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Posts posted by marina

  1. its called being orignal, something axl has been accused of not being.

    so if i strapped a live cat to my head and called my self cat head....... i'd be orignal and interesting? no i'd be a fuckhead.

    i think he did a little more than just put the bucket on his head dude, try this, close ur eyes, fuck what he looks like, and use ur ears. THEN judge. he's a guitarist, therefore u judge him playing. if he was a model, then there might seem some point behind judging his appearance.





    Meat Puppet II - Meat Puppets

    any elvis pre-1957

    any eddie cochran

    any chuck berry

    LAMF - the heartbreakers

    both he NY Dolls first album

    anything by the ramones

    LIE - Charles Manson

    anything by Hank Williams

    Cut - The Slits

    Lucky 7 - Reverend Horton Heat

    LA Woman - The Doors

    anything by leadbelly, bessie smith, josh white, big bill broonzy, john lee hooker, charley patton

  3. yes yes YES!!!!!!!!!! one of the greatest fucking bands ever, period! their first three albums on there own have more progression to them than any band on earth, there is literally nothing like em, totally unique perfect n unclassifiable, i didnt think it was possible to exist outside of genre, this band proves its possible, TOTAL trailblazers!

  4. nirvana nirvana nirvana nirvana nirvana!!!!!!

    more passion, MUCH better lyrics, the kind i like too, convoluted, obscure, rooted more in creating a mood. dave grohl on the kit kicking the fucking shit out of em, just the passion n energy, n kurts voice, that fuckin throat-rip wail, jus infinitely better in every way, i always though Pearl Jam were boring, like Neil Young, in genral i think, the whole grunge thing, they were just fucking boring, i really didnt like any of em much, although mudhoney are fuckin cool! but yeah, nirvana lol

  5. yeh um yeh, he is LOL axl is, pop is an abbreviation for popular, he was in billboard, he as in the band he was in, like one after the other, at one time no. 1 & 2, pop is an abused n misused term, not an insult. but uh ok, BEST question i EVER heard ummmmmmmmmm but im fucked up so im not gonna name singer cuz i dont feel like thinkin right now too much kay?


    the knack

    the shangri la's

    the chordettes

    the sex pistols


    the drifters

    the beatles

    Dion Dimucci

    Elvis Presley

    n who did will u love me tommorow, FUCK i can think who it is, they Mama Said too....OHMIGOD who were they!?! SHIT!!! ummm........the...the something....the whathefuuuuck...i HATE when i forget shit the s something th OH shit, the shirelles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and i dont feel thinkin anymore

    bye, god bless

  6. woah, aerosmith fans, cool :) now we're even. goes towards more of like...the reality of life, opinion, we're almost half n half here, but im a predudiced punk on this story n i dunno, people who LIKE aerosmith need to also look into the corporate bidding war between Aerosmith n the New York Dolls n who were the hot "to sign" bands at the times n who got signed n who got better promoted n who didn't n who made it n the reasons behind it. go lookin' for Marty Thau maybe. but fuck it, can't really take nothin from the Stones OR Aerosmith, i was raised to hate the rolling stones.

  7. How the fuck did he get Kate Moss?

    Birds of a feather flock together... ;)

    theres nothin wrong with junkies, william s burroughs was a junky

    Most of junkies aren't William Burroughs.

    sid vicious, slash, johnny thunders, jerry nolan, kurt cobain, tonsa cool people do heroin. its just a drug, not a reflection on ones character

  8. i dont think a junkies gonna care too much to play the court casey game, otherwise sid vicious could sued newspapers all over the world. n i dont...i guess this is a lacking in me but i can't really...judge. ever. shouldn't till u do, n we really rarely ever REALLY do, specially when the medias involved.

  9. One of the most ridiculous polls ive ever seen, cant even compare the two bands. Aerosmith are a poor mans version of the rolling stones, Theres no shame wearing your influeces on your sleeve, but they just do it badly IMO, so many terrible songs, one of the worst BIG bands ever.

    i think...british bands per say playing the blues, where, y'know, i dont mind it, i aint predudice against it, it aint really authentic is it? i can see the barrage of "oh, so u hafta be american to play the blues posts?" well no, u dont, but its very much a part of the american identity, just as im sure fish n chips over here suck or like...us guys aint as good at soccer n stuffs it's just...y'know, can't HELP where shit orignates from n based on that i think, saying that Aerosmith copy the Stones THAT much, jus aint true...the heart n soul of it is an american thing, John Lennon hit the nail on the head with Yer Blues i think, very satirical. the fact of the matter is, Mick Jagger TOOK an accent, his singing voice, thats a fucking James Brown impersonation and he's admitted that himself, add to that a little faux "fag dancing" n there ya got it, Mick Jagger, i aint denying the contribution (of the stones i mean) cuz its huge but...some leaning a little on aerosmith in this thread.

    oh dear another UK vs US argument.

    Rubbish, even Liam Gallagher of Oasis sometimes sings with an american accent, all bands sing with accents. I really dont understand what your trying to say? you're spelling doesn't help either, some of the greatest english bands were influenced by ancient bluesmen, like pink floyd and led zep.

    The Rolling Stones still combined the english charm to their blues sound.

    and just so happen to be the greatest most influential blues based rock n roll band ever. I take it you havent heard albums like aftermath, rolling stones now! etc etc. Nobody can touch the stones, they had everything we all love about rock n roll, and were the first to transcend the image of rock n roll into the mainstream.

    the gallagher brothers, axl and slash cant compete with jagger and keith, never mind the ridiculous carbon copy outfit that is aerosmith.

    when I talk and listen to the stones, songs like satisfaction, its only rock n roll do not come to mind, i cant stand those.

    Aersomith can never write menacing songs like gimme shelter and heart of stone. FACT.

    I can fully understand why they are popular, and enjoy a few of their 70's material, but its almost criminal to compare them to the greats.

    what im trying to say basically is that although its all fine n dandy to like say oh aerosmith were influenced by Stones tons etc by the same token the stones took a form of music, a form of music that Aerosmith in all likelihood could more authentically convey due to the fact of where they're from than the stones, thats all. in short, the stones influenced aerosmith shouldn't be taken as immediate written in stone consolidation of the fact that that makes the stones better. im not actually on either side of the argument here, i dont really have that much of an opinion on either band cuz i dont really like em very much. dont get me wrong, they're really good n all but, not my cup of instant. theres nothing wrong with "copying" accents, some of my most favorite bands do it but, i just dont think Aerosmith r deserve to be that marginalised, they been an ass in the grass force to be reckoned with in rock n roll since the 70s. but like i said before, im not really takin either side.

  10. The guy is a joke to the music industry and to all those fools saying it looks like something else and The Sun is making it up please stop embaressing yourself. The Sun would never use such pictures unless they were legit now get over it, the guy is a junkie asshole and the reason he hasn't been locked up for a lengthy spell is because nobody will give a fucking shit if he dies and neither will i

    u know a lotta guns n roses were junkies too, not so much criticism is levelled at them for it on this forum n dont put newspapers past anything dude, like the oh so suggestive pic of a heroin baby when Frances Bean Cobain was born

  11. One of the most ridiculous polls ive ever seen, cant even compare the two bands. Aerosmith are a poor mans version of the rolling stones, Theres no shame wearing your influeces on your sleeve, but they just do it badly IMO, so many terrible songs, one of the worst BIG bands ever.

    i think...british bands per say playing the blues, where, y'know, i dont mind it, i aint predudice against it, it aint really authentic is it? i can see the barrage of "oh, so u hafta be american to play the blues posts?" well no, u dont, but its very much a part of the american identity, just as im sure fish n chips over here suck or like...us guys aint as good at soccer n stuffs it's just...y'know, can't HELP where shit orignates from n based on that i think, saying that Aerosmith copy the Stones THAT much, jus aint true...the heart n soul of it is an american thing, John Lennon hit the nail on the head with Yer Blues i think, very satirical. the fact of the matter is, Mick Jagger TOOK an accent, his singing voice, thats a fucking James Brown impersonation and he's admitted that himself, add to that a little faux "fag dancing" n there ya got it, Mick Jagger, i aint denying the contribution (of the stones i mean) cuz its huge but...some leaning a little on aerosmith in this thread.

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