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Posts posted by Marj

  1. By the time you realise what is going on you're probably dead. As a civilian I doubt I'd have recognised the sound of a gun beeing loaded. When it's too late and he shoots, I'd probably be so scared that I'd hide or run.

    Theoratically would I fight to save my life? Yes...in real life who knows what we'd do.

  2. A mistake? I'm not sure I beleive in this type of mistake.

    I'm I the only one wondering how two men, well prepared, military trained, wearing mask, who managed to escape in Paris and it's traffic jam....who murdered in cold blood the cleaning guy (who had seen them and could identify them) and a police officer begging for his life...could forget an ID??? Seriously??

    I wasn't a fan of that magazine, but I'm just like everyone very shocked and so sad that those poor poor guys had been killed. Out of respect for who they were I just don't follow that "Je suis Charlie" thing. I'm not sure they'd like it.

  3. It makes more sense why he was so depressed if he had Parkinson's disease. I'm still very sad he's dead....but at least I understand why he did what he did. I hope he took the time to say goodbye to his familly first. Life is so unfair. :-(

  4. Uncircumcised is gross

    Agreed. No snip, no suck. :lol:

    Hmmm, have you guys ever seen one? Red has been with her partner for a long time so

    she has not seen one since she was 17-18 if ever, or is Red just using it as an excuse?

    Having all the pieces in it which belong to it, just means the toy has all its features intact.

    It is like you are playing with the tin soldiers when there are hard smooth clean sensitive

    transformers out there.

    I'm not used to the "cut" version, I had to google it to see what it looks like "cut" :-D I find it weird, the "scar" part is disturbing when you're not used to it. I was talking to a friend who told me the handling is different too. In the end I guess whom it belongs to is more important than anything else.

  5. & the females wanted it done as they said it empowered them.


    Fuambai Ahmadu

    Despite growing up and studying in the United States, Fuambai Ahmadu chose to return to her native Sierra Leone as an adult to be circumcised. At the age of 21, she underwent a traditional initiation ceremony in which her clitoris and labia were cut. Fuambai says circumcision is an essential part of her culture and the experience filled her with pride. She says she doesnt feel mutilated.

    FUAMBAI AHMADU: Ritual, it's a transition from girlhood to womanhood and it's parallel with the male initiation as well where boys are also, you know, they're initiated and they become men. So it's a very big deal, it's an important aspect of ethnic identity as well and because it's associated with women's power and especially so in Sierra Leone.

    JENNY BROCKIE: Why power, because in the west it's not associated with power at all, it's quite the opposite?

    FUAMBAI AHMADU: Right, and you know I've struggled with that over the years as well to understand sort of western perceptions of the practice. Misunderstandings of the practice because in Sierra Leone I think in many other parts of Africa where these operations take place, it is very much associated with women's power and women's spheres of influence. In Sierra Leone no men are allowed to even ask questions about this operation, just like women would not interfere in men's initiation and men's rituals. They have share secret knowledge and experiences and so do women.

    I don't understand how this empowers women same as I don't understand their wearing of the burqua is empowering to some women. I guess it's a cultural thing we don't understand as it's not normal practice here in western countries.

    Wow, I'm really wondering if this poor girl had sex or even had an orgasm before "she chose" to never ever be able to have one or be condamned to suffer in her sex life forever. I heard a doctor say that they often have infections too as the labias protects this area. :-/

    As for circumcision I was wondering what a men's point of view was. So I browse a few medical forum. One of them was saying that it totally changed his sex life. That the skin thickens "there" and he needed more "stimulation" that it became less sensitive and he had to change his habits.

    Here in France we only do it for religious reasons or medical conditions.

    I had no idea it was that common in the US or even that it used to be in Australia!

    • Like 2
  6. j'adore le premier album de miossec, où il y est beaucoup question de boisson....


    the french music thread: http://www.mygnrforum.com/index.php?/topic/203881-the-french-music-thread/page-3#entry3769374


    Comme je te le disais, je ne suis pas une grande fan de la façon de chanter de Miossec...comme Vincent Delerme on dirait qu'ils geignent ça m’énerve! :shrugs:


    Il semblerait que ce soit culturel!

    Moi je n'aime pas trop les gens qui ne se maîtrisent pas et se mettent minable en soirée. Cette nouvelle mode du binge (ça s' écrit comment? ) drinking est absolument lamentable et à l'opposé totale de notre culture française qui est supposée être l'alcool social et festif.

    Intéressant, mais culturel ou pas, si quelqu'un ce genre de comportement, c'est sûr qu'il baisse dans mon estime.

    Oui, c'est clair que pour se décrédibiliser, c'est idéal!

    Le pire c'est de faire ça pendant les fêtes au travail!

  7. Oui l'été est arrivé finalement je pense!

    J'ai réussi tous les cours donc je suis content :) . Là je suis 3 mois en vacances... merveilleux, je vais me la couler douce B-)

    Hier y'avait un petit party pour souligner la fin de la session... Y'a des gens qui sont décevants, une personne en particulier qui a baissé dans mon estime. Je bois pas tant que ça mais certains oui, et c'est correct (quand tu continues de savoir vivre)...

    Ok je raconte. Une fille de ma technique a bu pas mal, un gars de deuxième année aussi. Ils se sont taquinés presque toute la soirée. Un moment donné les deux se retrouvent à terre, lui couché, elle assise sur lui, ils se chamaillaient (amicalement..). C'était drôle (pour eux), puis une fraction de seconde plus tard ça ne l'était plus, elle s'est mise à crier après, il lui avait pris sa montre et il voulait pas lui remettre. Lui il rigolait, mais elle, elle ne riait plus, elle a commencé à l'étrangler, y'a fallu du monde pour les séparer.

    Juste ça ça avait créer un malaise.. mais elle était vraiment en maudit, elle a bousculé quelques chaises, puis elle lui a tiré de l'acool au visage. C'était vraiment ridicule. Quelques minutes plus tard, lui il vomit en plein milieu de la place. Elle, elle s'est mise à pleurer.

    Wow. C'est peut-être dur d'imaginer la scène mais ça a vraiment créé un malaise tout ça, c'était vraiment absurde, et pathétique.

    En tout cas...

    Salut Kapitch,

    AH oui effectivement les gens bourrés ont tendance à être très C... Au mieux ils sont lourds, au pire ils font n'importe quoi! Ta copine semble avoir l'alcool triste (On appelle ça comme ça nous :) )

    Ça me rappelle des vieux souvenirs de soirées étudiantes, notamment une (en plein hiver) où on avait empilé tous les manteaux sur un lit dans une chambre. Un mec bourré n'a rien trouvé de mieux que d'aller vomir sur les manteaux et s’écrouler dessus! Beeeuuurrrk Je te raconte pas pour nettoyer mon manteau avec du vomi de mec alcoolisé un vrai bonheur! :lol: Ou encore une autre fois où on se relayait pour cacher les clefs de voiture d'un copain qui estimait qu'il pouvait conduire parce qu'il "maitrisait" tout en titubant...

    Moi je ne bois plus depuis un moment, ça ne me réussit pas alors autant pas se forcer! (Et en plus ça fait grossir)

    Petite chanson de circonstance :P


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