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Smokin' Cigarettes

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Posts posted by Smokin' Cigarettes

  1. I feel dumb as hell in a thread like this because I can't quote authors n shit.

    I don't like to read books and I don't care about graphs and charts because they suck. And if I were to read a book it would have to be about something cool like titties or guitars, not some schmuck cocksucker talking about Wallstreet.

    But I am the owner of a sucessful business with 8 employees and I've got the education that is most important in life, basic education/street knowledge/common sense. I digress so carry on!

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  2. If they were to put out another record they'd feel obligated to play songs from it at shows.

    The Girl next door wants to hear Sweet Child & November Rain cause it makes her panties get moist. She doesn't want to hear 'soul monster' and a bunch of Chinese Democracy songs.

    Yet another reason to not put out a new record.

  3. What if Chinese democracy didn't come out In 2008 and we were still waiting for it? What would the state of gnr be? Would gnr/Axl even be around?

    This scenario is playing out right now with a large majority of this forum who 'still believe' in the next record.

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  4. It's amazing how there are people who still hold out that hope. That hope that the Evil Beta is the only thing holding Axl back from taking over the world again.

    As I said a number of pages ago this thread would go way too long without no substance whatsoever just because everyone 'wants' to believe it's true.

    This is a 'greatest hits' touring band & removing Beta from the picture won't change much. Some of you still need to work on letting it go.

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  5. Chinese Democracy is not the best opener. It might be to the select few GN'R nerds in the crowd.

    The casual fans are the base majority and I know if I was one of them, it would be a big letdown for me if when the lights go down, intro music, intensity is ready to explode, then they play a song you have no clue what it is.... That would suck balls.

    The best opener for GN'R, or any other band on the planet is WTTJ. As a matter of a fact even if I was Slayer, I would open with WTTJ.

  6. No matter what any of us think, at the end of the day the guy knows how to write songs that sell records & you can hear on an 'actual' radio that doesn't require an internet connection.

    It's about songwriting at the end of the day and he's got a good feel for it. While BBF is doodling with his solo record in his basement and watching Yngwie Malmsteen do his trademark 'superkick guitar spin' in front of half packed nightclubs across the US, DJ will be selling records and playing in front of crowds of atleast 5 figures.

  7. If we're going to be objective here instead of 'he's shitty and sucks' then I'll say it's not a simple black and white type answer.

    But to make it easy for my lazy ass to type, he's not technically advanced when in comparison to the other guitar players he stands next to onstage.

    Playing other people's songs/solos haven't been his strong suit for sure. He's better doing his own thing

  8. Rockfuel, I commend your efforts. As far as your part goes I don't think it could've been done any better and it's top notch, first class all the way through.

    Now to the part that you couldn't control..... I knew it would happen but I've got a serious case of buyer's remorse. Axl sounds just awful at times and Ashba makes so many mistakes it's unbelievable.

    As a musician myself I tend to pick up on all the little things that most probably don't hear and he's so out of key at times, hitting wrong notes, and anything else you can think of. I don't know for sure if it's him or not but during estranged someone is continously hitting the wrong chords especially during the breakdown portion.

    I'm glad I got it, but then again I hate that I did, just like I thought I would. GN'R continues to be a 'guilty pleasure' these days that I wouldn't want anyone to know that I listen to now.

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