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Posts posted by bucket13

  1. Hey,who`s bright idea was it to jump to the .4?why not just 2 wthout .4,or a .1,.2 or .3 instead?


    Admin said that those boards had glitches in them that were fixed in .4, so instead of just keep remodeling, he does it every so often. Besides we want the best of things I dont want no out-of-date model ;)


  2. Well I have Quicktime and Windows Media Player, but I assume I need the Windows file to work since it's on video.msn.com.  I use Internet Explorer.


    Shit...that covers like pretty much every type of file except Real Player :blink:

    Whats your internet connection? Maybe its not streaming because it hasnt completely buffered it yet.


  3. Oh yeah I guess this would go better in support, I forget that that part of the forum even exists.  To keep it here "What videos to you like to stream?" There now it's Anythin Goes  :P .  And it's a PC.


    Ok so what Video-playing software do you have and whats your browser?

    lol and I like to stream WTTF 2004 :P


  4. Freddie but he never really screamed he just sang B) Possibly in Under Pressure when he reached that A5 rock4

    Axl (especially in IRS...the F#)

    Robert Plant

    Steven Tyler...him live is INCREDIBLE


  5. Depends on what video software your using...btw this should be in the SUPPORT section before a mod PMS's on you ;)

    You may need another video viewer like quicktime or windows media player. Also your browser sometimes has to do with it as well. Also are you using Mac or PC?


  6. I looked up my IP. It says I live in Aberdeen. Waaay off.


    Well do you use proxies? or AOL? Those scramble ur IP address each time you sign on or whatever. Also softwares but I doubt you have any if you asked the question lol.


  7. Madison and Mike got into an arguement. I think. :huh:


    ok thanks


    Good times....gooooood times B) Ha I miss the arguments.


  8. ALEX!! Calm down no one wants you to leave your being quite dramatic! Some people just thing its a dumb question as in they dont really care, others are curious why. I was curious and im glad you asked the question.


  9. Alot,



    Iron Maiden

    Motley Crue




    Cradle of Filth

    Dimmu Borgir




    Led Zeppelin

    The Doors

    Pink Floyd

    Jimi Hendrix

    Janis Jopelin

    Jefferson Airplain/Starship

    ect ect ect...


  10. The "ADMIN,", "MODERATOR", "SUPER MODERATOR", and soon to be "NEWS REPORTER" images is a great idea I came accross when visiting one of the many LINUX Forums I visit.

    It makes it so much easier for members to notice who is responsible for the Forums. :)

    As for the size, I'm sure you'll get used to them.


    News Reporter? What are they suppose to do?


    Nothing on a GNR forum.


    :laugh: I actually laughed a little at that :lol:


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