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Vincent Vega

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Status Updates posted by Vincent Vega

  1. Make an Axl and pirates thread, please Randy!

  2. Goddamn you are probably the most attractive mygnr member.

  3. 1 star. Don't like 'em? Don't read 'em =).

  4. Hey, Marc--

    What do you feel about all of this crap?

    Do you think that it could destroy the new band--Axl seems like a very private person and I'd think he wouldn't like all of his personal info being public business.

  5. you've been keepingtthis account quiet.

  6. I have that effect on people and my god the user below me is a sexy bitch.

  7. We may have disagreed on a lot, but you're a great poster. Five stars. See you around.

  8. BBA account uncovered, and reported.

  9. You don't have to like Guns to stick around. A lot of people here don't even listen to them that much anymore. Check out the Anything Goes section. You'd fit in with Wasted and Randy. They're very avant garde sorts. This is sort of like a loosely regulated insane asylum. It's good fun.

  10. I say after this stuff is over with, you should stick around here. Not to be a ''celebrity'', but because even if we act like douches, once you fit in, we're a community at heart and I think with time you'd fit in well around here.

  11. why can't you receive PMs

  12. I say leave her alone, if this is the real her. Regardless of what you feel about what MSL is doing, she doesn't deserve any shit, and it's wrong to be mean to girls.

  13. If he leaks anything, make sure he leaks the autobiography. We should know Axl's side of the story--We got Slash's. I wanna hear Axl's side in his own words.

  14. 5 stars for a guy with great knowledge of GN'R history, even if we disagree on aspects of that history.

  15. 5 stars for a hot chick.

  16. wanted to say sorry for being a dick and i gave you 5 stars.

  17. Yeah that was meant to insult.

  18. you put a shitty comment in my thread

  19. whats your fuckin problem

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