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Johnny Drama

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Posts posted by Johnny Drama

  1. Just found out about this and came back here to say WTF. If you ain't big,  you're not dying this year or seems. A giant of influence. The other seed of Rock and Roll guitar along with Chuck Berry. R.I.P.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Nosaj Thing said:

    I like The Seeker and love American Beauty, but to see it as a staple in a Guns show is disappointing and to some extend, ridiculous.  Remove that, play Perfect Crime, goddamn it.

    This.  If I'm going to see a band,  I understand people enjoy playing covers but I only wanna see one cover not 5. Plus the Godfather intro.  Nothing more. IMO play only one cover every night. Insert 4 more Lies/UYI songs in.  Lose both the jams and replace with another 2 Lies/UYI songs.  Turn the 3 CD songs into one CD song,  one VR/Snakepit/Slash solo/Loaded song,  and then make the third one a rotation. Voila! Setlist fixed! 

  3. I think you're missing the point.  It's more about Steven being so strung out on whatever junk he was on that he couldn't play these songs or rather that he took 9999 takes off Civil War when Slash,  Izzy, Duff and himself had songs done in 2-3 takes maximum as opposed to not having technical ability.  Always on the Run and ALG are pretty standard songs behind the kit. 

  4. I have to wear one as I require a pass to get in and out of my office.  I go to the lavatory about 8 times a day, go to lunch plus vape/smoke twice a day.  I got to get in and out a lot. 

  5. Yeah but the three bleed into each other.  Going on those descriptions,  DTJ is a Slash song, Locomotive is an epic and Bad Apples which is the only song written by all four writers would classify as an Izzy tune.  That kinda mixture of shit is what makes it an unconventionally cohesive effort.

  6. On 17/05/2016 at 10:27 PM, Len B'stard said:

    I think The Who have got this by a mile.  Maximum RnB basically means hard rock, they were the first band doing rock n roll but doing it heavy and without being blues boys first and foremost, you cant listen to The Who, My Generation onwards, and make a serious claim for that music being anything other than Hard Rock, despite the fact they played certain covers, thats the point, its the WAY they played it, ergo, first hard rock album = My Generation by The Who.  And yknow what, no one else comes close.  Hard rock is basically the sound of Townshend, Moonie, The Ox and Roger Daltrey.  

    In a funny way Hard Rock is almost an accident, its what happens when you take music like the blues which at that point was characyerised by its finer points and subtlties and flourishes and stick it in the hands of a bunch of English barrow boys and see what comes out.  Not that The Who didnt develop their own finer points but the key thing there was the aggression of it, the forcefulness.

    People will say Jimi but quite frankly Jimi took a fair bit from The Who, or, if you like, The Who sort of gave Jimi a pointer to where he could also let go as a performer as they did.

    Mad whiteboys are the key here, when Mad white boys take on black music it comes out as something else, this strange and irresistable mutation, for example:

    Now that sounds nothing like Muddy Waters but by God its compelling.  When pussy whiteboys take it on its fucked (or even pussy black boys, I'm talking about you Prince) but the psychotic ones, your Keith Moons, Iggy Pops, your MC5s, your Gene Vincents, your Mick Jaggers and Keith Richardses, then you're onto something.  

    Perhaps thats the equation, mad whiteboys playing old black mans music :lol:. Someone find some mad whiteboys and force them to make an 80s motown cover band, quick! :lol:

    Whilst I completely disagree with you on many things even though you're my hooray for tolerance! on here, saying Jimi got cues from The Who is just fuckin out there. Jimi was the first and the last. The motherfucker was an aboriginal.

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