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  1. Enyone else try to sing like Axl?

    And i mean that bad ass rasping in WTTJ.

    The other day i really made a really similar sound like the opening scream in WTTJ on the cd, it was rally cool.

    dan mccafferty, rod stewart, the acdc singer.... tons...

    if you mean singer. and singing with that rasp ain´t hard, it comes naturally in a way with proper training.

    I might have missunderstood the meaning of "rasping"?

    Enyway..... If you think its easy to sound like Axl, then lucky you.......I find it hard :(

    that´s cus u sing with your mouth. Morten Harket sings with his mouth, mouth and proper breath control and support from the right areas.

    Singing hard rock with rasp limits your range one way or the other. Hence appetite and illusions. where in the illusions Axl used different voices and sounded "bigger" he limited the use of rasp.

    On appetite he sang with one style in mind.

    I guess I´m trying to say that´s why appetite sounded like appetite, through the whole record.

    so I´ll break it down to ya.

    if you want to sing like Robert Plant and Axl Rose. Start sing in a pop band or any band for that matter. And sing with your normal voice in the start. if you´re an experienced singer you can jump down to part two, that will follow soon.

    For beginners; singing with rasp takes patience and practice. you need to slowly build up your voice and chords. it´s much like working out any muscle in the body.

    Practice everyday, and NOT 12 hours. (had to learn that the hard way). Give urself a good warmup, buy a tape or see a vocal coach to get warmup tape made that you can use before you start practicing.

    Sing advanced scales and NOT the boring and useless up n down do-re-mi. ´cus that crap doesn´t help you a bit. it´s only good for warming up a babies voice.

    Now that you are warmed up you start singing songs. sing them in a NORMAL volume. DO NOT ATTEMPT to sing with 100db of volume. Any microphone will amplify your voice anyways and thus give you a greater range and character bla bla. I´ll get to that later...

    warming up and practicing gives stronger chords and a stronger voice. when you are getting used to your own voice you can start forcing on the FRY as we call it, and not the RASP as you call it ;)

    Fry your voice for PARTS of a song. if you pay close attention to Axl singing on Appetite. he doesn´t use the fry/rasp through the whole record on every song. he sometimes backs off and lets his normal voice come to play. the stronger you get, and build up your fry the longer you can use it.

    YOU CAN ofcourse just go QVC and buy a bottle of throat numbner and sing, but you WILL get a throat infection and you are on penicillin for hte next week.

    so practice is what you need. give it a few months before you attempt singing WTTJ in AXL style. Even Axl had to practice and build up his voice to get that rasp. it doesn´t come free.

    And it also comes with a hefty price.

    Another thing is that if you wanna nail the SCREAMING which isn´t the RASP/FRY. that´s something that needs to come from your ass and balls rather than your throat. you just gotta SCREAM it, and be able to control the airflow to the limit where you can actually sing.

    too much force and you´ll break, too little and you won´t sound good.

    and another thing is that you need to be able to transist from your normal voice THRROUGH a MIXED voice into a falsetto. the MIX voice is the voice that Axl uses alot, and is the sound generated between the falsetto and full or normal voice.

    also, singing has nothing to do with volume. you need to use the volume right. keep in mind those songs are tracked in a studio. not in your livingroom with ur boombox on 100db+++

    try losening up your throat and stand infront of a mirror. try not to move around your adams apple too much. since ur chords are right behind it. sing with a normal voice till you feel that you are hitting the notes, and make yourself comfortable with your own voice.


    for those of you who sing alot.

    if you don´t know how tha fuck to sing with a rasp, and don´t know what it is. I suggest you read part one and practice till you got ur shit together.

    then this part will be useless for ya.

  2. Enyone else try to sing like Axl?

    And i mean that bad ass rasping in WTTJ.

    The other day i really made a really similar sound like the opening scream in WTTJ on the cd, it was rally cool.

    dan mccafferty, rod stewart, the acdc singer.... tons...

    if you mean singer. and singing with that rasp ain´t hard, it comes naturally in a way with proper training.

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  4. fuck you dude, I don´t like your take on me! I can´t fucking go there tomorrow. and I want to go the 8th instead...

    so no, there ain´t anything fishy... I just need to trade or sell.

    Try www.qxl.no dude

    1. it costs money.

    2. it´s too late.

    3. I´d rather sell to someone on the forum who needs em!

  5. Pretty damn nice! The start to me sounded quite clapton-esque which isnt a bad thing at all. Id love to hear a live version of it, perhaps even an electric solo of it, it would probably work pretty well.

    with all due respect dude, $"&"$$&/&& UCK!!!!!!!

    where tha HELL have you been?



  6. fuck you dude, I don´t like your take on me! I can´t fucking go there tomorrow. and I want to go the 8th instead...

    so no, there ain´t anything fishy... I just need to trade or sell.





  8. Please tell me how a country on almost the opposite side of the world from NY could possibly find this out before New York radio channels?


    Opposite side of the world? :huh:

    Back to Geography 101, Moop. :lol:

    Obviously you haven't heard of exaggeration. :huh:

    hmh... well... wouldn't spain be just as far from NY as LA is? =) or almost... well... where and what is china?

  9. seems to me that they are using the old logo's too?

    and all these pictures and online bootlegs...

    where has the magic gone? the newspaper rumours, the bootleg copying etc etc...


  10. I've lived and I'm moving back to LA. I love it out there, the streets in LA are fucking COLD!

    I believe it's nothing like the glad 80ies... still LA ppl are really just a bunch of shallow hopefull idiots. If you learn to live with it, it doesn't bother you in the long run. Just makes you stronger and gives you an upper hand. NYC I know nothing about. But in LA you can find the friendliest asshole there is. :)

  11. Are they pro shot pics ?

    By the bands pic taker?


    I demand some answers! :suspicious:

    My guess is yes because they are so close and fans dont get behind Axl ;)

    now the picture seem more like Video Camera quality. Makes me wonder why he uses the same clothes too.... Could it be they are prepping for a DVD or just material for a video?

    they COULD be only photo pictures, but if you look closely they seem to have the camcorder quality

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