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Posts posted by CheapJon

  1. 6 hours ago, Powerage5 said:

    I was re-reading some of the earlier posts in this thread looking for something I remember being posted back in the day. This post aged particularly well :popcorn: 

    Ah, come one man! :P I figured this post would come back to haunt me at some point. Why couldn't you just have left it to die? :lol: 

    Sadly as Ghost has grown in popularity, my interest has fallen off a cliff. I think I've only listened to the new album 2 or 3 times. It might actually have some to do with Papa3/Cardinal which makes it even more ironic. 

  2. I read Animal Farm a couple of weeks back. Really dug it! Funny coincidence, the other day when I was at a friends home, I saw the book on a shelf, asked him about it and he had just got it but hadn't started reading it yet. None of us really reads books so it was cool that he had recently gotten it as well.  I've been meaning to read some classic "must reads" for years. Not sure what to read next. Any suggestions?

  3. I was fully expecting not to like this album. Thought they were rip-offs, very talented, but rip-offs. Have had a hard time with all the hype but figured I had to give the album a shot. It's good and I think it'll grow on me. Vocals are sometimes too much though, but I bet I can get over it.


    Nice surprise!

    • Like 3
  4. Oh, I don't use gimmick in a negative sense. I think they're funny and if you don't find Ghost fun, I think you sort of miss the point of it all. I've seen them 4 times I think so I think I know the gimmick pretty well. Slash's top hat is also a gimmick and so is Angus Young's schoolboy uniform IMO. 

    The Swedish defintion of gimmick: "Gimmick is a special feature of a particular artist or actor. It is often a kind of plush that can be considered a typical for the artist. Usually it is a part of a kind of humor that characterizes a person. It can be a special catch phrase or a physical movement." I guess it's a little bit different in English?

  5. 7 hours ago, oldnews said:

    I wouldn't want to see them live, just a pop band with a gimmick, honestly if McFly wore make up would that make them a metal band? Ghost aren't heavy, the singers voice is not distinctive but yeah they do have some cool outfits to take everyones attention away from the fact the music isn't any good

    I don't think anyone's denying that they benifit from their image/gimmick or the fact that they write pop songs. I don't think anyone consider them to be "heavy" either. That's not the appeal. And as Zeppelin said, it's OK not to like them. But they're a growing band and more and more people enjoy it. It's entertainment and they put on a good show, if it's not your thing, don't bother,  right? 

    They're like Kiss or Alice Cooper

  6. On 2018-10-18 at 11:14 AM, lukepowell1988 said:

    I always fought u Sweeds where a pretty liberal bunch? 

    We got that reputation, but not really anymore. When it comes to cannabis we're way behind and actually very conservative when compared to other similar "western" countries. Sweden's drug policy is abysmal.

  7. I've listened to Danko Jones a lot! Been a fan since around '03-04. IMO the earlier records are the best but the latest "Wild Cat" wasn't bad. Must've seen them at least 5-6 times live in concert, they put on a great show. Danko's a pretty awesome frontman.

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