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Assassin's Creed

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Posts posted by Assassin's Creed

  1. Inspired by this thread i downloaded this album , i must say im impressed , this album is truely musical talent , much better than cinderella's 90's effort. It showcases a good amount of diversity ad doesnt seem to bore me , metallica's black album bored me after i heard the first half , this however kept takin a diffrent direction whilst revolving around the hard rock roots they built there success on , i rate it 4/5

  2. The PS3 games are zone-free, and all the same. It's your console which decides the language etc in the game.

    Man i really hope this is true. Either way i've lost hope of getting any ps3 games from there since i started this thread... whatever i guess im just gonna have to wait till pirate copies come out here before i buy the ps3...

  3. EM..Yes they do have ps3s in china. Sony would be bloody stupid to not tap into the large market there. Loads of videogame addicts

    I've been there and seen them sold there.

    Not sure of the price though, forgot to check.

    thank you! im pretty worried what jack is saying is true cause i called my dad there and he says he hasnt found anything yet. Do they sell any originals or only copies? and if they do sell originals, is it in chinese or in english?

  4. totally up and running on PSN ^_^

    oh and for those of you that have added me, drop me a message saying who you are on the forum? :) i know 0-z-z-y is axls shorts, but thats about it :lol:

    PSN name: JDRM

    depends... can you play call of duty 4 or warhawk? ;)

  5. as I said, as far as I know, they do not have official copies of games in china.

    ok then. But since you're not from China (or Shanghai for that matter) i can't base my thoughts on this, but thanks anyway.

    neither is anyone else from here, but I know the industry quite well, and as far as I know, all the shit you can get over there is pirated. Nothing official.

    interesting... but i really want games that i can play network with... and here's a new choise: large number of cheap games that don't work online, or like 4 games that work on network?

  6. china doesn't have ps3.

    instead of asking dumb question, find out what google is.

    what the hell are you talking about? I'ts China, not Bangladesh. And in Shanghai i might add. so shut up and keep shut if you have nothing useful to say, ok?

    You seem to be forgetting ENITRELY that China is under a Communist Dictatorship, they don't get 90% of the media that we do. It's out in Hong Kong though. So best of luck with that.

    China are nothing but the manufactures.


    So you mean even in the city centre of Shanghai, the most advanced country in China that looks like Tokyo, won't have atleast one shop for Sony? or Virgin? nothing? you seem to forget that in the last 10 years the communist leadership has relaxed and allowed China to build up its industry again. Check it on Wikipedia. And i have used google, just because it doesnt show any games doesnt mean its not there, trust me i know.

    they do not have ps3 as far as I can tell, it was never officially released in china. it was in Hong Kong though.

    Just because it was never officially released doesn't mean it isn't there. Pirate copies have never been offcially released, does that mean you can't get them?

    Pirate copies are illegal, to the point of which if you are caught bringing them into north america you can be arrested.

    right. We're going off track here. Im talking about originals here. Raw Power's right. If you (Jack) don't know, just lay off and allow someone else to answer, ok?

  7. china doesn't have ps3.

    instead of asking dumb question, find out what google is.

    what the hell are you talking about? I'ts China, not Bangladesh. And in Shanghai i might add. so shut up and keep shut if you have nothing useful to say, ok?

    You seem to be forgetting ENITRELY that China is under a Communist Dictatorship, they don't get 90% of the media that we do. It's out in Hong Kong though. So best of luck with that.

    China are nothing but the manufactures.


    So you mean even in the city centre of Shanghai, the most advanced country in China that looks like Tokyo, won't have atleast one shop for Sony? or Virgin? nothing? you seem to forget that in the last 10 years the communist leadership has relaxed and allowed China to build up its industry again. Check it on Wikipedia. And i have used google, just because it doesnt show any games doesnt mean its not there, trust me i know.

    they do not have ps3 as far as I can tell, it was never officially released in china. it was in Hong Kong though.

    Just because it was never officially released doesn't mean it isn't there. Pirate copies have never been offcially released, does that mean you can't get them?

  8. china doesn't have ps3.

    instead of asking dumb question, find out what google is.

    what the hell are you talking about? I'ts China, not Bangladesh. And in Shanghai i might add. so shut up and keep shut if you have nothing useful to say, ok?

    You seem to be forgetting ENITRELY that China is under a Communist Dictatorship, they don't get 90% of the media that we do. It's out in Hong Kong though. So best of luck with that.

    China are nothing but the manufactures.


    So you mean even in the city centre of Shanghai, the most advanced country in China that looks like Tokyo, won't have atleast one shop for Sony? or Virgin? nothing? you seem to forget that in the last 10 years the communist leadership has relaxed and allowed China to build up its industry again. Check it on Wikipedia. And i have used google, just because it doesnt show any games doesnt mean its not there, trust me i know.

  9. china doesn't have ps3.

    instead of asking dumb question, find out what google is.

    what the hell are you talking about? I'ts China, not Bangladesh. And in Shanghai i might add. so shut up and keep shut if you have nothing useful to say, ok?

  10. Does anyone know how much they cost in China? My dad is on a business trip there and i told him to get me some games from there. Does anyone know if theyre cheaper in china? i searched the internet and i couldn't find anything.

    Ps. im finally getting my PS3!!!

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