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  1. JESUS fucking christ!!! half of you bashers can´t even SPELL!!! and don´t even live in the states? how many of you bashers have BEEN to a concert? I have, I don´t think it sucks at all! you fucking morons.

  2. What do you mean by a PRO studio when you say PRO?

    see, the problem here is that the studio isn´t more PRO than the crew in the joint.

    A creative and GOOD producer can work magic on a band with a good engineer onboard. Unless he´s an engineer himself. Some producers do everything them selves. some opt for different ppl to do different stuff. such as mixing and engineering.

    If the guy who´s miking your drums and and helping you to get the most out of your vocals don´t know what he is doing. Then you are FUCKED. Doesn´t matter if the studio is worth 500000 billion dollars.

    You can have all the Lexicon, SSL and NEVE magic in the world. But nowdays it doesn´t always matter.

    Like the dude posted, keep things simple.

    Talk with the producer and decide on what you want to achieve. If the producer is pulling you in a direction you don´t want to go. Then your performance might suffer from it. Even though he is right on the money in his suggestion. Having the right producer and keeping things simple usually works. Things you might´ve overlooked should be snapped up by a good producer. Remember, shit in = shit out. If you suck, the music will suck....

    A suggestion from me would be, work on finding the right sound for things. Make sure the drummer, band and everybody are happy with the drum sounds. That will help the drummer on his performance, same thing with guitarist and vocalist. when all these small things are tight, the performance will actually be BETTER. Tell the engineer to get his hands the fuck off the compressor, cus using compressor takes SKILL. And most of these newage engineers have a fucked up view on what a compressor is supposed to do. All in all it does just fuck up your dynamic range. And a GREAT performance with no compression is a LOT better than a lousy performance with tons of compression.

    Take your shit seriously and don´t kill your dynamic range. Respect it and embrace it. GOOD sounding records don´t have to have tons of compression. Though the idiot engineer might tell you that. :)

    I´ve experienced that twice, when I had to go into the control room and ask the engineer if he had any compression on, he said yes, and I told him to turn it the fuck off. It helped a lot. FOR THAT SONG. So all I can say... if they guys don´t know what they are doing, do things simple and try to focus on the SOUND of your band rather than the production. Make sure you get down two to three different versions of each track. All in good quality both sound and performance wise.

    Then hand it to a mixer and let the mixer mix it ALONE before you come with any wishes, demands and "band-mix" suggestions. That way you can compare HIS version to what you had in mind. And it will make his approach to things easier.

    PS! An inexperienced Engineer and producer shouldn´t TOUCH the EQing and keep ALL tracks DRY when getting it on tape. Let the mixer do the EQs and all the other shit.

    And remember, there are other things to think of when choosing a studio. You guys should really shop around. Find the studio YOU like. Not go for the option with an expensive SSL console with all the vintage gear if the ppl who work there are idiots and the vibe of the studio isn´t good, and just because it´s cheap.

    The vibe MUST be right!! It´ll help your performance. and the bands performance.

    just a suggestion though. :)

    Hey man

    Thanks for that it's really appreciated. It sounds like you really don't think engineers know what they are doing a lot of the time. I'll bear that in mind when recording.

    Thanks again

    No I´m not saying that. I´m not trying to be derogatory or anything. It´s just a fact that there are engineers out there who simply think they can work magic with music. it´s not always the case. And less can be more.

    There are many fantastic engineers out there. Pioneers and "heros", many of them believe in the fact that less is more. Just look at Brucie Swedien. please remember that these guys also work with GREAT musicians, so I´m not gonna sit here and talk TOO fondly of them ;) afterall there is a thing called money involved here.

    But just don´t let yourself be fooled by a shining 128 track console :D

    To be honest, I´ve been in a nice studio, with useless people. My music didn´t turn out any better.

    But working in a shit studio with a brilliant engineer/producer did alot more.

    It´s like watching NASCAR or Formula 1 bro, those cars are fast and capable of going very fast. But if the driver doesn´t know what he is doing, well, my guess he is gonna crash :)

  3. What do you mean by a PRO studio when you say PRO?

    see, the problem here is that the studio isn´t more PRO than the crew in the joint.

    A creative and GOOD producer can work magic on a band with a good engineer onboard. Unless he´s an engineer himself. Some producers do everything them selves. some opt for different ppl to do different stuff. such as mixing and engineering.

    If the guy who´s miking your drums and and helping you to get the most out of your vocals don´t know what he is doing. Then you are FUCKED. Doesn´t matter if the studio is worth 500000 billion dollars.

    You can have all the Lexicon, SSL and NEVE magic in the world. But nowdays it doesn´t always matter.

    Like the dude posted, keep things simple.

    Talk with the producer and decide on what you want to achieve. If the producer is pulling you in a direction you don´t want to go. Then your performance might suffer from it. Even though he is right on the money in his suggestion. Having the right producer and keeping things simple usually works. Things you might´ve overlooked should be snapped up by a good producer. Remember, shit in = shit out. If you suck, the music will suck....

    A suggestion from me would be, work on finding the right sound for things. Make sure the drummer, band and everybody are happy with the drum sounds. That will help the drummer on his performance, same thing with guitarist and vocalist. when all these small things are tight, the performance will actually be BETTER. Tell the engineer to get his hands the fuck off the compressor, cus using compressor takes SKILL. And most of these newage engineers have a fucked up view on what a compressor is supposed to do. All in all it does just fuck up your dynamic range. And a GREAT performance with no compression is a LOT better than a lousy performance with tons of compression.

    Take your shit seriously and don´t kill your dynamic range. Respect it and embrace it. GOOD sounding records don´t have to have tons of compression. Though the idiot engineer might tell you that. :)

    I´ve experienced that twice, when I had to go into the control room and ask the engineer if he had any compression on, he said yes, and I told him to turn it the fuck off. It helped a lot. FOR THAT SONG. So all I can say... if they guys don´t know what they are doing, do things simple and try to focus on the SOUND of your band rather than the production. Make sure you get down two to three different versions of each track. All in good quality both sound and performance wise.

    Then hand it to a mixer and let the mixer mix it ALONE before you come with any wishes, demands and "band-mix" suggestions. That way you can compare HIS version to what you had in mind. And it will make his approach to things easier.

    PS! An inexperienced Engineer and producer shouldn´t TOUCH the EQing and keep ALL tracks DRY when getting it on tape. Let the mixer do the EQs and all the other shit.

    And remember, there are other things to think of when choosing a studio. You guys should really shop around. Find the studio YOU like. Not go for the option with an expensive SSL console with all the vintage gear if the ppl who work there are idiots and the vibe of the studio isn´t good, and just because it´s cheap.

    The vibe MUST be right!! It´ll help your performance. and the bands performance.

    just a suggestion though. :)

  4. Axl is a conservative. He is good friends with Arnold and supports his as Governor. Also, words like "immigrants and hooray for tolerance!s" and "police and hooray for tolerance!s" are not the words of a liberal.

    He may not support the war though. Many republicans don't.

    those ARE words of a liberal. Or shall I say, an insecure and scared young man.

    If you take this to a psychological level, people react differently on specific situations and subjects.

    For instance, a person who gets cornered in a situation might fight back, while some will just crumble in them selves. As for verbal skills I´d say Axl´s a fighter. I don´t know the man so I can´t really comment on how his relationship to himself is. But knowing he dropped out of the limelight for a decade he might lost the war against himself for a while... But maybe he found his democracy after losing the war? ;)

    I don´t wish to speculate, and I honestly think it´s stupid of you people to assume and speculate the way you do. I´m not gonna say it´s gonna hurt him, but it serves no point.

    Whatever political stand Axl has is his problem, but by reading his previous statements and learning from his rants and spiels (like some guy here said) during concerts, etc etc. I´d say that the man is a liberal.

    Liberal enough to say really fucked up things that might seem wrong when you first hear it. But thinkers and people we remember do say some obscure shit from time to time.

    If I remember right he pulled off the Civil War comment off like a slick fox during concert. When he said that he is against the war, but they might as well support the troops when they´re in it now.. or something..

    Knowing that comment I fear an comparing others I think he is a sucker for attention all in all ;)

    afterall he is a fucking Rock Star, with a rockstar EGO :)

    peace out! and fuck you all! :P

  5. Not to be a grouch but why, for anyone who has never played such and such instrument, would they want to go out and buy a new one?

    Get a cheap ass second hand one and see if you can pick up the basics of playing it first.

    I can't stand (this isn't directed at people here now, just people in general) people that buy top range guitars and either rarely play them, or just learn songs by their favourite shitty emo band.

    Yeah, I'm jealous that people can afford to buy some luxuries like that but for me, the top range kit can wait unless i want to turn professional.

    I see where you´re coming from, but remember, if you can afford an expensive guitar, and still just play it now and then, it will be more worth over the years. Cheaper guitars will just become cheaper. I guess this rule only applies to guitars that are mint or in very good condition and over 10 years old... but it varies alot.

    2000+ is a lot for a new guitar. So is 1000 dollars. And the rule now a day is that you get what you pay for, which isn´t the case. Google Ed Rowans rant on todays guitar makers. :) he also has a list of what and what not to buy, and why. :)

    if I recall it right, he hated gibson and the major big guys. and why spend 2k on a new gibson when you can get a custom for less......

  6. I agree the mother is being ridiculous, it's kind of hypocritical to say it's ok for your kids to listen to a song that says, "Why don't you just fuck off!" but a few boobs on stage isn't ok. :rofl-lol:

    cus anger is prolly better for the kids than seeing love? :) oh yeah, nice titties are just like looooove... :wub:

  7. my band Atomica are looking to make it big. Otherwise we're all fucked cos we don't do anything else haha. We just need a singer. London is the only place to have even a chance of making it these days if you play rock. Camden is UK's "sleaze port"

    uhm.. the other riff.. ain't that a bitch or something guitars and riffs are among the most used riffs in the world! :) still a cool song. the singer reminds me of dead old Freddie...

  8. This is a must read for anyone in a band who has aspirations of getting "signed" (written by steve albini, producer of nirvana's in utero, among other tthings)


    Major labels are corporately run, quarterly profit motivated businesses. Gone are the days of "artist development" when the majors were owned by rich dudes who gave a shit about music, and would give bands a chance to reach their potentials.

    Majors these days employ a "throw all the shit at the wall and see what sticks" model.

    The average record sales for a major label "signed" band is about 1500 records (that's not a typo)

    That's not to say you can't end up with a good deal with a major. Just watch what you sign, and hold out until you have enough of a following that you bring something worth bargaining for to the table.

    I read that and I've read similar cases. I know people who've been signed and blown contracts. Taking huge advances on later cds that never sold. So... What the bitter x nirvana producer is saying, be careful. not to stay away from any major record label.

    I think it's a good read still, but if your brain is working between all the gigging and the drugs you're taking, then you'll get out of it alive. :) Johnny Reznik in goo goo dolls was fucked over if I remember right. Lots of ppl have gotten bad deals, yeah for sure. But like you pointed out Mr. Anderson, a following is always a very good thing. in every aspect. Keep in mind that alot of band put out EPs and full length albums to a minimum cost. And I'd say a good contract with a band doing its job could push those numbers to favor the band. :)

  9. it's actually a very good box. I've tried it. For it's price it's very good. E-MU stuff is good too.

    Like he said, it's a problem that it doesn't come with recording software. and buying that isn't all that cheap.

    But I suggest downloading Cubase LE or SX3 if you want Steinberg products. If you are on Mac GarageBand or Logic Express are good choices. Pro Tools won't work on that card. And the other DAWs (recording software) aren't really all that great for demo cutting and songwriting. IMO.

    Cubase is a good way to get into stuff. PM me and I can get you a free torrent to download a WORKING program.

  10. It makes me sad to remember you,

    Like I now do

    It Brings me down as far as we can go,

    To now know

    It was something worth letting go

    this was something worth letting go

    was it worth letting go

    I always wanted you to be strong

    I hate to look at the man in the mirror

    why did you need to be that strong,

    to let go

    did you keep it inside all along

    just waiting and wanting to go

    all invitations fake and based on lies

    loving you made your heart wither and die

    and if there was a tear that I could cry to show you

    it would be the only tear I could ever give

    the next I don't want to see,

    no I've got no need to know

    Now I fear the past,

    with all the secrets that you had

    I fear I see the truth,

    and how this has been too many years of work for you

    You can only hate what you love, isn't it what they say

    I will let you go, to your lies, to the beds you stole

    Bereft this will lies a heart, out of control

    I can’t forgive and forget

  11. If there was a genuine brawl between Axl Rose and Scott Weiland, who do you actually think would come off better?

    (Sorry, but there seems to be a need to get the topic OFF CD for a while!)

    KK x

    uhm... sorry, but are you serious? Are you trying to start the most idiotic thread in mygnr history or are you ASKING for a fight????

    How do you expect serious questions? this IS possibly the most idiotic thread in history!!

    It would be like going on a Ferrari forum asking whether a Lambo is better than a Ferrari. Even though it was brand new Lambo with worn out Ferrari parts! :) STUPID STUPID!

    I think it's actually a vast improvement over some of the shit thats been hanging from this board lately.

    you can't discuss this... this topic shoud be moved and locked.

  12. is not about boxing or fight, that's not relly important:


    Fraud boy SUCKS!!!!!!

    so true

    how is a fraud?

    i think axl is more the fraud with this "album" coming out

    well... I'd say no album is better than the Piss Snott Fraudland is giving us with his Velcro Reloaded shit

  13. If there was a genuine brawl between Axl Rose and Scott Weiland, who do you actually think would come off better?

    (Sorry, but there seems to be a need to get the topic OFF CD for a while!)

    KK x

    uhm... sorry, but are you serious? Are you trying to start the most idiotic thread in mygnr history or are you ASKING for a fight????

    How do you expect serious questions? this IS possibly the most idiotic thread in history!!

    It would be like going on a Ferrari forum asking whether a Lambo is better than a Ferrari. Even though it was brand new Lambo with worn out Ferrari parts! :) STUPID STUPID!

  14. I've met Jarmo and he is a really nice guy, down to earth and very reflected. I reckon that's the reason why he's so tight with the GNR camp.

    How he runs his forum is not our problem, that's why we are here. It's between him and his users.

    If they are unhappy they can leave. They are stricter over at HTGTH. But then again, not as many idiotic comments as on this board from time to tome. Not picking sides here. Let's just face it, there are more flavors to things than just one. :)

    BTW, Did anyone ever get a comment from other HMV store reps? And did the thread starter update the news?

  15. USB vs. Firewire and latency is pure bullshit.

    For the amount of recording you will do the COMPUTER you are recording on will decide your latency. Santana you are COMPLETELY wrong. Sorry bro, but you are WAY out....

    The main difference between is USB and Firewire 400 is that FireWire 400 is self-powered. Where USB 2.0 isn't really. Watch out if you got USB 1.1 or 2.0. That might affect your recording aswell.

    At the end of the day it's your computer that decides the latency. Aswell as computer setup.

    Pro Tools works better with two disks in NON RAID configuration. As PT doesn't work with RAID setups.

    Cubase can benefit from RAID arrays. (RAID = Multible disks chained together, either mirrored or striped, meaning you can split your data to 2, 3 or 4 different hard drives. Some RAIDS offer 8 disks. This you don't need). Pro Tools needs a compatible external drive or an internal drive that you can swap map. Pro Tools writes between the two disks to bypass possible latency.

    For home production up to 16 tracks in 48hz you don't need an external drive NOR worry about FireWire or USB soundcards. Simply because USB 2.0 offeres the same bandwith as FireWire 400. Firewire 800 offers more, But firewire 800 can only be found in RME's card, RME FireFace 800. This soundcard you DON'T need. And the FireWire 800 port DOES NOT give you lower latency nor better soundquality. The pros of FW800 is simply more datastream. It's not even clear if it's worth it, so 99% of the manufacturers keep it down to USB and FW 400.

    Your choice of DAW (recording software) is another thing.

    I recommend Pro Tools for people who don't want to fuck around too much with sampling and virtual instruments. (VST and VSTi, a CUBASE/NUENDO standard).

    Pro Tools maps up your different channels quickly and the soundcard is mapped to pro tools by default.

    Cubase requires a little work to get up n working. I'm not Cubase fluent, but I work in Cubase, Logic and Pro Tools. For songwriting I would say Logic and Cubase are the best. For user friendliness I would say Pro Tools 7.2 is the best. The new Pro Tools 7.x Midi works great now too.

    You can use EZ drummer or Reason to get a simple drum track. I would recommend EZ drummer since it's Drag n Drop and has OK beats for demo recording. You can get DFH Superior expansion pack or Vintage drummer expansion packs. Reason is more flexible but I wouldn't recommend it for a newbie.

    Cubase has the benefit of Stylus RMX and countless of other VST instruments and sampling programs you can use. Like I said, it's a bit harder to use. But it's all based upon taste and what you learn from scratch.

    Logic 7, though only on MAC is a great tool. it has built in samples (Logic 7 PRO) and it has built in midi instruments that can be used for demos and songwriting, arrangements... etc etc...

    Logic 7 Express is a crippled version of Logic 7 Pro, it's easy as fuck to use. But it's a bit limited. Maybe that's best for you. You could still use EZdrummer with logic express. So I would say EZ drummer + Logic Express or Pro Tools 7.2 LE + EZdrummer is the way to go for you.

    Cubase 4 doesn't offer the same soundquality as Nuendo, which is the big brother of Cubase.

    The difference from Cubase 4 to Nuendo isn't as big as Logic Express 7 to Logic Pro 7.

    The difference from Pro Tools 7 HD to Pro Tools 7 LE isn't something you should worry about. Since HD systems are utterly expensive. Pro Tools M-Box powered is also an option, it's similar to Logic Express.

    Garageband is a simple tool provided in the iLIFE packages bundled with Apple computers. It's also a great product with built in grooves. it's EASY to use.

    M-Audio Firewire 1814 and 410 are PRO TOOLS 7 MBOX compatible.

    MBOX 2 from digidesign is PRO TOOLS 7LE compatible.

    Don't worry about LE or MBOX. :) it's only the amount of tracks.

    FireWire 410 cards are great, so are MBOX 2 cards.

    The would work with pro tools, logic, nuendo, cubase, sonar and all the DAWs on the marked.

    T.C Electronics just came out with D24 I believe, it's NOT pro tools compatible. But it offers an internal DSP, which can be good for effects since it doesn't eat up your CPU power. Which again translates to lower latency.

    T.C I belive is USB and FireWire.

    FireWire 410 is USB and Firewire.

    MBOX 2 is USB OR FireWire. 2 and 4 or was it 4 and 8 channels. not sure which are preamped.

    The 410 has two preamps, same goes with the TC card.

    I would stick with TC or Digidesign/M-Audio products. They are foolproof in my book.

    The only time you need to worry about latency is when you are tracking guitars and using effects such as Guitar Rig or Amplitube.

    To work around the MIDI drums, just simply bounce the miditrack to audio.

    and then record your guitars ontop of that. I'm sure you won't experience any latency problems. :)

    1gb of RAM is a must. 2gb is a preference of choice.


    You're wrong, and you know nothing.

    prove me I'm wrong then, instead of posting such an idiotic remark like, "you know nothing" considering you're a mod I'd expect a little higher level of "posting intelligence"


    Joking, you moron. :D

    you dick;D hahahahahahha :D fuck fuck fuck :D

  16. USB vs. Firewire and latency is pure bullshit.

    For the amount of recording you will do the COMPUTER you are recording on will decide your latency. Santana you are COMPLETELY wrong. Sorry bro, but you are WAY out....

    The main difference between is USB and Firewire 400 is that FireWire 400 is self-powered. Where USB 2.0 isn't really. Watch out if you got USB 1.1 or 2.0. That might affect your recording aswell.

    At the end of the day it's your computer that decides the latency. Aswell as computer setup.

    Pro Tools works better with two disks in NON RAID configuration. As PT doesn't work with RAID setups.

    Cubase can benefit from RAID arrays. (RAID = Multible disks chained together, either mirrored or striped, meaning you can split your data to 2, 3 or 4 different hard drives. Some RAIDS offer 8 disks. This you don't need). Pro Tools needs a compatible external drive or an internal drive that you can swap map. Pro Tools writes between the two disks to bypass possible latency.

    For home production up to 16 tracks in 48hz you don't need an external drive NOR worry about FireWire or USB soundcards. Simply because USB 2.0 offeres the same bandwith as FireWire 400. Firewire 800 offers more, But firewire 800 can only be found in RME's card, RME FireFace 800. This soundcard you DON'T need. And the FireWire 800 port DOES NOT give you lower latency nor better soundquality. The pros of FW800 is simply more datastream. It's not even clear if it's worth it, so 99% of the manufacturers keep it down to USB and FW 400.

    Your choice of DAW (recording software) is another thing.

    I recommend Pro Tools for people who don't want to fuck around too much with sampling and virtual instruments. (VST and VSTi, a CUBASE/NUENDO standard).

    Pro Tools maps up your different channels quickly and the soundcard is mapped to pro tools by default.

    Cubase requires a little work to get up n working. I'm not Cubase fluent, but I work in Cubase, Logic and Pro Tools. For songwriting I would say Logic and Cubase are the best. For user friendliness I would say Pro Tools 7.2 is the best. The new Pro Tools 7.x Midi works great now too.

    You can use EZ drummer or Reason to get a simple drum track. I would recommend EZ drummer since it's Drag n Drop and has OK beats for demo recording. You can get DFH Superior expansion pack or Vintage drummer expansion packs. Reason is more flexible but I wouldn't recommend it for a newbie.

    Cubase has the benefit of Stylus RMX and countless of other VST instruments and sampling programs you can use. Like I said, it's a bit harder to use. But it's all based upon taste and what you learn from scratch.

    Logic 7, though only on MAC is a great tool. it has built in samples (Logic 7 PRO) and it has built in midi instruments that can be used for demos and songwriting, arrangements... etc etc...

    Logic 7 Express is a crippled version of Logic 7 Pro, it's easy as fuck to use. But it's a bit limited. Maybe that's best for you. You could still use EZdrummer with logic express. So I would say EZ drummer + Logic Express or Pro Tools 7.2 LE + EZdrummer is the way to go for you.

    Cubase 4 doesn't offer the same soundquality as Nuendo, which is the big brother of Cubase.

    The difference from Cubase 4 to Nuendo isn't as big as Logic Express 7 to Logic Pro 7.

    The difference from Pro Tools 7 HD to Pro Tools 7 LE isn't something you should worry about. Since HD systems are utterly expensive. Pro Tools M-Box powered is also an option, it's similar to Logic Express.

    Garageband is a simple tool provided in the iLIFE packages bundled with Apple computers. It's also a great product with built in grooves. it's EASY to use.

    M-Audio Firewire 1814 and 410 are PRO TOOLS 7 MBOX compatible.

    MBOX 2 from digidesign is PRO TOOLS 7LE compatible.

    Don't worry about LE or MBOX. :) it's only the amount of tracks.

    FireWire 410 cards are great, so are MBOX 2 cards.

    The would work with pro tools, logic, nuendo, cubase, sonar and all the DAWs on the marked.

    T.C Electronics just came out with D24 I believe, it's NOT pro tools compatible. But it offers an internal DSP, which can be good for effects since it doesn't eat up your CPU power. Which again translates to lower latency.

    T.C I belive is USB and FireWire.

    FireWire 410 is USB and Firewire.

    MBOX 2 is USB OR FireWire. 2 and 4 or was it 4 and 8 channels. not sure which are preamped.

    The 410 has two preamps, same goes with the TC card.

    I would stick with TC or Digidesign/M-Audio products. They are foolproof in my book.

    The only time you need to worry about latency is when you are tracking guitars and using effects such as Guitar Rig or Amplitube.

    To work around the MIDI drums, just simply bounce the miditrack to audio.

    and then record your guitars ontop of that. I'm sure you won't experience any latency problems. :)

    1gb of RAM is a must. 2gb is a preference of choice.


    You're wrong, and you know nothing.

    prove me I'm wrong then, instead of posting such an idiotic remark like, "you know nothing" considering you're a mod I'd expect a little higher level of "posting intelligence"

    Browser - can you reccomend me some mac recording programs and links to download 'em here please?

    sure, EZ drummer for drums, and logic 7 express. :)

    try isohunt.com, proaudiotorrents.com, torrentspy.com etc etc...

  17. USB vs. Firewire and latency is pure bullshit.

    For the amount of recording you will do the COMPUTER you are recording on will decide your latency. Santana you are COMPLETELY wrong. Sorry bro, but you are WAY out....

    The main difference between is USB and Firewire 400 is that FireWire 400 is self-powered. Where USB 2.0 isn't really. Watch out if you got USB 1.1 or 2.0. That might affect your recording aswell.

    At the end of the day it's your computer that decides the latency. Aswell as computer setup.

    Pro Tools works better with two disks in NON RAID configuration. As PT doesn't work with RAID setups.

    Cubase can benefit from RAID arrays. (RAID = Multible disks chained together, either mirrored or striped, meaning you can split your data to 2, 3 or 4 different hard drives. Some RAIDS offer 8 disks. This you don't need). Pro Tools needs a compatible external drive or an internal drive that you can swap map. Pro Tools writes between the two disks to bypass possible latency.

    For home production up to 16 tracks in 48hz you don't need an external drive NOR worry about FireWire or USB soundcards. Simply because USB 2.0 offeres the same bandwith as FireWire 400. Firewire 800 offers more, But firewire 800 can only be found in RME's card, RME FireFace 800. This soundcard you DON'T need. And the FireWire 800 port DOES NOT give you lower latency nor better soundquality. The pros of FW800 is simply more datastream. It's not even clear if it's worth it, so 99% of the manufacturers keep it down to USB and FW 400.

    Your choice of DAW (recording software) is another thing.

    I recommend Pro Tools for people who don't want to fuck around too much with sampling and virtual instruments. (VST and VSTi, a CUBASE/NUENDO standard).

    Pro Tools maps up your different channels quickly and the soundcard is mapped to pro tools by default.

    Cubase requires a little work to get up n working. I'm not Cubase fluent, but I work in Cubase, Logic and Pro Tools. For songwriting I would say Logic and Cubase are the best. For user friendliness I would say Pro Tools 7.2 is the best. The new Pro Tools 7.x Midi works great now too.

    You can use EZ drummer or Reason to get a simple drum track. I would recommend EZ drummer since it's Drag n Drop and has OK beats for demo recording. You can get DFH Superior expansion pack or Vintage drummer expansion packs. Reason is more flexible but I wouldn't recommend it for a newbie.

    Cubase has the benefit of Stylus RMX and countless of other VST instruments and sampling programs you can use. Like I said, it's a bit harder to use. But it's all based upon taste and what you learn from scratch.

    Logic 7, though only on MAC is a great tool. it has built in samples (Logic 7 PRO) and it has built in midi instruments that can be used for demos and songwriting, arrangements... etc etc...

    Logic 7 Express is a crippled version of Logic 7 Pro, it's easy as fuck to use. But it's a bit limited. Maybe that's best for you. You could still use EZdrummer with logic express. So I would say EZ drummer + Logic Express or Pro Tools 7.2 LE + EZdrummer is the way to go for you.

    Cubase 4 doesn't offer the same soundquality as Nuendo, which is the big brother of Cubase.

    The difference from Cubase 4 to Nuendo isn't as big as Logic Express 7 to Logic Pro 7.

    The difference from Pro Tools 7 HD to Pro Tools 7 LE isn't something you should worry about. Since HD systems are utterly expensive. Pro Tools M-Box powered is also an option, it's similar to Logic Express.

    Garageband is a simple tool provided in the iLIFE packages bundled with Apple computers. It's also a great product with built in grooves. it's EASY to use.

    M-Audio Firewire 1814 and 410 are PRO TOOLS 7 MBOX compatible.

    MBOX 2 from digidesign is PRO TOOLS 7LE compatible.

    Don't worry about LE or MBOX. :) it's only the amount of tracks.

    FireWire 410 cards are great, so are MBOX 2 cards.

    The would work with pro tools, logic, nuendo, cubase, sonar and all the DAWs on the marked.

    T.C Electronics just came out with D24 I believe, it's NOT pro tools compatible. But it offers an internal DSP, which can be good for effects since it doesn't eat up your CPU power. Which again translates to lower latency.

    T.C I belive is USB and FireWire.

    FireWire 410 is USB and Firewire.

    MBOX 2 is USB OR FireWire. 2 and 4 or was it 4 and 8 channels. not sure which are preamped.

    The 410 has two preamps, same goes with the TC card.

    I would stick with TC or Digidesign/M-Audio products. They are foolproof in my book.

    The only time you need to worry about latency is when you are tracking guitars and using effects such as Guitar Rig or Amplitube.

    To work around the MIDI drums, just simply bounce the miditrack to audio.

    and then record your guitars ontop of that. I'm sure you won't experience any latency problems. :)

    1gb of RAM is a must. 2gb is a preference of choice.


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