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Posts posted by hitmanhart408

  1. Vibrate. Always on vibrate. you cant go wrong with it! When its in your pocket, no matter where you are, loud or silent, you know when your phone is going off. I havent had a ringtone in about two years. I think the last one I had was Estranged

  2. this year was a huge year for me as I discovered a lot of pre 80s bands that made a huge impact:

    Led Zep




    just to name a few

    and i started collecting vinyls which I love listening to

  3. its a pretty good album and i usually dont like stuff this hard.

    anyway..I went to best buy this morning to get it and even tho the guy yesterday said they would have it today and there system said they had it...they didnt! I had a guy go on a wild goose chase to find it and it wasnt there. So i went next door to borders and i got the ONLY copy. Not good for Baz.

  4. so i guess im goin to this concert on the 30th. Im not really a big fan of any of them. I listen to some Fall Out Boy but not much, iv listened to Cute is what we aim for but still cant get into them, I hate hey there deliah from PWTs and dont even no if iv heard any songs from gym class. i guess im just goin just to see what these bands are about since iv only been to guns, velvet, and older bands. I just wanna see some bands that are in the "now" kinda like seeing guns back in 87-88.

    and oh ya...

    unless you have something important to say besides "they suck" don't fucking post.

  5. hey guys i was wondering if you guys could help me out with a few vinyls im looking for and maybe you're looking to get rid of them. Im not sure how much ill spend since im a poor college kid so give me a PM. If you're a wrestling fan iv got a huge collection of wrestling footage dating back to the 70s and maybe we can do a trade.

    looking for:

    Use Your Illusion 1

    Use Your Illusion 2

    GNR Lies

    GNR Live Era

    Beatles: Sgt Pepper

    Jimmy Hendrix: Are you Experienced

    Jimmy Hendrix: Electric Ladyland

    Queen: Night at the Opera

    Led Zepellian: IV

    Velvet Revolver: Contraband

    erm ya I think thats it. Anyway..any help would be appreciated

  6. any fans here? I had to see what the fuss was about so i downloaded the album Riot! and I find that they're pretty decent. If you dont like emo/pop punk/new type of stuff, pretty much what teens are listening to..then you wont like it. Best song without a doubt is "Crushcrushcrush"

  7. they dont seem to understand that all the UK sites have been doing this over and over again. It doesnt matter if 10 of them have the same date..without an official word its worthless. At least the US Amazon is keeping it off its list. Once it hits the US Amazon site then ill believe it a bit more.

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