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King Dick

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Posts posted by King Dick

  1. ask thomase...

    wait... nevermind.. jk haha :)

    that "joke" is so "over used"....

    Its not even funny, once can be funny but in every fucking topic :no:

    U have a little more creativ mind then normal?

    If not why the hell say something like that.

    i know. he's the modern day luiz :no:

    urm in response - ive always got replies from him

    he's never responded to me.. although I've only tried twice.

    I get the feeling Dizzy is more keen to talk to females than dudes lol... I can't blame him tho, I'd be the same way.

  2. JB..I hate to break this to you...but...Buckethead, Bumblefoot, and Fortus literally blow Finck off the stage. They play better than Finck. I think where Finck is earning his pay is his songwriting ability.

    Sly, i hate to break it to you.. but i've seen this band with Robin 4 times and you've seen them a total of zero. Robin gets the most cheers out of allthe guitar players when Axl introduces the band, every time. He gets the most leads and solos.

    Come talk to me after you've seen the band yourself.

  3. Axl put together some of the best session musicians money can buy (with the exception of Finck). He has spent 13 million dollars on this album and has worked on it for nearing a decade. I'd expect new guns to have atleast a few decent songs with that kind of development history.

    you are correct that finck is not a session musican. he is above that. He is the best member in this band. The reviews speak for themselves.


    Guitarist Robin Finck, in particular, has grown toward something like equality with Rose; his solos flashed and bubbled, deviating enough from ex-GNR lead guitarist Slash's style that they gave hope that the new Guns N' Roses is becoming more than a replicant. The other two guitarists, Richard Fortus and Ron Thal, demonstrated killer chops but less brio, mostly hewing to notes that replicated the original versions


    Lead guitarist Robin Finck injected a personality to rival Slash, even if his guitar tones sometimes strayed slightly from the originals

    Robin is going to the next biggest thing in GNR next to Axl. Gee , I wonder why the Axl haters dislike him so much.. Its jealousy. Its their gay emotional attachement to the guy Robin replaced.

  4. and as I said, the best way to NOT win him over is to bash Slash in order to make the new guys look good.

    it was 1/6 of the point. It was defending a case to someone who refuses to go to the show because that certain person wont be there. No big deal. you axl haters have no case, this is a legitamate, well written email.

    to those of you who want to keep bashing the band, why dont you fuck off and find a board where its cool to do that shit.

    Learn to read. Nobody is bashing the band. We're defending Slash. It's you axl sycophants that feel trashing ex-members is a must in making the new band look good.

    I think you should follow your own advice and fuck off to newguns.com since you seem to take offense to any mention of the old band or it's legacy. They follow the gestapo tactics you are comfortable with, banning anyone who doesn't fawn over the new band.

    I mean god forbid we stick up for Slash, the lead guitarist of ALL the released guns albums in the catalogue. You are fuckin unbelievable JB

    thenewguns.com is a great board. I have known the admin there for many years now and have many posts on that board. So I'm already there. I also have a Robin Finck board. Its nice to be able to go to places where I dont have to read a lot of this garbage.

    But that doesn't change how disrespectful some of you mulletheads are to the band. this is one of the biggest GNR forums on the net and its bullshit that some of you get away with the shit you do here. go worship ex members in the ex members sections and there is no problem. stop bashing the band, including axl and robin on this board, and there are no problems.

  5. and as I said, the best way to NOT win him over is to bash Slash in order to make the new guys look good.

    it was 1/6 of the point. It was defending a case to someone who refuses to go to the show because that certain person wont be there. No big deal. you axl haters have no case, this is a legitamate, well written email.

    to those of you who want to keep bashing the band, why dont you fuck off and find a board where its cool to do that shit.

  6. why do so many of you have your panties in a bunch over his comments about former members? those guys are irrelevant in the picture now, we are here for the guys in the band now. i dont give a shit who bashes ex-members, this isnt about them.

  7. And despite the negative "spin" put on what Slash has done in the last 10 years. It's still more than what Fortus Finck and BBF have done combined.

    dude, bumblefoot has put out like 8 albums in the last 10 years.

    Robin Finck has been involved of 2 of the most high-profile bands over the last 20 years putting on kick ass shows and he's recorded almost 3 albums worth of material with Guns over the years.

    you axls haters kill me with your constant need to try to discredit the guys who are actually in the band now.

  8. Robin Finck is the definitive lead guitarist as far as Guns N' Roses is concerned.

    How can you say that when he doesn't play all of the leads? He's much better than he was 4 years ago, but he is not THE definitive lead guitarist for Guns N' Roses (though he could be sometime in the future).


    that is why!

    Why are you posting under two screen names A_D? <_<

    i'm not yo. The A_D account was closed a month ago. :monkey:

  9. Well, if that letter doesn't convice some random radio guy to go see the new band, nothing will.

    It won't.

    no you hope it won't. normally as long as the person isn't one of your kind (up VR's ass/Axl haters), after seeing the band in person they come to love it. but like it or not, Guns N' Roses are kicking some serious ass this year. rock3

    this fire is burning and its out of control, its not a problem you can stop, its rock n roll. rock4

    sorry man. i know how much it must suck for you to see Axl putting together a great band and kicking ass on tour.

  10. shouldn't they be promoting this tour?

    Yeah, they really should promote it. Same with the album, how about a bit of promo Axl? :rolleyes:

    there wont be promotion for the album until a release date is set

    in the last month a lot has been done. the official website is up, the tour dates went on sale, the official myspace is up, they played Inland Invasion which is huge in So. Cal. Things are happening.

  11. Jarmo just posted this at HTGTH... I know this isn't HTGTH but I like his view on this and thought others would like to read it.
    Let's get one thing clear.

    From now on, if you feel like complaining about the press releases, go somewhere else.

    It's fucking boring to read the same few people go on and on about how every press release issued is wrong.

    If you don't want to read the press releases, make sure you do not click on a thread that has the words press and release in them.

    That's really fucking simple and we won't have to deal with your miserable posts about how everything sucks.


    I saw that and share Jarmo's sentiment. Christ we weren't even getting press releases for the longest time, and now we get them at least on a monthly basis. at least the communication is there.

  12. heres a good question:

    how come for years certian posters came here to whine and complain that Axl and GNR doesn't communicate with the fans at all during the years of 2003, 2004, and 2005?

    in 2006 we got:

    -new songs

    -axl back with a new look way better than the football jerseys

    -a band with better chemistry that puts on an amazing show

    -a member of the band who is considerate enough to take time to communicate with every single fan who emails him.

    -a new website (but they just bitch about that.. shut the fuck up, its 100% better than gnronline.com). They have given us exclusive video footage we wouldnt' have had otherwise.

    -A fan club is in the works.

    -the official myspace finally shows pictures of the actual band and info regarding Guns N' Roses NOW, not 20 years ago.

    -Axl has done a few radio interviews

    -a full blown European tour where they played to over 700,000 fans.

    -shows in New York and some dates on the west coast in intimate venues for the diehards like us.

    -promises that this is the year of Chinese Democracy

    -a North American Tour booked as the Chinese Democracy tour.

    SHUT THE FUCK UP about a stupid press release. This band is finally reaching out to us and giving us the communication YOU have been whining for over the last 3 years Kaneda. If you can't be positive now, you're never going to be positive and you would probably be better off liking something that doesn't piss you off so much. I dont get how someone can be so negative constantly.

    mods please lock this bullshit thread, and please disable kaneda from starting these new topics everyday.

  13. Axl fucking deliver or go away.

    Kaneda shut the fuck up or go away. You act like Axl owes you something personally and hate him because he's not what you wish he was. Axl is who he is, he's gonna do what he wants to do, get the fuck over it. :fuckyou:

    why is this guy allowed to make his cupcake topics every single day?

    9 pages worth of the same thread, different title over the last 3 years. you cuold make a seperate kaneda section of bullshit cupcake topics with all that garbage.

  14. I´m a dudette not a dude.

    Don´t take things out of context, I didn´t say it was necessary to assign an investigative team :rolleyes: , what I meant is that the guy who wrote this article didn´t do a good job and this is a good example of the lack of info some journalists have.

    And no, management has nothing to do with a guy not doing his job well, for fucks sake :rolleyes:

    Here's how it's management's fault. Some lowly reporter needs to fire off a short little article about Axl Rose before going to lunch. He wants this to take as little time as possible. Either him, or some graphics dude would review a few pics - whatever they can quickly find - and then attach one. This is how they'd do any story. the difference is, with other artists, their management makes an effort to take flattering, professional photos - publicity shots - and then make sure that those pictures are circulated to the major news sources.

    Other bands' management has figured out how this works. I hope someone sends Merck a memo.

    Of course, once Merck does finally figure out the importance of publicity photos, he'll probably half ass it like the website.


    I guess you didn't notice all the George Chin photos that are on the official Guns N Roses myspace.

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