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Posts posted by Lindy

  1. rubbish song, rubbish band.

    i can only agree with the first part

    me too. Anyone that says theyre rubbish, ok respected opinion but fucking bollocks! Possibly some ignorace.

    Ha :mellow:

    That's good how you just judge we're ignorant because we don't like a band.

    It's liek when people say they don't like Rolling Stones and other people are like "it's probably because they're ignorant".

    Since when did certain bands jsut become somethign that everyone are supposed to like? If not they're "possibly ignorant?"?

    There's a difference between saying "I don't like X band" and saying "X band is crap", I think.

    Yeah sure, but the point is still the same, it's not ignorant however way you say it.

    I don't like a lot of bands that a lot of you just find amazing, but that doesn't make me ignorant.

  2. rubbish song, rubbish band.

    i can only agree with the first part

    me too. Anyone that says theyre rubbish, ok respected opinion but fucking bollocks! Possibly some ignorace.

    Ha :mellow:

    That's good how you just judge we're ignorant because we don't like a band.

    It's liek when people say they don't like Rolling Stones and other people are like "it's probably because they're ignorant".

    Since when did certain bands jsut become somethign that everyone are supposed to like? If not they're "possibly ignorant?"?

    I said possibly, not always :)

    But I still don't get it?

    Are the ignorant about music then or guh?

    How can anyone be ignorant about music anwyay?

    yeh thats what I mean. People are ignorant and listen to like one song like Bo Rhap and think" omg thats so gay listen to all the fruity opera singing" when they have contrasting songs like Dragon attack and Death on Two Legs which are totally bad ass (in a mild way :P)


    Now I don't know any of these bands or songs or what it is, but I have to say I think you'd be the ignorant one if you think you can judge whether someone's taste and opinion are ignorant.

  3. rubbish song, rubbish band.

    i can only agree with the first part

    me too. Anyone that says theyre rubbish, ok respected opinion but fucking bollocks! Possibly some ignorace.

    Ha :mellow:

    That's good how you just judge we're ignorant because we don't like a band.

    It's liek when people say they don't like Rolling Stones and other people are like "it's probably because they're ignorant".

    Since when did certain bands jsut become somethign that everyone are supposed to like? If not they're "possibly ignorant?"?

    I said possibly, not always :)

    But I still don't get it?

    Are the ignorant about music then or guh?

    How can anyone be ignorant about music anwyay?

  4. rubbish song, rubbish band.

    i can only agree with the first part

    me too. Anyone that says theyre rubbish, ok respected opinion but fucking bollocks! Possibly some ignorace.

    Ha :mellow:

    That's good how you just judge we're ignorant because we don't like a band.

    It's liek when people say they don't like Rolling Stones and other people are like "it's probably because they're ignorant".

    Since when did certain bands jsut become somethign that everyone are supposed to like? If not they're "possibly ignorant?"?

  5. I lvoe the Airplane!!

    I did make a thread about it soemtime ago.

    I have almost all their albums, Jorma is absolutely amazing.

    And yeah, go listen to After Bathing at Baxter's and Volunteers is good too, but they're all good so guh.

  6. "Greatest Lovesongs vol.666" :lol: :lol:

    I actualy think it's pathetic rather then funny.. :unsure:

    Yeah that was what I was trying to say really ;)

    Av Ron, can't you give me that link with those sogns again anyway tam?

    Ha! I'll do that when I get home....in...about 5 and a half deadboring hours :(


    Av you'll get through them tam ;)

    I have revisionholiday :P

  7. "Greatest Lovesongs vol.666" :lol: :lol:

    I actualy think it's pathetic rather then funny.. :unsure:

    Yeah that was what I was trying to say really ;)

    Av Ron, can't you give me that link with those sogns again anyway tam?

  8. You sound like a 12 year old girl describing her favourite pop music. Which, to be fair, you probably are doing.

    Seriously, grow up.

    That's amazing how you can make a statement like that without even knowing what I listen to.

    People have different cultures and different lifestyles, I accept and respect yours, and you should do that to mine too.

  9. I think they're completely horrible.

    Like, just in every way.

    Their music, their lyrics, their covers, mand it's just, as antipositive as anything can be.

    Oh grow up, you giant pussy. Their music? The band are an exceedingly talented troupe. Their lyrics? If anything, they're funny rather than spine tingling.

    Oh, and clearly best band ever.

    You're all about calling me giant pussy, but you're telling me to grow up?

    Besides it isn't nice anyway.

    To me it's not funny to write about raping people with knives.

    To me it's not funny to have these kind of covers that they do.

    To me it's not funny to try and make everything as scary and depressing and negative as you can.

    But then I figure each to his own.

    Music is an amazing thing, and an amazing way to express yourself, and if they want to use it that way, fine with me. But I don't like it.

    I like music more bright and positive and deep and weird and acid, and not anything like that.

    You may not agree with me, but that doesn't give you the right to call me things.


  10. Ha.

    I once bought Look What The Cat Dragged In because of the forum saying Poison were amazing, and mand that was so bad.

    I just happened to sell it even :mellow:



  11. Jimi hendrix was incredibly amazing.

    He is becoming overrated, and I think it's a shame that so many people say they don't like him, when they haven't even listened to at least one of his albums. :monkey:

  12. Please recommend songs! I'm always open to new music and am willing to listen to some Rory. RECOMMEND SONGS PLEASE! :D

    What's Going On and Morning Sun.

    See if you can ge them from Taste - Live at the Isle of Wight.

    I've always thought he was better in Taste than alone ;)

  13. jimi_hendrix.jpg

    Overrated sack of shit

    slash is WAY better


    I bet you don't even know what you're talking about..

    A lot of people bash Jimi all the time, when they in reality either didn't listen to him, or listened to one song I think.

    It's a shame he's becoming so underrated.

  14. Ha! You live in Denmark!

    Ha I didn't know, usually they're all from Sweden or Norway ;)

    And ha, I never actually bought some Music DVD.

    I've got Jimi Hendrix Live At Woodstock but that's all (For you Guns N' Roses people, Slash comments on it all the time....).

  15. Ha mand it's so true all these Death Metal covers just suck really :lol: :lol:

    Although I love the one for Lennon's and Yoko's, Two Virgins.

    It's deadnatural and nice.

    Yoko's beautiful.

  16. Seeing as I happen to not listen to any new music at all, it's deadhard to go to concerts, especially when you live here in Denmark.

    You should live in like.

    England :mellow:;)

    But yeah I saw Eric Clapton and mand he was boring but I figure he plays good. Layla and Cocain are always good. But ha.

    Guh I was pretty dissapointed anwyay, but most people seemed to love it though :monkey:

    I also saw Paul McCartney last May, and he was just deadamazing and you should all go see him when you can. Nå.

    And last wednesday I saw Kim Larsen and he's some Dane who's been around since the 70's and I just happen to love him really.

    And then I'm seeing Povl Dissing, Savage Rose and maybe Stig Møller and Alrunen this year, and this year just seems good for me and concerts anyway.

    It's good.

    I'm happy ^_^

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