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Posts posted by HubbaBubba

  1. I know. There's just so much crap going on behind the scenes that it leaves mygnr vulnerable to these crazy accusations.

    Msl knows this, and he thrives on the half truths that we know nothing about.

  2. I don't believe for a second MSL is just sitting on solid proof HV schemed a full scale attack on his site and himself.


    Look at how rabid he went with the story of Manets "ratting" HV out. Just head on over to his site and look at the heyday he had with that "proof".

    But he's sitting on solid proof HV tried buttfucking him? Including an apparent confession from Subs saying HV sent the clip to "everyone"? Naw. If he coulda, he woulda.

    His little plot is as transparent as a ghost.

    No-one believes that shit. But he's exploiting hv's reluctance to front up on one small misdemeanour.
  3. Has better gone leaked to the wider community?

    you're joking right? of all the songs to leak in the past year or so - this was first

    Yeah I know, just asking if everybody has it. Stupid question in retrospect!
  4. HV we support mygnr not msl, that's why we're here. Personally I find they guy's way of conducting himself so repellent I wouldn't patronise his site even if it was official.

    But if you want to defuse things, we need to get it out in the open. Why did you say you'd deleted the clips when you hadn't? Was it just to cover yourself legally? This isn't a major deal - it's a white lie told out of necessity, and most of us would do the same. But you gotta come clean about it.

  5. "If youre running a fansite, youve gotta ask yourself who youre doing it for. Are you doing it to get closer to the band? Or are you doing it to serve the fans? Johnny Firecloud [Antiquiet co-founder] and I ran a big fansite back in the day for A Perfect Circle. We pissed that band off so much, posting shit we werent supposed to, refusing to take said shit down until we got a substantial statement in return for the fans to chew on. But once you start censoring yourself, then you start becoming little more than an extension of the bands cocktease official site, only youre not getting paid. You know what? No matter how close you may get to the band, youre still going to be the fanboy (or girl)... unless you sell drugs too, I guess. The relationship you build with the fans is way more valuable in every single way. Theyll be there for you at the end of the day." - Kevin 'Skwerl' Cogill.

    Manets, posting this seems a little hypocritical given that you were chatting directly with beta 2 weeks ago. How regularly does she call you?
  6. sometimes I get jealous that some members of the forums have a closer relationship with the band than I do, then I read all the arguments and backstabbing and threats and I think, maybe it isnt worth it. At least not in relation to forums.

    Indeed. But if you think the forums are bad imagine how it must be in the band!
  7. Can anyone link to where HV said he immediately deleted the clips?

    I can't find the link, but I remember the post where HV verified what clips MSL had and stated he deleted them.

    Yeah I remember too.

    Just wanting to take a look at exactly what he said.

  8. My story has not wavered. If and when needed, I can prove my position.

    It's needed. Let's see it.

    So you do admit you lied to the entire community, correct? It's so strange that you're avoiding that and keep trying to change the subject.

    It's not necessarily fair to extrapolate to the massive degree that msl has but this is a fair question HV, and deserves a straight answer.

  9. Whoever leaked it is either too much of an asshole to share the full versions with fans and lose the sense of power they get over the rest of us from being a hoarder or is too scared of the legal repercussions in which case they're clearly already in over their heads.

    Hmmm....this sounds like nobody I can think of at all.

  10. There's no need for people to get legitimately upset over this. I am pretty sure at this point that the remix leaks are coming from MSL, authorized by GNR. For various reasons MSL likes to create a massive smokescreen around new leaks.

    I don't have any proof of this, it's just an opinion.

    If msl is now an arm of TB, that's bad for guns and bad for guns fans. I really hope you're wrong.

    He has clearly entered into an agreement with them of some sort.

    To me it's pretty clear that the remix album is never going to get an official release. That ship has sailed. So I can definitely see GNR telling him to go ahead and leak them, to toss the fans a bone. What difference does it make at this point?

    It's presented that way by him, but I doubt it.

    They know how unreliable he is. It's to his advantage to portray himself to us as being in a legitimate agreement with TB, but I'd be very surprised if he actually is. That is unless TB have serious mental deficiencies - in which case they need to be protected from people like msl by responsible adults.

  11. There's no need for people to get legitimately upset over this. I am pretty sure at this point that the remix leaks are coming from MSL, authorized by GNR. For various reasons MSL likes to create a massive smokescreen around new leaks.

    I don't have any proof of this, it's just an opinion.

    If msl is now an arm of TB, that's bad for guns and bad for guns fans. I really hope you're wrong.

  12. LOVE omg. probably axl's best ever lyrical moment to date. I've been listening to it since 99 and those last 4 lines still get me every time.

    This new version isn't very different, but still sounds good.

  13. It really works in his favour to pick a fight with mygnr. He's already calling it 'forum wars'. What a joke.

    Fact is he said publicly that this would happen last week, and it has. It's strange how that prediction didn't stop the plotters, and everything happened exactly as he predicted. Hmmmm.....

  14. Look, I'm gonna retract that last one - I don't want a slanging match.

    I've been around long enough to know what info you gave. Saw the adulation at htgth back in the day.

    You've also been honest about not doing the weezer thing anymore and not really being in the loop now, which I respect.

    My question was this - what do YOU think you revealed that you got a sense THEY thought would be damaging if taken literally?

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