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Posts posted by nightrain50

  1. 4 minutes ago, tsinindy said:

    The voice you heard in Lisbon is a progression of the same voice you heard in Vegas...and Mexico City and Coachella.  Axls voice is notorious for improving over time with solid, consistent use.  It has nothing to do with the key the songs are played in other than the fact that not a lot of AC/DC stuff has much range to it and is easier to handle in rasp as compared to some GnR material.

    We'll see, it's just a suggestion for them to try in rehearsals... I've noticed for a long time before the ac dc thing he did better on songs when he's at the top of his range, and yes I know Axl usually gets better at beginning of tours, whatever magic he's got going I hope it continues, because I know some GN'R fans will be very disappointed if he doesn't return with the voice we're hearing now.

  2. 4 hours ago, MrSoftie said:

    Why? They recorded the songs in Eb tuning.

    Because Axl seems to excel on higher material, it's worth a shot on some songs at least like Paradise city would be a good candidate. People lower keys all the time to accommodate singers why not raise it. If it results in the voice we heard in Lisbon I'm for it.

  3. You guys keep arguing over the hall of fame thing...it's pointless. The facts of that situation was nobody was going to write a big enough check to get them all in one room.

    Why reunite for the hall of fame when they can reunite for millions of dollars? I'm sorry but fans do not matter in this situation. It would have been financially irresponsible for Axl to show up, people want to pay for the first reunion, not the second.

    If Axl ever decides to join Slash on stage it will be for an 8 figure check...not a three song hall of fame garbage performance.

    But carry on...I'm sure if you read between the lines of Axl's open letters that you will find all the answers. Try reading it backwards...


  4. Bach is the obvious answer, that guy could fucking sing, not lyrically or mystically but vocally I find him almost as dynamite as Axl, if he had the band that Axl had who knows, but Axl also drives people on to fit his vision so maybe it's nowhere near comparable.

    Bach can sing his ass off, but sounds atrocious covering any guns tune, even in his prime, check youtube. He would be forced to sing all those songs if he replaced Axl in Guns. It would've been terrible. Now, velvet revolver is a different story, as long he doesn't have to sing Guns tunes.

  5. Surprised this thread even started a convo my threads are always random :D

    So I think we've gotten Scott weiland, Bon jovi, I think someone said layne staley, bach, mike Patton, Andrew wood, chad Kroger.

    In 1990 which of all the artists listed was actually a viable option. Meaning they realistically could have gotten this singer in 1990. Bach maybe?

    The core group of Izzy, Slash and Duff was so talented and so popular at the time, that they no doubt would have been a successful band with any of those guys you mentioned (except for Kroger).

    They no doubt would have been popular even with an unknown singer. But throw in a singer that had the talent to become legendary in their own right? 2 plus 2 equals 4. STP ended up being huge, Skid Row hadn't even put out their second album yet. Andrew Wood was amazing. So throw in a killer singer with a killer band.......they no doubt would have been a huge band still.

    Nobody can replace a voice like Axl Rose.

    And Axl Rose has found out that he can't be as successful as he was with Izzy, Slash and Duff helping him out

    So GnR without any of those guys is just a huge loss for the band and its fans.

    But Axl, Slash, Duff and Izzy are all extremely talented and would have been superstars even without GnR.

    But none will ever be as successful without all the others on board.

    Because Axl not having the same success in 2008 as he had in 1988 proves he couldn't have done anything without them.... joke topic

  6. Joke topic... Axl is Guns N' Roses. Not only was he the voice of Guns, He was the main songwriter. If he got fired all attention would've followed him and where he went. He would be considered innocent to the public and not carry the burdens he does now. Hell it might've helped his career. No longer painted as the bully who stole the Guns name.

    Patton, fucking joke lol let me make some animal fart sounds in this mic and impress the kiddies, works everytime.

  7. Bach is a great singer but sounds like absolute shit singing gn'r songs, and I think they'd want someone who can do that live when they tour. He loves to refer Axl to his vocal coach, when was the last time he went? He needs to stop screaming and trying to sound hard and get back to what made him famous to begin with, his clean vocals on I remember you with a little scream here and there, that's all he seems to do now days. Even in his prime he sounded like shit on gn'r songs, though he sings high, his approach and Axl's are polar opposites. Even Myles sounds better on gn'r songs than him and he sounds embarrassing.

  8. If I had to bet I'd say it is, uncanny look alike, especially if you look at young Axl pictures. Then again I have no idea what the "real" father looks like. He could look like Axl also.

  9. Axl couldn't sing to standard tuned guitars when he was YOUNG, let alone now lol. But that's not a knock on him. Some people just have lower voices than others.

    Axl's range has nothing to do with why their songs were tuned a half step down. It is very common in rock, you get a beefier sound. You can play in any key regardless of your tuning. Same reason a lot of metal bands play in drop D tuning, for an even heavier sound.

  10. Jack Black's funny as shit. I agree the lyric is homage to "oral sex" but if it ain't I don't really care either. Axl in no way should acknowledge Jack or retaliate. He's so not worth mentioning even though I like the pudgy bastard. The whole song is about rock dying so why he would diss one of the greatest frontmen of all time doesn't really make sense, but he was probably high as shit when he wrote it.

  11. What a joke... stole my dance moves, my attire... it was a fucking "scene" back then everyone was ripping everyone, he talks about dressing up David Bowie hell even ACDC was wearing drag, it was all about shock value, nothing this guy did was orginal. It comes down to could you write some beastly songs and deliver the goods. Axl and Guns N' Roses could and this fool couldn't. Wasp singer always said all his antics wouldn't be needed if he could write some killer songs. No one's gonna care about your "show" if your songs suck.

  12. Matt wasn't even around when Guns were born and that's what a movie should focus on. I'd rather see all the documentary footage Axl has stored in his vault. And if a movie ever is made, which I'm not sure I want, please use Axl's voice not some imitation. I hate it when the actor insists on singing the songs, it ruins it. The movie is about representing the icon they are portraying not themselves.

  13. Favorite singers: rock-Axl Rose, country-George Strait

    runner ups: rock-David Coverdale, country-Keith Whitley

    useless facts

    Never liked Garth's voice, but "The Dance" is an amazing song written by Tony Arata. Some argue Garth ruined country music, but what we hear today is not what Garth was doing. Nothing Garth did sounded as bad as country music now. Maybe he opened a pandora's box, who knows.

  14. Each song should be it's own entity. It shouldn't have to "flow" as you say for the album to work. I'd rather each song be given the attention it needs to be a work of art that would stand on it's own rather than as a collection. Songs are more important than the album.

  15. But this is the best KOHD solo ever runs circles around any Slash version in terms of emotion and bluesy feeling

    I do miss Buckethead's solos. I liked hearing a different take on the songs. Even though I love the band now, I think they stick too close to the originals.

    Axl sounded good in the clip, but my favorite will always be the ritz also like others have said. I don't like the new mellow version. I like the ritz way first and 92-93 version second. I hope Axl keeps his voice in shape and lights Rock in Rio up. He's sounded great since 2006.

  16. I don't care what anyone thinks, I've never liked the Beatles, never will. Guns N' Roses and Led Zeppelin all the way. Changed the world my ass, no band matters that much. There was music before and after the Beatles, music has been with man since the beginning. You guys make me laugh. No band matters in the grand scheme of things. Anyone remember who was rocking while the pyramids were being built?

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