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Posts posted by Danny

  1. What a sweet topic!!!!

    Here are mine:

    1-Love Like A Bomb

    2-Live Forever


    4-Go Let It Out

    5-Fucking In The Bushes (I know. I know. This should'nt count. But, I open every episode of my podcast WONDERFUL WORLD OF DANNY (www.wonderfulworldofdanny.com) with it, so I thought I should give it some props)

    Incedently, am I the only American posting on this thread? Probably.

  2. For anyone who needs it, the code is "TMDEAL"...at least for the TargetCenter show.

    And for the record, I too am not too happy with these ticket prices going down. On one hand, these lowered prices mean that I've probably got a couple of buddies that are now going to come with me to the show since the prices are more affordable. On the other hand, I paid nearly a hundred bucks for my ticket the day they went on sale.

    Gee...I wonder if an album coming out this year (you know, like Axl promised it would) would have helped sell more tickets initially.

    What a joke.

  3. does ANYONE know mercks email address he don't understand apparently that he is pissin alot of people off and u know as well as i do they read what we right in these forums so the least he could do is address truth or not in a statement instead of lettin us down....again year after year

    I have a feeling that they don't want to admit that CD is NOT coming out this year. By their way of thinking, it would affect ticket sales of the current tour.

  4. Hah, The guy who sent the letter was from Minnesota, and so am I. I know a lot of people up in this country that can't wait for the Target Center concert.

    Well, I'm from Duluth like the guy who wrote the letter. It's also a little weird to me that the guy's name is Dan, like me. I've never met anyone else in this town who is a GNR fan, so it's a little bit of a goofy coincidence to me that it's a fellow Duluthian.

    Hey...Dan from Duluth. If you happen to read these forums, PM me. Maybe we can carpool to the Target Center show.

  5. The guy just stated something nice about the man. Why does that mean he's kissing ass?

    Um, how about because the title of the thread is "Axl Rose...I still love the man".

    And what's with the "let's wait untill January to come and go before we get mad" thing. These Axl-apologists just keep moving that goal line.

  6. Well, my spirit is definately busted. I just think about all of the things that have happened (in my personal life and in the world in general) since we first heard Chinese Democracy songs from the Vegas gig and I become ill with the idea that Axl and his "family" could'nt get their shit together and live up to what they said they would do this year. It's pathetic. My daughter was born days before that Vegas show, and now she's in Kindergarten. Clinton was still president during that show. 911 was just 3 numbers you dialed for an emergency. It's pathetic!

    I've been trying to come up with ways that we can, as a group of frustrated fans, peacefully express that frustration to Axl. All I can come up with so far is this. A bunch of online fans go to the Jan 1st show in Nashville. They make sure they get right up front on the floor. They enjoy the first few songs of the show as normal, but as soon as a "CD song" is played, those fans could simply turn around, thus turning their backs on the idea that this album will ever be released.

    Anyone else have any other ideas?

  7. It's fucking chaos over there. I see threads deleted every minute. I had two. One of them was "Once again"

    Yeah...I'm glad I'm becoming a regular over here instead.

    By the way...in response to this recent rumor, my speculation dates have changed:

    Release date chances:

    November 14: 0%

    November 21: 25%

    November 28: 13%

    December 05: 11%

    December 12: 9%

    December 19: 3%

    December 26: 12%

    Sometime after 2006: 15%

    When Hell freezes over: 12%

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