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Posts posted by hitmanhart408

  1. im stuck in the middle. I prefer to buy and when a new album I want comes out I buy it (ex Weezer Red album and the new tallica album). But if its just an album I want to check out I will probably just download it and if I really like it and I see it on Vinyl at the store I buy it. If I dont like it much I dont even listen to it anyway. If its an old album that I want I try to find a used copy at the record store.

    So I try to buy when I feel like I want to support the band.

  2. edit: January is over! So no!


    I think they do it backwards in the UK so i think it means Jan 2009.

    But no its not true (at least yet)

    Backwards? More like forwards. DD/MM/YYYY

    Not that this makes much difference cause we all know Chinese Democracy Starts....Ah Hell with it.

    ehhh i knew it was something like that.

    but for it to be on amazon (US) is interesting..iv never seen that before (even tho theres no date)

  3. played it on the stereo system and perhaps i need to listen to them back to back but i was only able to tell a few differences:

    -the drumming felt warmer kinda like the LP and not so low

    -around the beginning i never knew about the part when axl harmonizes with himself on "where the grass is green" it sounded like the way carrie underwood sings it and I really liked it

    -slashs solo at the end did seem a bit cooler and you can tell where the notes were.

    id like to give it another listen when my roommates arent around but it was awesome


  4. Paradise City from the Japanese disc. FLAC >> WAV - so there should be no loss of quality.

    Normally I wouldn't upload official material but considering it's just one track, the disc is out of print and most of us here own a copy of the retail version already, I don't think it's a problem. If the mods feel otherwise though I can take down the link.

    awesome thanks!

  5. I have a FLAC copy of:

    Japan 32XD-821 (1st Pressing)

    The quality is definitely better, but you also need proper equipment to really notice the difference... I'm converting my copy to MP3 V0. I own a retail copy of the album and the sound on this one seems a bit crisper.

    Also I can hear all sorts of background shit I never heard on the US/UK retail copy. Like, during "It's So Easy," the background vocals during the chorus are higher in the mix and during the opening riff to "WTTJ" you can REALLY hear every little note on Slash's guitar, whereas if you listen to a regular copy of the album unless you're really straining yourself, the riff sounds a bit more simplistic. Hearing Appetite in this form made me aware of just how dynamic the interplay between Slash and Izzy is - there's all types of underlying guitar shit going on that I had never even heard before. And Duff's bass sounds killer.

    whats the difference between the cd and mfls cd?

    Can your ears actually tell that it's superior quality

    that's what I want to know

    big time improvement. it's not just a "crank up the volume" remaster.

    there's real separation between instruments. everything is clearer. it's eq'ed better.

    i always thought the production on AFD was lacking because it's so mid-range dominated and a bit muddy. but the MFSL mastering makes it sound very crisp without losing the raw feel.

    luckily i bought mine when it was still in print. the eBay prices are just ridiculous.

    I have a US version of the MFSL (not talking about the Japanese one above) and the quality blew me away - I agree with you about the original production being kind of "muddy" or whatever - the MFSL added real clarity. I thought it was some kind of placebo effect at first but I burned FLAC to CD and played it in my car and it sounded amazing compared to my retail copy. The bass was nice too, whereas on the retail it's a bit flat.

    any chance you can upload a flac version to rapidshare, yousendit, or something?

    I'm uploading Paradise City from the Japanese 32XD-821 disc. I can't upload the full album to the forum because it's official material, sorry. I know most of you like myself have bought/paid for retail copies of Appetite by now, so I'd offer to put it on a torrent site or something but the size of it is huge and I'm on a throttled broadband connection so it would take forever to seed all that. I will post Paradise City though and you can all hear how amazing it sounds - the whistle in the song actually scared me when I was listening. Usually it's kind of low in the mix and I'm used to hearing it that way, and it blasted through so loud and clear that it took me a second to realize it was in the song. And the outro guitar soloing was like an eargasm.

    I'll post the file when it's done uploading. By the way: I converted it to .WAV from FLAC because most people don't have FLAC compatible music players. There shouldn't be any loss in quality since FLAC and WAV are both lossless formats.

    awesome thanks man!

  6. I have a FLAC copy of:

    Japan 32XD-821 (1st Pressing)

    The quality is definitely better, but you also need proper equipment to really notice the difference... I'm converting my copy to MP3 V0. I own a retail copy of the album and the sound on this one seems a bit crisper.

    Also I can hear all sorts of background shit I never heard on the US/UK retail copy. Like, during "It's So Easy," the background vocals during the chorus are higher in the mix and during the opening riff to "WTTJ" you can REALLY hear every little note on Slash's guitar, whereas if you listen to a regular copy of the album unless you're really straining yourself, the riff sounds a bit more simplistic. Hearing Appetite in this form made me aware of just how dynamic the interplay between Slash and Izzy is - there's all types of underlying guitar shit going on that I had never even heard before. And Duff's bass sounds killer.

    whats the difference between the cd and mfls cd?

    Can your ears actually tell that it's superior quality

    that's what I want to know

    big time improvement. it's not just a "crank up the volume" remaster.

    there's real separation between instruments. everything is clearer. it's eq'ed better.

    i always thought the production on AFD was lacking because it's so mid-range dominated and a bit muddy. but the MFSL mastering makes it sound very crisp without losing the raw feel.

    luckily i bought mine when it was still in print. the eBay prices are just ridiculous.

    I have a US version of the MFSL (not talking about the Japanese one above) and the quality blew me away - I agree with you about the original production being kind of "muddy" or whatever - the MFSL added real clarity. I thought it was some kind of placebo effect at first but I burned FLAC to CD and played it in my car and it sounded amazing compared to my retail copy. The bass was nice too, whereas on the retail it's a bit flat.

    any chance you can upload a flac version to rapidshare, yousendit, or something?

  7. the new single "pork and beans" is out from weezers upcoming red album (comin out 6/24)

    typical weezer song. nothing mind blowing. i just hope this album is not as emo as the last one.

    here it is..


    Weezer is really not emo.

    Secondly, can't Weezer name a damn album!! C'mon Rivers, you are in your thirties!!

    I know they are not that emo but the last album "make believe" was pretty emo compared to all their other albums.

  8. I just watched the video of motley crue on wwf raw back in 98 again.


    i remember watching it back when it first aired but didnt no who motley was since i was too young but I always kept it in my mind that a band played on raw since it was A. unique and B. thats how they brought in Test. watching it again is pretty cool. nice to see mick not so old. at the end Jim Ross explains the greatest hits album is coming out so i said 'oh so THATS why they were on Raw'

    if anyone wants the complete show let me know as I have it on dvd (along with the rest of the year..among a billion other tapes)

    edit: oops i meant to put this in my world so if someone could move it then would be awesome

  9. title says it all. I really wanna go see camp freddy at the roxy. they are playing every thursday night for the month of may. Id like to go to all of them but if not I want to go to at least one. Anyone in the area want to meet up? I dont have anyone to go with so it would be cool to meet up with someone from here. ill be comin from Santa Barbara.

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