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Posts posted by Anastazya

  1. Just now, Lio said:

    I like the song you posted.

    i like it too. it tells a lot. dont keep da shit inside. let it out. write about it, siNG about it, play sounds about it. da demo(N) inside of u, itz not u, itz just 4D crap dat needs to be materialized some(Ho,www.) by now i've recognised da crap inside of me, as walking study, in demo(N,o.0,Log(y)) . it is the way it is. :popcorn:


  2. 16 hours ago, Gordon Comstock said:

    I doubt Snake-pit has graduated to that level of drug consumption :lol:

    Seems more like ratbrain's friend, what was her name? Rita or something like that?

    if da shit dat i W.R.(IT,E) needs to have da nA.M.E, :rolleyes: it can be Watt Eva, Watt F.S. Eva, my latest nu alt btw :facepalm:

  3. 20 minutes ago, Tom-Ass said:

    Such a bad ass song.. Making my work day a little better right now. Thank You  \m/

    :D You're wellcome! :devilshades: i just made n ate tagliatelle incident. i  like them more then spaghetti :rolleyes: , with toMato, tunA n oniOns :D yummy!  


    i like ur siGNature :devilshades: "They should all just get in a fucking boat and float straight to hell as far as I'm concerned" ~ Axl 1987 

    im in hell, itz a nice place btw, so... rather taka a f(light), ;) itz easier :devilshades:

    • Like 1
  4. day 15: What song would you like to be made into a movie?

     sci/fi doc.(umm,E,N,t(A.R.)y about demons from 4th dimension, matrixed life they offer to 3D hosts (humans) where they reside.

    TI(t,L,E) cud be A(N,ass,t(a-z),ya) da q(want,u,MM) return of 4th dimensional E(N,TI,TI,E,SSS)  

    • Like 1
  5. probably https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinajst_(album) cause most (nearly) all soNGs on the album are picturing exe.act(L,y) what was goin on in my o0wn life at the time when album was published. the title is my  ho(me) address number. then soNG by so0NG, my misery just in such be(A,u,TI,full) tuNES. 

    lets go thru them:

    1. time for revolution (what is my(SS,elf) doin on 4th dimensional c(y,beer) lines like for 18 years

    2. animal farm (i have animal farm with go(at,SSS), ho(r,SS,E(S)), heNs,...

    3. strangers (i live alone with my parents, my animals, in my mA3x, im just a stranger nearly all of my life)

    4. Girl from netted/crossed window (this would be direct trans(LA,t(ion)), more accurate would be Girl from barred window, cause there i was when album came out. behind bars of mental closed ward, cause of my beloved SS elf) :facepalm:

    5. you and me and Ether(N,IT,y) (mySSelf on the miss(ion), taking over the www.or.LD, as useUall :facepalm:

    6. let blood pour on E(N,TI,r,E) world  (TI= target individual, just same shit my alt(E,r) is :vomit:around 

    7. stress of gen(E,rat,ion) (just Watt Eva is doin n make me -> :smiley-confused2:)

    8. love romance (the one i cant get #not in this life time, cause i liked just men that likes White Dust more then me, obviously, im shit magnet. no discusion about dat. ) 

    9. white dust ( just about the guys i like the most, keeping them in r=radius, away from my 3D body, cause i dont need this 4 dimensional demon that is ruling their lives :// ) 

    10. dark clouds (maybe about the day that i've invited the band at my place n throw them a party, making them siGN on their album, under lyrics that say: you are not you, (added the name of my alter), i know who you are (added my real name), just to finish the a(gon,y) i was goin thru, but then, back to this soNG, after i was invited to their show, that was in the area with a lot of wind, like the lyrics says, but cause they didnt siGN me under my real name, but under my firm, i entered late, right when siNGer was si(NG,i,NG) "and the death came" :facepalm: whatta be(A,u,TI) a(gain) 

    11. Elfs and cater(pill<AR>,SS) (just about my(SS,elfs) and ... :facepalm: again)

    12. on the other side (another dream land of 4th dimensional E(N,TI,TI,SSS) dat are :vomit:outta my m(in,D) ) 

    13. thirteen (i was at Axl's gates on 13th J(AN) 2019

    etc,..  i like their soNGs, but still... how can i blame them 

    i met the band long after, in 2015, while serving them on banquet, n then had to live throug also some other shit. just great. :facepalm:

  6. :D im sooo happy for you!!! i was on gn'r mission too :wow:  technically i took my(SSS,elf) on a t(R.I.P.) to LA, and i really hope im outta this game, and that i can peacefully live a life of 45 years old woman, and not let my alter to drag me around :facepalm: enuf is enuf, im to0 old for this.

    so months ago i found out that in my country we have Rocket Queen beer :shock: https://www.pivoljub.si/product/pivo-greengold-rocketqueen-330ml and sure, as i got Axl's home address like 18 years ago, maybe it was time that i dare to ring that bell. so i've tried to book a flight. nothing. all my credit cards blocked. ok. lets wait. i tried after a month, then it went through! i was soo happy! then i've booked the HoTell Good nite Inn in calabasas. all looked perfect. but then the fire burned down exactly and only that hotel, ok, i've booked another near LAX. from  Janunary 11 till 18, 2019 i was in LA. just me and my(SS,elf) :facepalm: whatta combo.   on 13th, when i pulled mySSSelf together, it was the day to finish the mission, and as it was my 3rd time in LA, this time with rented car, i could finish it, despite GPS was not working all the time. 1st  i was cure(i,us) to visit MM/Charles Manson place, so that my fAKed up SS(elf) will be happy with itz game :facepalm: and so i went there, and just left a note dat mySSelf was there. then i dr.O0ve to M(ali,bU), GPS not working, but i still found the place, left da damned beers there, ringed that bell, just MobScene soNG giving sound effects from my car, and my 3D body smiling in da security camerA. done. finaly. off the mission. whata relief.  now i know that i wasnt suppose to be there, but please understand, that mySS(elf) is torturing me like since 18 years, when i met n took pic of Richard in gnr backstage in London Docklands, since then it made me write down shit loads of useless crap https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/383108 i just hope im over this, and that i can be just waitress down on the farm. i've kinda tasted VIP life in LA https://anastazya-ng-man.imgbb.com/ no mobile connections, even on usa numbEr, even no stationary line access to my numbers in my country, no video calls, just voice and just on hotell wireless, otherwise blocked access, even on AI(r,port), no GPS at moments. Watt Eva :devilshades: i just hope dat GN'R enjoy da Rocket Queen beer. :heart:


    Love and peace of mind for all of you,





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