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Status Updates posted by SoulMonster

  1. sisterlove,

    I really don't care. And why should I?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SoulMonster


      It was full! And I wasn't aware of it.

      Anyway, no I don't have any quotes ready, unfortunately. I would have to go through my various sources and compile them. As for that exact quote from Duff, I can't remember having heard it before.

    3. Wando


      alright! thanks anyway!

    4. SoulMonster


      I will keep an eye out for it, though, and let you know when I get it :)

  2. I hope to travel back once.

  3. shaina: no, I am not, but I have had the pleasure of visiting Esfahan once, and I will never forget that city :D

  4. From the few posts I have read, you are clever enough, but here you come off as a drunk 6 year old. Some humor I just don't get? Lost in life? Mental issues? Drug problems? I don't know, but I like it.

  5. Didn't know what star rating was before you commented on it, still don't care ;)

  6. You are a weird guy. In the forum you are pretty normal but here you are completely loco. Your brain is malfunctioning in a weird way. And it is fascinating.

  7. No, but engaging you in a conversation is close.

  8. As meaningless as speaking with you.

  9. That's unfortunate. Speaking of gross. A friend of mine tried to fill a cup with his semen only to discover that it dried up quicker than he could jerk off.

  10. Hmm, I have to go back to that island some time. Lots of great memories :)

  11. Of course we believed it was a ghost, causing us to run screaming back towards the camp site, exhilarated and scared.

  12. I used to lead a few kids with me deep into this forest while our parents where drinking. Tried to get lost, like I always do. And suddenly, in the far distance, unexpectedly, I saw this person coming towards me between the trees. She was all-covered in white, to my imagination she was hovering across stubs and rocks.

  13. Where trees are allowed to grow old and fall down and be covered by lichens and moss. Where it's damp and moist, where it smells of soil and flowers, small rivers tinkling, birds and great great trees. It was magical. It still is.

  14. Nothing special about it. It's a tradition where I grew up to go out and barbecue at an island every midsummer eve nights. The grown-ups drink and have fun while the kids roam around doing kids stuff. I love that island. It had this wonderful, "enchanted" forest you only find in places where there's been no forestry.

  15. No. But as a kid I once thought I did.

  16. So because I accurately point out that your obsession with me here doesn't fit with your claim that you find me boring, then I live in a fantasy world? That's funny! Another example of your wit and intelligence :D

  17. Again, I don't really care what you feel about my posts, but I do find it funny you feel so strongly about them that you take the time to tell me about it personally. They can't be that boring when they illicit such a passionate response from you.

  18. What can I say, if you find me boring and unpredictable then just don't read my posts. I couldn't care one iota what you feel and I certainly won't change my ways just to please you.

  19. It's unfortunate you believe I am here to entertain you, but it really isn't my problem.

  20. I call that an affirmative.

  21. Is something wrong with you?

  22. Yes, gotta love 40 oz.

  23. Wow!!! THAT IS AMAZING NEWS!!!!

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