is a better guitarist than Joey

    by miiiiles, and Dream Theater are ten million times 'better' musical-wise than any of the members in The Ramones.

    He never said they weren't talented. He said they were overrated. (He doesn't think they're as pleasing to listen to as everyone says.)

    P.S. Dream Theater is the best band ever. ;)

  5. i like pink floyd but they're extremely over rated in my opinion

    When people say that Pink Floyd are overrated, they show their lack of musical knowledge.

    When people don't know what an opinion is, they show their lack of intelligence.

    This isnt a question about opinion. If you say Pink Floyd is overrated, you obviously don't manage to see the true

    musical genius of Pink Floyd. I don't mind of you don't like them, but I react when people say they are 'extremely overrated.'

    It is your opinion that Pink Floyd is good. His opinion is as valid as yours. Commit some more fallacies, please.

  6. i like pink floyd but they're extremely over rated in my opinion

    When people say that Pink Floyd are overrated, they show their lack of musical knowledge.

    When people don't know what an opinion is, they show their lack of intelligence.

  7. I wake alone

    in a woman's room I hardly know.

    I wake alone

    and pretend that I am finally home.

    The room is littered

    with her books and notebooks

    I imagine what they say, like,

    "Shoo fly don't bother me."

    I can hardly get myself out of the bed

    for fear of never lying in this bed again.

    Oh Christ, I'm not that desperate.

    Oh no, oh God. I am.

    How'd I end up here to begin with?

    I don't know.

    Why do I start what I can't finish?

    Oh please don't barrage me

    with the questions

    to all those lovely answers.

    My ego's like my stomach,

    it keeps shitting what I feed it.

    Or maybe I don't want to finish anything anymore.

    Maybe I can wait in bed 'til she comes home

    and whispers,

    "You're in my web now,

    I've come to wrap you up tight

    'til it's time to bite down."

    I wake alone

    in a woman's room I hardly know.

    I wake alone

    and pretend that I am finally home.

  8. Everyone could define a game as epic. Halo 2 is still one of the most played online games because it's such a good game. It can be considered epic because the gameplay is some of the best in an FPS ever. All of the games you listed are very fun, I may not consider them epic, but you do. It's all good.

  9. Ganon comes back in every single Zelda game. It's not much of a twist anymore.

    The halo series is cliched because you have to rescue someone and you blow something up? Like you don't rescue people in RE4, Zelda, Trauma Center. Every game is cliched if you think about it, what makes it original is how they pull it off. Halo pulls everything together wonderfully.

  10. NiGHTS isn't even released yet, it's hard to comment on the story of it. Beyond Good and Evil is a good game, but I don't think it's a Wii title. I've never seen a story like Halo's, ever. Give me a game that has a story like Halo's. Please. Just because it's an FPS that plays like other games doesn't mean the story isn't original, you've obviously never beat it before. Every character in Halo is unique and different as well as the story. I have beaten TP, *spoilers*You need to save Llia and stop the merging of the Twilight Realm which involves collecting the Fused Shadows which are in of course the epic three dungeons that are oh so original and plot twisting. Featuring the Forest Temple, the BRAND SPANKING NEW Goron temple and what's that? A temple in the lake. I've never seen those before. There aren't plot twists, besides Link being turned into a wolf. Yeah, you kill ganondorf who possesses Zelda, i've never seen that in a zelda game before.

  11. RE4 is just a re-release. I've beat it, there aren't twists. Twilight Princess has no twists either, it's only kill boss monsters then save the princess again but masked by a wolf. Super Mario? Are you kidding me? Trauma center is a re-release and there's almost no story at all. There's a little tiny story for each patient and there certainly isn't any twists or an evolving storyline between characters. Halo has plenty of twists, you probably don't even have the concept of what the game is about.

  12. Have You Even Played Halo Before? :huh::lol:

    doesnt sound like it..

    I honestly have, and I was completely unmoved by the game. It's probably the most lackluster script I've ever seen, no twists, everything was extremely cliched and I called everything that was happening before it was happening. I'd rather play timesplitters 2.

    I know, I felt the same way. Why couldn't the story be like all of the amazing ones on the Wii? Wario Ware had some crazy twists in it, and don't even get me started on the 100+ hour epic storyline of Wii Sports.

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