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Posts posted by SALonghorn

  1. We keep thinking Duff was kicked out of the band or something. He chose to leave, and he doesn't regret it. He is cool with Axl & the whole band now. He is thinking it would be a great way to broaden the appeal of Loaded while having a good time with new & old friends.

    Of course, how long will his fun last when Axl & Co. are 2 hours late every nite...

  2. I k

    Any ord if this is a day long festival with mulitple bands or just a regular FNR show? Strange Bucksherry would open the nite before in Houston, but not Dallas. My tickets say 8:30 PM, which is an unusal start time.

    I keep checking the www.kegl.com site, but there's nothing about any opening band. I really hope it's Loaded. I would love to see Duff's band and hopefully, he will join Axl and GNR for some songs too.

    It's being called The FAll Brawl show, but only says GNR.

    I really hope it's either Loaded or no one and I really hope Axl's been told that they can't play passed 11:30 and it would suck big time if the show is cut short because of their noise ordinance rule. It's a SAturday, let it go!

    Oh crap...

    11:30 curfew due to noise ordinance? At the Cotton Bowl/Texas Fair site? That doesn't sound good for a GNR show.

    8:30 start time? Oh well, I will be there at that time, but I do not expect GNR to play at that time. Hopefully full details come this week.

  3. I live in San Antonio, TX. I was surprised to hear that my local rock station, 99.5 KISS< is going to be giving away tickets to the Dallas show. Might not have bought them if I knew I could win them. Anyway, for a rock station 4 hours away to be giving away tickets, there must be a small promotional team working as the radio station doesn't usually buy tickets just to give them away. They might be affiliated with Live Nation, the promoter. Either way, LiveNation will be sure to advertise and sell the place out.

    GNR doesn't have to anything but not fuck up.

  4. Yeah I noticed the "Fall Brawl" title, I don't know who else if anybody is playing, I don't really care. My main concern is it getting canceled too, I just wanna see the damn band. I don't see why they would go through the trouble of scheduling an entire tour if they aren't going to promote it. I'm hoping for the best but we all know there is no show until Axl is on the goddamn stage and stays there. I've got my fingers crossed. I still think some sort of interview/performance on US cable TV would be a good idea. I think the performances themselves would be better if the crowds are better anyway, as a performer who wants to play to half full arena?

    The opposite of Axl is Slash. Slash is always ready to do an interview or mug for the cameras. But unlike him, Axl doesn't want to answer questions about the old band in every town he visits. As for performing on Letterman or another tv show, that would require the band (Axl) to work on someone else's schedule. Again, the polar opposite of Slash. Pay enough and Slash will perform with anybody anywhere anytime.

    Conversely, this GNR does what it wants want when they want. Its part of the reason why I am a fan. That being said, I know to expect a late start and a late nite in Dallas in four weeks.

    Hell, they were asked to headline the "biggest rock fesitival in the world" Rock In Rio. They got screwed/screwed it up, but that is a BIG honor for a band that doesn't promote itself and has only released one album in the last 15 years.

    Not meant to be a Axl vs Slash post. I'm a fan of both still today. Just comparing the differences.

  5. Got my tix for Dallas too.

    The only reason I care how well the show sells is if they cancel the concert. Guess I'll get my money back for the tix, but I'd rather see the show. Isn't the Dallas GNR show part of another fesitval (oh no) called Fall Brawl? Other bands performing? That would help sell tixs.

    I appreciate your post to the band. Unfortunately, without real management or PR, this tour & band will not promote itself. Its a shame really b/c I think Ashba and Ron would win over any crowd. Kind of the Yin to Axl's Yang. But for whatever reason, that won't happen.

    Again, as long as the concert isn't cancelled, it isn't "any skin off our back." If they got our there & promoted this tour, they could make A LOT more money. But they choose not to. This band is hardly driven by money.

    I would have at least hoped they worked on new material for the first 9 months of 2011. But I doubt that happed either.

  6. When Axl forgets the lyrics, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that right after the piano hits the wrong notes & Axl looks down at the piano as if to say "WTF?" That could have distracted him, making him forget the lyrics or the place in the song.

    After battling the audio and weather for an hour & half, Axl just looks defeated. What more can go wrong?

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQAQ_I1xx8M&feature=channel_video_title

    Min: 16.12

    "and then, I haven't seen you in...hm...over a year...the ____________________ is fucking good as far as I'm concerned"

    What tommy says to Axl?

    Then at 16:30

    It looks like Axl tries to say something, but the mic isn't working. So he just shakes his head and has this "fuck it" attitude, which he had since November Rain.

    Axl vocals were all over the place in Rio, but thats true for every concert. The band (Axl especially) had great energy when the show started, but with the non-stop weather & nearly 2 hour late start, the night just wore on them. They obviously had big plans for the concert (setlist, Estranged, OMG rehearsal, etc.), but it just didn't work out. Even still, playing for over 2 hours rivals the Metallica show in length, and they had a full crowd, perfect weather & probably started on time.

    Here's hoping they make up for it the rest of the tour for the rest of us.

  8. Who was it that smashed a guitar during nightrain?

    And all in all aside from Estranged this was a disaster. So what he screwed up November Rain? A performer with any grace would have just made a joke about it after, and moved on. Not let it ruin the rest of the set.

    Ashba it cut out during the solo he was mega pissed

    any specific reason or just general frustration? i had been looking away and turned my head and all the sudden someone is smashing a guitar

    Normally I would agree with you. However, this past week, I saw a fan made video of highlights from all the shows last year. One of the vids showed Ashba destroying a guitar, which I don't remember reading about in all the shows last year. So he has done it before, so he may have done it tis time for effect more than frustration.

    Don't know how the actual show went, but my YouTube audio kept going in and out. They gave it their best, but those audio problems make them look bad. Shame all around b/c I think EVERYONE was looking forward to this show.

  9. Clam down guys. The band/Axl wanted this show to go spectacularly, but the evening was challanged all nite by the weather and obvious ausio problems. Young Axl would have stormed off stage. He toughed it out but things went wrong as the nite progressed. He eventually lost it. Shame too b/c everyone could see him just atanding there at the end.

    No way they only play 2 songs for the encore on a typical nite.

  10. According to globo site this is the GNR setlist for tonight. Many people saw Izzy and Duff in Rio today.


    Source: http://g1.globo.com/rock-in-rio/2011/noticia/2011/10/veja-o-set-list-programado-para-o-show-do-guns-n-roses.html

    That is 38 songs listed on that setlist. Wow, if it is true. Shakira played until 1:30 AM Central Friday nite, whiile Coldplay was done by 12:30 AM Saturday nite. With that many songs, GNR could play until 3 or 4 am Central

    Also hope Izzy and Duff are there. First time Axl would play with more than 2 original members since 1992-1993?

  11. Put me down for Axl, Izzy, Duff, and Steve going up there for the induction. Parhaps Dizzy. Axl will probably tell the HoF he'll attend as long as Slash is not allowed in the building. In the end, it is Axl's band name, and he has played with Duff and Izzy in the past couple of tours. He and Steven also supposedly buried the hatchet a few years ago.

    Slash has not had anything to do with the band in 15+ years, and admits it all the time. The only problem I would see with this is Duff sticking up for his friend, Slash, and trying to get him to part of the ceremony. Don't know what Duff thinks of Axl's & Slash's fued tho. Perhaps he will say something about it in his book.

  12. I kinda like buckcherry. They are a "fun" band. "Everything" is a good song and they have several pretty good songs. I'm looking forward to seeing them in the ATL.

    I'm also a fan of Buckcherry. Seen them twice in the SA area. I'll be going to the Dallas concert, so I wonder if they will play that date too? They play the night before in Houston.

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