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Posts posted by amacfantasy

  1. i still think the 2001-2002 performances of street of dreams were the best, people always talk about the Axl mickey mouse singing style he used a lot in that period, i happen to love it, it displays Axl's vocal diversity i love so much. Now im not saying i would like him using it all the time in all the songs, but certain songs it really fits especially at certain moments and i deff think street of dreams is one of those songs, the overly raspy modern performance style of this song just doesnt do it for me like the old style does. Also btw i dont mind the "What i'd tell ya" addition to the studio outro, i actually preffer it to the original.

  2. it's kind of hard to get a true estimation of Axl's ability because remember we dont have all that much to go off of from lack of material, my guess is that the best of Axl's piano playing we have yet to see a.k.a the unreleased material. I really feel there is some great piano driven material out there.

    but without seeing all this material i can at least say he is a very solid player

    btw GnR piano playing/writing is far better than Coldplay and thats without the unreleased material lol

  3. i havent follow the hof much over the years, iv been reading articles that are saying "Guns N' Roses have become the first and only group to be inducted into the Hall of Fame on their first year of eligibility" is this true? I know enough to know that if any have done this it has not been many that get nominated on their first year of eligibility and for that matter picked to go in, so if this is true this is even more epic.

  4. And the fact of the matter is, Axls had several oppurtunities in the last ten years. They come, and go. And he doesn't take advantage. Had he capitalized on some of these occasions, who knows what could have come of GNR. Sadly, Axls just stubborn and insists on doing things the hard/nearly impossible way.

    thats what gets me aggravated with Axl as much as i love him he does some things even I have a hard time understanding. It's like ok stay reclusive and do nothing if you want to stay out of the limelight, or if your still working on your master plan(whatever that might be). But once you come out do do certain things (like finally release CD for Example), you have to come out and do it right and do it all or else your just really hurting your self in the present and future, it's almost like he cant decide if he wants to keep rocking or not. I remember once on the radio hearing Alice Cooper talk a little about this a couple years ago in regard to Axl sort of appearing indecisive about wanting to be a active rock star/create and put out music .

    and on a side note, i really hope Axl does not drag out thise CD1 stuff without committing to it fully, or releasing new music.

  5. i love UYI i have listened to those two albums more than all the rest combined, and actually those two albums mean the most two me in my GNR fan history. But i do acknowledge the albums do have some filler parts that do keep the albums from being as technically good as they could be, say you took the best songs from both albums and put them on 1. But at the same time that is sort of the charm of these two so called bloated albums, these so called filler songs that i dont like as much have sort of grown on me and i sort of learn to love them and their oddities, it sort of adds to this albums sheer variety of crazy style.

    Iv always liked Axl's progressive/grandiose style which we first seen take place in UYI, so for me the Axl esque songs from UYI are for most part my favorite.

    also didnt Axl speak a bit about UYI on the trunk show back in 2006 or something about how the UYI albums weren't quite what he wanted them to be because of Izzy and Slash fighting with him about doing the songs they wanted on the albums, which is likely why the album had so much variety. Im curious as to what songs we might have got on the pure Axl version of UYI?

    What I view as some of the better songs from UYI (in no order)


    Dont Cry either one

    November Rain

    Civil War





  6. Loder: What prevented you from doing, like, a traditional rock record?

    Rose: Slash.

    Loder: [Laughs] But you could have found another guitar player or something, right?

    Rose: Well, not really.... Not to make a true Guns record. It's kind of like, I don't know, if you know somebody has a relationship, and there's difficulties in that, and Mr. or Mrs. Right doesn't kind of just stumble into their path, or they don't stumble across that person, they can't really get on with things. Somebody didn't come into my radar that would have really replaced Slash in a proper way.

    So, in other words Chinese Democracy and every album that follows up that album aren't true Guns records? Than why doens't Axl stop using the name Guns N' Roses so that the new music can't be connected with the old band's name?

    what he meant by that is if they did a traditional simpler old school record aka AFD vibe/style one he would need Slash which makes sense, when people think of GNR at its purest form they usually think of AFD, and to make a AFD II album if you will, Axl would need Slash for consistency in style.

  7. http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com/articles/showarticle.php?articleid=28

    this is the interview i remembered where Axl talked about doing a AFD style album and how that would have been easy to do at that time in the 90s being he was not in the right state of mind to push new music boundaries and be focused or what not

    im glad Axl's ultimate choice was to continue the progressive route with his music creation like he was already doing

  8. If Coldplay's singer replaced everyone in the band, stayed out of the spotlight for years, developed a terrible media reputation, released 1 album with new band, while still calling themselves Coldplay, and have gone thru the many other problems GNR has, he'd probably have a tough time getting people to want to hear his new music too.

    BTW, Coldplay sucks.

    this guy nailed it on the head, btw everyone NuGnR is still a far bigger band than coldplay on a world wide basis especially when u consider everything this guy said and more

  9. I would like to hear CD II as it was recorded god knows how many years back. Release that unaltered with Buckethead, Finck, and Brain in there. Nothing against Bumblefoot and Frank but there contributions to CD didn't make the songs any better. Then it would be cool if this new band created their own songs, a straight ahead old school rock record which seems to be the style that matches this band and stay away from the dated industrial sound.

    i agree with you in that i want the unaltered original songs

  10. Im certain everything Baz was told and heard was true........at the time.......remember things change with time. I was certain the whole release of CD and follow up years were not going to happen as planned back in 2008 once Axl and everything related to GNR was a no show for a year following the release of CD (and really still is), think about it. I was hoping it wasnt so but lets face it when the so called most anticipated album of all time is being released and even the man behind it is not showing his face in anyway something is wrong. At that point I knew the 2 year thing between albums wasnt going to happen. And as far as the amount of ready music thing Baz spoke of im sure that was true, remember what finished music is to one person might not be the same to others, although im sure the music Baz heard was more than good enough to be released if you know what i mean.

  11. yeah i dont see how this is a bad thing, they havent recorded new stuff because they still have amazing old stuff that still has not been released, and i want all the CD era music before any new stuff :D

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