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Posts posted by Crowebar

  1. 2 hours ago, username said:

    Anybody who believes even a single word that comes out of Fernando's mouth is an idiot. 

    Yeah his manager title is something they just give out to people these days unlike 30 years ago. I saw a dude (new hire) get an engineer title and he didn't spend day 1 in school for that trade. It was a joke. Good pay for him. Shitty pay for all the real workers. Only reason he got that gig was because he was friends with someone that had all the power. And he was about to lose his current job. Pretty pathetic actually. Should be illegal - handing out titles with zero credentials. Like ffs they don't even call a garbage man or a janitor that anymore. Everyone gets a fancy title and a trophy ffs 😂 lmfao

    edit: - said dude fucked up all the time and never once got in shit for any of his very expensive fuck ups. Guys like me that got hurt because of mgmt's greed and incompetence ended up getting fired though after being put through the persecution meat grinder on an endless basis with zero help really from the jackass union. Seriously fucking lame bias bs 😂

    • Like 2
  2. 18 minutes ago, jamillos said:

    Well, not really, if we want to be fair. Nobody promised work on the album during the 2016–2018 touring years; they said not until the tour is done. And then they said there would be solo activities for a few months. And only after that, this spring/summer, they said for the first time there would be just this short fall thing and after that the real work would start. 
    It sort of reminds me of people stating the band breached the promised CD release date numerous times during early 2000s, even though the first time Axl ever really promised any date was in December 06, where he said the tentative date to be spring 2007. 
    So this is the first time anyone (Slash) gave us something concrete regarding a period when the band is actually planning to sit down and start working on the record for real. And that hasn't been breached yet. Just to be fair. 

    Pretty much nailed the truth right there 👍🏻😊

  3. 10 minutes ago, default_ said:

    Just to add that at this point KISS is a far superior band over GNR. Great catalog, used to release new stuff constantly, vault stuff is always on the horizon...

    They do a lot of merch? Yeah, but they also do a lot of music related stuff.

    Not to say they still do a far superior show than GNR.

    The KISS comparisons make no sense at all, GNR is away worse.

    Lol except for the blatant Paul lip syncing vids I and many others have caught 😂

  4. 7 minutes ago, Rovim said:

    I wouldn't go that far but they do make me chuckle sometimes. The toy trucks and the laundry bags.

    Comparing guns to Kiss is a huge stretch 😂 Nobody will ever be able to top the absurdity of the Kiss brand and merch. Not sure why anyone would even want to attempt that and they're not even done milking Kiss yet either. Gene will be dead for 50 thousand years and somehow/someway his offspring will probably be still milking that brand ffs. He's the epitomy of greediest dude ever with Paul right there going along with all of it 😳

  5. Def the hardest poll ever created here 👍🏻😂 There's way too many beyond amazing and great songs to choose from and pick 😳

    I'll be the 1% freak here

    1 - Don't Damn Me

    2 - Coma

    3 - Locomotive

    4 - Prostitute

    5 - Perhaps

    I prefer the more obscure stuff and always will. The lyrics for my 5 combined with the music is why I picked them. There's really not 1 GNR song I can honestly say I dislike actually tbh. Including Shankers Revenge and Scraped. I'm probably part of that 1% exception with those two. For me, anything Axl does is amazing and I could care less if anyone accuses me of being an Axl nut-swinger either. 

    So if you're reading this someday Axl, I think Perhaps is a massive hit waiting to happen. Sure you already know that but it truly does deserve to be released imho dude 👍🏻😊

  6. 6 minutes ago, grogmug said:

    Show was great. Obviously, Axl was 40 minutes late, but I'm pretty sure it was due to him getting dropped off in a helicopter. It landed right outside of the venue about 15 minutes before they took the stage and they had to clear out some people behind the stage for some reason, before the show started. It reminded me of waiting for 2.30 hours for Axl to come out at the Columbus, 2002 show. Axl didn't start out too strong and seemed winded. I noticed him spitting a lot between songs, but he eventually warmed up and sounded pretty good on the classics. I'm still a little bummed they cut "This I Love" from the set, but at least they are playing Madagascar (for the second straight time in Louisville). I tried to make my way up near where the mic lands after he throws it out during Paradise City, but someone above five people to the right of me ended up catching it. I tried to buy it off of him, but he wouldn't budge. All and all a great show, but hopefully he doesn't make being more than 30 minutes late a habit again. If you read most of the reviews on the Louder Than Life page, that's what people are complaining about the most. Well done, Axl, now bring on some new tunes.

    Lol 😂 40 mins. late is nothing compared to the old days. Sucks u didn't get his mic. That would've been awesome 👍🏻😁 Maybe next time... Glad you had a nice time

  7. 6 minutes ago, Sonicjam said:

    What a fantastic person! Having a rough year and this is what got me through.

    Whoever he is, he has a huge heart and the kindess and care I wish so many more people had. Honestly inspirational what he has done for the whole GNR fanbase!!

    Chairman, you are a legend around here. Thank you so much

    I 2nd that emotion about having a good and unselfish heart. Hearing some of these songs really helped to cheer me up and give me a bit of strength to hang on and persevere. I realize he was just the vessel. Without getting too mushy Axls lyrics have always helped me through good and bad times if that makes any sense. Been a gnr fan since I bought AFD without any msm/mtv influence and merely on a hunch/gut feeling when I first saw it at the record store. My gut feeling was right because I wore that cassette tape right out lol 😂 It owed me nothing by the time it was worn out 👍🏻

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Duwz said:

    Thank you, dude. You might have changed lifes, you never know.

    Certainly helped me get through (hopefully almost there...) one of the roughest patches of my life. Couldn't have happened at a better time for me. I really needed the help too. So yes, I support this thread. Long overdue imo. And definitely multiple thanks to The Chairman and sincere gratitude for doing what's been done. Right or wrong it was necessary 👍🏻😊🍻

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
    • GNFNR 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Axl_morris said:



    This is sad. Since axl has stopped the intro, one of the craziest parts of the show are people jumping around to jungle. Just look, it's flat and everyone has a phone out. So sad.

    It really is so flat without the intro.

    Pic if link gets deleted



    It is sad with the phones. I put mine away when I went to Guns in Toronto but I was a minority. Couldn't believe it... 😳

  10. 25 minutes ago, Lethalis said:

    Well, I have seen GnR 3 times already, Velvet Revolver once, and Duff too with Loaded etc.

    I won't regret it anymore.

    If I have one regret, it is that I have never seen Chris Cornell live :shrugs:

    Huge fan of him, his music has been there for me a large part of my life... yet somehow I didn't go to his shows.

    With Guns things are very different now. They have got to bring something new now.


    Maybe I should go see Eddie Vedder / Pearl Jam while I still can.

    I hear you there. I had planned on seeing Chris at some point too. Thought I'd have time... 😳

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, ChildOfTheMoon said:

    Axl seemed to be in great spirits and having fun! That’s cool.

    We all know they’ve always played covers, even in the 90s, but now it just frustrates me because we finally have Slash and Duff back and they could play so many of their amazing songs! BHS is just a sad joke, it’s the worst imo.

    Yes I'd rather they cover Black Leather or do their own stuff too as opposed to bhs

  12. 1 hour ago, kiwiguns said:

    My Review

    Its not the first time I have attended an American music festival, but times have changed since 1996 Rockford, Illinois and Lollapalooza. 

    This festival, like most today, attracts a wide range of people and that's understandable given the diversity of artists appearing. The only issue I have is a curtain majority only attended for the sake of attending with no real purpose. You can identify these people easily and often, these are the people who complain after the fact on social media or leave the event early. 

    I still don't understand why you would pay money to attend and leave early because of the fact you don't like the artist or the way they sound. 

    I can completely understand leaving early due to transport, family or work commitments. 

    The band

    I always go into each Guns N Roses live show open mind, and excited about the experience of seeing my favourite band live. When Duff plays the opening bass riff to ISE, the tension and excitement in your gut releases and very quickly you end up being pulled into the world of GNR. 

    First thing you notice, being close to the stage is how relaxed and comfortable everyone is on stage together. 

    For me, it's the things that go largely unnoticed. 

    At one point Axl was taking into his mic off PA, to the other members via their inears. It must have been amusing as all the band members had a smile or a laugh and even Slash glanced back and acknowledge what was said via a smile and a smirk. 

    The band sound tight and Axl moved through 1st to 6th gear after brownstone. It amazes me how the man can be that active on stage for 3 hours. The sweat was pooring of his forearms and soaking his teeshirts. 

    Looking forward to seeing the band in Austin at ACL.

    Also a big thanks to a random follow GNR fan, who helped me find one of my contact lenses. Cool to chat with someone about our favourite band while on hands and knees. 


    Glad you enjoyed yourself 👍🏻😊

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