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Posts posted by BBA

  1. Reunion please,fakeGNR is the worst band ever :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

    Fake GNR??

    If this is honestly how you feel, what in the fuck are you doing on a GNR 'fan' forum? Geezus. Some of you ignorant asses seriously need to get a fucking life or throw yourselves off of a 12 story building already - eiither or.

    The band looks great and sounds even better. Personally, I think it's pretty cool that they are doing these low key performances - even cooler that there seems to be a demand for them to do so.

    I know that I spent years criticizing this band and pissing people off by being a jaded, bitter fan, but I sincerely regret many of my choices - and I implore all of you critical bashers to take a step back and just enjoy a great fucking rock band that's fronted by the best lead singer of all time. For the love of God, be happy that the man is out there and was willing to keep the name alive despite all the shit that he had to endure to do so. All the bitching in the world isn't going to bring Slash back. That's a fact. The old band was great, but in all sincerity, I wouldn't want to see one member of this band replaced at this point. Despite anyone's opinion, these guy REALLY are a kick ass unit.

    Time to move on and enjoy what we have, ladies and gentlemen. Be happy that there is a GNR in the year 2013 at all. If Slash and Duff would have had there way, there wouldn't have been. Think about that.

    Lastly, how bout everyone knock off the "fake GNR" shit. It's been long enough that everyone has had an opportunity to get the fuck over it already.

  2. 2001-2013 GREATEST HITS TOUR

    fakeGNR sucks so much :no:

    Don't say that!! According to Volcano, they are a real band and are not employees!

    They are a real band. Just because they don't do exactly what you want them to do exactly when you want them to do it doesn't make them any less of a real band.

    Maybe it's time to move on to something that does actually interest you and leave those of us alone who are happy with what the band is doing.

  3. BBA, still can't seem to reach you. It says this member can not receive any more messages. Could you PM me when you clear it?


    I believe Zint disabled my PMs during my last suspension. What is this pertaining to? Is it in regard to MSL and the Light My Fire demo?

  4. Hey guys!

    I'm making this thread for everyone here who has questions for skwerl as he can now talk more about stuff. My questions are....

    What are the songs that are out there?

    Were there any songs you had that didn't get a chance to leak?

    Thanks skwerl, and I hope you can get around to answering all the questions!

    Skewrl has already answered these questions during his last visit.

    Why don't you guys wait until we hear something official from the band? Believe me, things aren't nearly as bleak as some of you are making them out to be.

  5. There is a small group of posters on here who constantly whine and cry in every topic about posters who aren't worshipping Axl. It gets annoying. Why can't people just come here to discuss and debate their opinions about GnR?

    Groghan -

    Considering this is a GNR fan forum, why should showing praise for the band be considered "annoying"? If you think coming here just to bitch and whine about setlists, no new songs/albums, or how Axl handles the band affairs is unacceptable, I honestly question just how much of a 'fan' you really are. In fact, I don't question it. You're not a fan; you're a bitter cupcake who tries to make this place miserable for those of us who are happy with the band. I can only imagine how empty your life must be for you to spend your free time talking about something that makes you unhappy. Please go and bore some other forum with your uneducated rhetoric.

  6. I'm sure he was other songs nearly ready. Like The General, Jackie Chan, Silkworms, a remix of Oh My God, Blood in the Water and so on...However i do NOT believe and i'm 100% sure no one in the boards has this songs or even heard this songs!

    People who claimed they have something or the good ol' "i heard something over the phone" are simply lying!

    You don't know jack fucking shit about anything. Just because you 'think' others aren't in posession of something doesn't make it a reality. No legitimate hoarder would deal with an uneducated moron such as yourself - and that is a fact.

    Back when I used to post as Incognito, this guy would email me daily about wanting to trade for songs that he supposedly had. His rhetoric was so fucking stupid that I honestly believed he was either 8 years old or suffered from down syndrome (and I'm not kidding). He didn't even sound mildly believable. Since then, his game has been that he either has unreleased tracks or that NO ONE has tracks. Later today, I'll look through some of the emails that I still have and post them so that you all can see what I'm talking about.

    And to everyone else, I am 100% sure that there are unreleased tracks out there. This is not an opinion. I hope the songs stay with those who are in possession of them because they shouldn't be made available to the masses until Axl and GNR want them to be available.

  7. The reason for the skepticism is largely in part due to GNR being outside the norm of the type of band that an event like this would typically attract. Axl's track record of taking the stage late and being the only original member only adds fuel to the fire. I'm reasonably confident once the attendees see the band live much of this skepticism will quickly disappear.

    I strongly disagree with those who insist that they need to limit the Chinese Democracy material. While I agree that playing most of the hits/classics will be well received, I believe we'll see a similar number of CD songs showcased that we've been seeing over the past few years - and I'm more than good with that. I know many disagree and/or bitch about the fact that the touring has continued with similar setlists, but the reality is Axl isn't finished promoting Chinese yet. And his efforts have paid off more than most fans bother to realize or give him credit for. Plus, the stalemate with the record company has made it all but impossible to move forward with recording or releasing the songs that Axl already has finished.

  8. I wouldn't be surprised if the OP of this thread was a former banned member or someone currently serving a suspension. Did I see someone say that Dice Man was reprimanded for something? Might be worth a quick IP check.

    I think Axl would step up his performance if Slash was on stage.

    Randy -

    What makes you think Axl would perform better if an individual that he has chosen to not associate himself with were standing next to him on stage? Even though I'm reasonably confident that this was just a weak cupcake attempt, I'd be curious to hear your answer - in the appropriate ex-Gunners section.

  9. Better Gone was confirmed by Brain to be real. There's been conversations before about a Guns N'Roses Remix album, but it never got to know the light of the day. I have no idea who was involved in the remixes besides Brain. As far as we know, only Brain reportedly played with the idea.

    I have the full studio recording of Light My Fire.

    In advance, I'd like to say fuck anyone who cares to dispute that I have.

    You heard many things, and borned again way too many times BBA... You're full of shit!

    Who doesn't remember the famous money offer in craig's list that you claim to have made and told everyone you got songs and that GNR were going to prosecute you? LOL!

    i'm 100% sure you haven't heard shit!

    Like may others have already cited numerous times, you are a stupid fuck who is bitter that you were never intelligent enough to spark anything of value. This is fact. As far as GNR going to prosecute me, I have made those documents public on the open forums. So again, you are showing just how ignorant that you really are with your misguided comments.

    You and everyone else are entitled to believe as you wish. That doesn't change the fact that I have what I claimed.

  10. Dear Axl,

    I see plenty of people singing your praises on this very board about how the Chinese Democracy album is amazing and is the very reason why people still come to your shows.

    So, I have a challenge for you.

    At the Governors Ball Festival where you will headline on June 9th, I would like you to play Chinese Democracy in its entirety. Yes, nothing else besides that entire album.

    No solos. No "Sweet Child O' Mine". No "Paradise City".

    Just the album that you're so proud of. In its entirety.

    The fans will love it, right?



    While the band playing Chinese Democracy in its entirety would be fine by me - and I'm sure many other actual fans - you're obviously being sarcastic with your request and know damn well that it isn't realistic. Here's a real quick thought: how bout finding something that you actually like and are interested in and follow and/or type about that. I'm not sure what you are hoping to gain by these smart ass, childish posts aside from a few e-high fives from those who are every bit as ignorant as yourself. I'd like to think that your life isn't so empty that you need something like that to fill the void, but if you do, do those of us a favor who actually like and want to discuss the current band like educated adults and go pollute somewhere else with your failed attempts at being funny. It would be more appreciated than you know.

  11. Hmm. I don't hate Axl. I just don't approve of what he did to GNR. I am a fan of his, but not really a fan of his post 1994 era. I am interested in him. :awesomeface:

    If you haven't been a fan of what Axl has done in the last 19 years, maybe it's time that you find something that you are a fan of and start talking about that. Have you ever considered that your presence and comments here might be unwelcomed and a tad bit annoying to those of us who ARE interested in what he's been doing? Give that some thought the next time you are contemplating telling the rest of us AGAIN about how you are no longer interested.

  12. More wild, baseless speculation that will likely lead to the gullible being disappointed if / when something doesn't happen this year. I honestly don't see any correlation whatsoever in what was presented by the OP in this thread.

    Ron is entitled to believe in what he wishes, but I disagree with his comments about the Chinese D band being long gone. Some of that band is long gone, but others who had writing credits (Axl, Dizzy, Chris, Tommy) are still there. I don't see how having 4 of the same songwriters in place constitutes a band being long gone. But again, BBF is entitled to see the scenario through his own set of glasses.

    The primary issue at hand isn't whether Axl and the band want to release an album this year, it is whether or not the record company is going to support that happening. Last I was aware, it didn't sound like an overly pleasant situation and not one that the record company had interested in, unfortunately. Honestly, the best that we can hope for, as fans, would be for GNR to get dropped. And last I heard, that didn't sound overly promising.

    A new record this year would be great, no question, but it's doubtful. It's unfotunate too, cos I'm sure that there is some pretty amazing material sitting there and ready to go. If nothing else, I know for a fact that there is at least one killer cover song that would quiet many of the naysayers rather quickly.

  13. I did in las vegas a few months ago. Got a picture.. he is very nice.

    This. It was awesome. Met Ron and Del too.

    Brainsaber, HRS has shared his story before and has no reason to lie. I think it's a fairly accurate description of the place Axl was in at that time.

    I don't doubt that HRS has met Axl, but certain accounts of his meeting with him has obviously been fabricated. Isn't it overly convenient how Axl appears perfectly in line with HRS's bitter agenda? It's convenient, indeed.

    Oh, and Daria, just how in the fuck do YOU know what place Axl was in at that time? Do you have any idea just how fucking stupid you sound? And if you're too ignorant to see that HRS would fabricate parts of his story, that's your issue. Please don't pollute the rest of this forum with your naive stupidity.

  14. Some of you wannabe psychics are laughable with your assumptions. Just because the band hasn't recorded together doesn't mean that new ideas haven't been collaborated on with various members. Axl and DJ have collaborated together and Ron, Tommy, Dizzy, and Richard have done the same. To all the naysayers who try to see doom and gloom in Ron's words, maybe it's time to find something in your lives that interests you and makes you happy instead of playing doomsday prophets on a fan forum in regard to a band that you stopped liking years ago.

  15. Yes. I've met Axl on more than one occassion. The last time was for the longest period. Funny, humble, and nothing like he is portrayed by the media and / or those who are still bitter about the break-up of the old-guns.

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