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Posts posted by charliehoodger

  1. Just wanted to tell anyone who doesn't know cause I didn't see the message on this message board but G4, the video game channel, is having a contest for an avid gn'r fan the new york area and the network is actually going to be at the NY concerts. On the two other messge boads I go on, this producer of the network sent a message with the details. I thinks its at HTGTH. Just wanted to help spme people out. peace. P.S.-----LESS THEN TWO FUCKING DAYS!!!!

  2. now we know guns n roses mean business. I mean do you think they would book two shows with the rolling stones if they didnt have anything new to back it up? and if they cop out, mick and co. are sure to be pissed and seriously who pisses off 60 year old rock stars? game on i say.

  3. big guns on the 12th is more like it.....im so fucking siked for this and i dont even have tickets.....this time gnr is back for good....we're gonna hear atleast 4 new songs on the 12th (not including the ones we already heard as demos)

  4. It's funny. I was telling my friend that Guns N' Roses had four shows in NY coming up and they all sold out within minutes. And he was saying how its pathetic. He said its pathetic because people still see hope and wait and wait even though he hasnt put anything out in 15 years. And out of the blue my response was "hey, Jesus Christ hasnt done anything for 2 thousand years and people still worship HIM." He told me I'm going to hell. It was actually really funny that the first thing I cant relate axl and chinese democracy to is Jesus Chirst and Catholicism. It make sense in a sort of sick logical mindset but its kinda fucked up. Oh well. The story relates to what the question asked---The reason he, and only he, can do this is because he's Axl fucking Rose. He can do whatever he wants. Sometimes its a good thing, sometimes its a bad thing. But its his thing.

  5. i live in philadelphia and lately ive been hearing blocks of gnr and more heavey rotation of songs. i know the dj here at wmmr (radio station) said he wouldnt play one note of chinese democracy after the riots in 02' but im sure hes loosened up after 4 years. I hope to hear some chinese democracy on radio by summer.

  6. I definetely still listen to them alot. It gives me a "guns n' roses high". It give me "guns n' roses-hope". Its the most concrete evidence we have of a an album that has become as notorius as brian wilson's "pet sounds" (i think thats what his famous "lost" album was called). What happens if (knock on wood) axl flips shit again and the album NEVER comes out. I have these songs still and I'm gonna still listen to them until the fricking thing comes out. I have promised myslef though to not listen to any more songs that might be leaked so i dont ruin the album for myself. I listen to IRS, and BETTER when i work out cause they get me pumped, i listen to catcher in the rye to mellow out and i listen to twat if i just want to listen to an epic song.

  7. i just hope that the new band is rehearsing songs like back off bitch and coma. those would be kick ass songs to see live. And also maybe get in the ring with some odifications that speak to todays critics. how awesome would that be? I kind of agree that it should be only new songs for the shows but "are you fuckign kidding me?". Its Guns N' Fucking Roses. Welcome to the jungle- guns. Paradise City- guns. November rain -guns

  8. I like how the article is telling the story of the now legendary album. It not anit-axl and not pro-axl. It's a tale of 13 years, 13 million, one famous frontman and one mythical album. I think this is th ebets thing to ever be written about chinese democracy and guns n' roses now. Someone just pikcing up the mag not knowing much about the band recently will know the whole story now. awesome read.

  9. to relate back to the orginal very first post about this---can everyone stop bitching. Even if you hate another baord member or think chinese democracy is gonna suck--eveyr member of this message baord is gonna buy chinese democracy when it comes out, bottom line. Everyone is a fan of guns n' roses here or else they wouldnt be a member of the message board. Soak up the sun for chirst sake. This is the best its ever been for a while and just fucking enjoy being a fan.

  10. why woudl suck aslylum open for them? I mean i know tommy is kinda in them and runaway train was a mediocre song at best, but they have no real relation music wise. Who's idea was it for this post? They should be punched in the nose.

  11. I belive that after quick sell-out of the NY shows and the europeon tour, if and when they come back to the states Axl and Co. will sell out arenas. I believe that 2006 is the year axl got his shit together. I'm not making fun of him but I think he began to realize "Well I'm not getting any younger, better late then never ya know" mentality. And I think he picked the timing perfectly. The rock scene out there (or lack there of) serious needs a stick of dynamite up it's ass and if Nickelback is all rock and roll has to offer to the masses, its sad. Axl Rose realized that we want his music, we need his music and the world needs gn'r. After their reconquering of the world in less then a month, most of america will tend to forget 2002's gnr resurrection. The name guns n' roses will no longer be associated with a mock-rock band of its formal self, but as pure rock and roll of the 21st centurey.

  12. Do you think that when "Chinese Democracy" finally comes out, people waiting for this album for years will deny the fact that any of it may actually suck? ---In no way am I saying it will, but do you think that no matter what, long, loyal and patient fans will not accept the fact that their 10 plus years went wasted? I fucking love Guns N' Roses but I'll be the first to say that they have some dumb or stupid songs. I don't really like "So Fine", "Silk Worms", "Bad Apples" just to name a few. Actually I think thats it. But what Im tryign to say is I accept that they have songs I don't like. Even if (god forbid) all of chinese democracy sucks really bad, some people will take it to their grave that its a masterpeice. I know that if there is any bad songs on it I will admit it, and if its a work of genuis I will admit it too. I go back to my main question--Will you as a fan embrace chinese democracy no matter what just because of the fact that its chinese democracy, or will you view it as a cd capable of mistakes and flaws?

  13. why didnt this guy review all of the songs? i dont get it. why is he going out of his way to make fun of axl and attack him. I fucking cant take it. IRS IS AWESOME. THE BLUES IS AWESOME. I fucking cant wait for may 13. I say may 13th because the 12th is the first show but im not going so when I wake up on the 13th I will read all the reviews people write of the shows and its gonna say how awesome the new guns n' roses is and its gonna shut every critics mouth that attacked them. ps- does anyone have a link or anythign where i can find a full picture of axl's VICTORY OR DEATH tattoo cause im gonna get it but i need a full picture. thanks.

  14. Som of the people i talk "new gnr" with say they suck among others things. To use the syaing "beating a dead horse" comes to mind when thinking what these people think about axl and the band. That hes trying to milk the shit out of the name. That hes trying to grab his crown at rock n' roll's thrown that he left behind so long ago. These people dont get it. This is rock and roll and this is the rock and roll that this dull music scene has been missing so desperately. This is GNR 2.0; Chinese Democracy-"GNR"; 21st century GNR; Guns N' Fuckin' Roses. Trust me ive tried converting tons of people to like guns n' roses now. But things like the VMAS and the busted tour (I was at the philly show) give more of a reason for naysayers to say they suck. Us fans have been with this new band for how ever long. And now in 2006, its no long our job to convert new fans. It's Guns N' Roses' job. Come these NY shows, everyone will remember what rock and roll is.

  15. Here's whats gonna happen on may 15th. Guns take the stage (late probably) axl looks great, the band looks great, everyone sounds great, alx sound slike he did in house of blues 2001. Mid way they annouce single coming out and/or possibly info on either US tour of album. The show is filmed professially by them and they use it for the first single intertwined with other shit in the video. All comebacks are not doomed to fail. True that lightning doesnt strike in the same place twice but it could strike a few inches away. Peace.

  16. Hey. I only post every now and then but I was wondering if the word of them taping the show for one reason or another was fact that someone heard or just another rumor floating around. Also does anyone have any new info on the jo wiley thing. Although it monday and they said there would be some annoucement tuesday i was just wondering if anyone heard anyting new? peace.

  17. every month us fans got something kinda as a "gift". January was word that we'll hear new music. February gave us that new music in the form of a new song. March also gave us new songs. So i have a feeling april they will either announce a release date or atleast some kinda of update on the website. This is Guns N' Roses' year.

  18. I think ive kinda outplayed the songs but when i think that and stop listenign to them for alittle while (like a day) i go back and realized why the fuck i played them nonstop in the first place. amazing shit and more amazing to come. favorite "new song moment" is in IRS the second time axl lets loose, when the drums go fast and axl just sounds pissed and starts "i bet you think im doing this song for my health"..awesome. PS--I was trying to go on GNRONLINE.COM. i know it never updates but i always check it but today at 4:06 pm it was down. any know anything of this?

  19. i persoanlly really like him now. I just watched the whole rock in rio3 video and his guitar playing is great. ii really liked his guitar solo "sossego" which i didnt think id like. ive also seen video os the 2002 tour and the more shows he seems to do the more into it he seemed and thats great. hes getting confortable. come RIR06 he'll win the whole crowd over.

  20. Here are my opinions of the all the new songs Ive heard that came out in recent years(from best to worst)

    BETTER- This song has the most confidence of all the songs that came out. It's like at the very moment they made this they new exactly what they were doing and how to do it-Axl was on cue, the band was on cue and everything fit perfectly.Hardcore song that shows us that the new GNR mean business. Best song

    MADAGASCAR- If anyone knows how to write epics, its definetely axl rose and this is no different. The song has a perfect tone and with the quotes, reaches out to anyone listeing. Personally i think the quotes are the best part. Again, it shows us that these guys arent just throwing thier shit at eachother in the studio-theyre actually working on amazing songs. Studio version will kick major ass.

    CATCHER IN THE RYE- This song is a very sweet song and very smooth song. I say sweet and smooth although i did hear that its about the guy that killed John Lennon so thats kinda weird. But besides that, everythign comes together in the song. Axl's voice sounds like he sang this in 1991 or something. Hes perfect in it and the inclusion of Brian May for the guitars is great because his signature sound fits like a glove in the song. I especially love the part where axl sings "you were the instrument..." and brian kicks in with his guitar in the back (if you didnt notice it, go back and listen because it a nice little moment)

    THE BLUES- Simple and awesome song. The piano intro and end is what does it for me. just great especially the end when you kind of think its over but the song gets back into it. Stuido will be really good.

    I.R.S. and T.W.A.T.- IRS was the first real studio sound of the new band and it was a sigh of relief up rock and rolls quit asshole. I was alittle worried because in the begining it starts off alittle weird/techno/drum machine intro but then it kicks in axl sounds as pissed as ever on the second part. good song. TWAT was the new "estranged". while estranged its not, its good for what it wants to be- an epic. You can just tell it wants so hard to be a classic epic song. Both need to be polished a bit i think. theyre not fully ready.

    CHINESE DEMOCRACY- grunge sound that doesnt really fit the band. It's a good song but it doesnt show the strentghs of the individuals in the band or of axl. mediocre song and i hope the studio one will be better.

    OH MY GOD- I like this song better then most people. At first i liked it alot just because of the sheer fact iot was new gnr but then i thought it sucked really bad and after that it started to grow on me. still not a great song. needs alot of work.

    RHIAD AND THE BEDOUINS AND SILK WORMS- I really didnt like these songs when i first heard them. RHIAD wasnt really a far cry from gnr but silk worms i thought sucked really bad. i didnt know what the hell axl was doing there even thuogh dizzy reed wrote it.Rhiad has some potential to be a ok studio song but i feel i still wont like it. I was alittle relieved to hear that neither one of them will be on the album coming out (i think i read that somewhere, but on the internet you can read anything). I always skip these songs when ever i play them on a cd. i just dont like them at all.-----Remember these are all my opinons and only from what ive heard (the leaked demos and live songs) Peace.

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