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Posts posted by JesusisSavior

  1. May also had some other comments;

    I have to say I was completely blown away . . . it's truly sensational. In fact it's so obviously a number one smash, any bookie would be mad to take bets on it. I am not kidding. I'm not easily moved to jelly by male vocalists . . . but Adam's voice reaches out with sensitivity, depth, maturity, and awesome range and power which will make jaws drop all around the world. Its an awesome performance. No doubt about it. The world of Rock has a bright new star.
  2. But, my VR bandmates & I had a meeting a couple of weeks ago & although the search for a singer will continue, I am going to tour on my solo record most likely thru next summer starting in March or April. We (VR) will keep the word of mouth system going & listening to submissions from singers & checking out different singer's sites etc, we know the right guy is out there somewhere. It's possible somebody could turn up before I do my tour & we could start working on new material sooner than later, in a perfect world.

    The right guys is right under your nose Slash!

  3. Is it just me or was the 80s the best or at least one of the best times for pop music?

    I mean in the early 80s alone, we had MJ reaching the heights of his career and talent, we had Prince, Madonna, Cindy Lauper, great bands like Tears for Fears, Talking Heads, the Human League, Genesis, hell, even movie songs "Don't You Forget About Me", "The Goonies 'R Good Enough" were imo great. And a lot of the early 80s pop songs had actual meanings--Songs like "Everyone Wants to Rule the World"--Which could resonate which those living in the tense days of the Cold War You had towards the end of the 80s a lot of other good bands, like INXS.

    Not to mention ELO, Alphaville, Fine Young Cannibals, Run DMC... I feel ya

    and props to you for having a wide taste

  4. Funny People had one interesting storyline I must say..

    i loved it, the sandman was great in it. Showed his funny and serious sides in the same role. He did great. I thought they all did.

    He really did do great.. the ending though just left me kinda empty :shrugs:

  5. Best Rock Video

    Coldplay — "Viva la Vida"

    Fall Out Boy — "I Don't Care"

    Green Day — "21 Guns"

    Kings of Leon — "Use Somebody"

    Paramore — "Decode"

    :facepalm: this is why I wish I was born in the 60s

    I empathize with you, but honestly, there was just as much disposable pop back then; it's just been forgotten over the years in favour of the better stuff. Most of the "classic" artists we now listen to from that era weren't the ones achieving commercial airplay in their time. My dad was born in the early '50s and grew up in a middle-class American household and doesn't recognize a single Hendrix, Doors, Bowie or Zeppelin song, and only a handful of the more popular Stones and Beach Boys tracks. I asked him what he was listening to in the '60s, to understand how he didn't recognize all these artists that have become so legendary over the years, and he named a bunch of horrible flash-in-the-pan-type pop bands that no one remembers today.

    My only point is: mainstream radio has always, for the most part, catered towards less regarded music, and you can point at any decade and usually the best music being made wasn't the stuff achieving significant mainstream broadcast. That said, it would still be cool to live in that time knowing which bands to look out for -- imagine being able to score front seats at an early Zeppelin gig. ^_^ Anyway, I never watch VMAs or awards shows in general, but I did YouTube the Russell Brand bits last year. I liked his Jonas Brothers jokes. And I heard he may be debuting a trailer for his Forgetting Sarah Marshall spin-off this time, so there's that to look forward to...

    Right, it just would of been cool to live though the seventies/eighties with that stong spirit of rock n roll around you. Like having the chance to see Queen, Bowie, and Hendrix live, being able to experiance AC/DC's early explosion of fame, getting to see the first showings of Purple Rain... heck Axl and Slash on the same stage! but then again the 21st century isn't that bad. Deffiantly looking foward to things like the VMA's with Russell, gotta kick out of him last year. Nominees.. not so exciting. Though I hope Green Day takes some awards home.

    someone remind me again why Coldplay is considered rock?

  6. I can bet those who are calling this guy a "poser" knows nothing about him and is judging him for the fact he was on, well more like dominated the entire 8th season of American Idol

    Exactly right although i didn't call him a poser, i called him a mongoloid ;)

    My point isss... that this kid is not your "average" cookie cut American Idol mongoloid. He's far from it. His Rolling Stones spread on his pre idol life was a pleasant suprise.

  7. I can bet those who are calling this guy a "poser" knows nothing about him and is judging him for the fact he was on, well more like dominated the entire 8th season of American Idol, which he used it to his own advantage. No one on the history of that show has ever been such a consistant stratagist while raising incredible amounts of excitement by the fresh reinventing of classics and hair raiding notes he hit.

    America, espcially through this age, needed that kick of rock n' roll desperately and he delivered. & heck it's not just America, he's pretty much internationally glorified.

  8. Sorry to bump this, but apparently Adam and Slash text?


    When asked if he might be the new VR front man

    - I don't know if that's happening, but we're actually talking about some collaborations so stay tuned in for that. We text back and forth so yeah he's a cool guy.

    When asked if he says "lol"

    - Uh no he does not do the stupid text lingo. He's a little bit more sophisticated than that.

  9. Does it really matter if it's like Queen? I mean.. we know Muse are totally inspiered by Queen, we know that. Why shouldn't they show it 100% in one song? Of course no one should try be Queen, that's not what I mean, but I think it's cool Muse did this. I know it's not the best song Muse have done, absolutly not, but I really like it. Every part in the song is lovley..

    Yeah i don't see anything wrong if this one song was their tribute to Queen. Just like how Prince's song Dreamer was a total ode to Hendrix.

    Guess it just depends on how you look at it

  10. Pick Your Artist: Green Day

    Are you male or female: Extraordinary Girl

    Describe yourself: Basket Case

    How do you feel about yourself: Jaded

    Describe where you currently live: a Boulevard of Broken Dreams in Pasalacqua

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go: At the Library

    Your favorite form of transportation: Hitchin' a Ride

    Your best friend is: 16

    Your favorite color is: Green (Day)

    What's the weather like: Scattered

    Favorite time of day: All the Time

    If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: King for A Day

    What is life to you: Coming Clean

    What is the best advice you have to give: Nice Guys Finish Last

    If you could change your name, what would it be: Maria

    Your favorite food is: Poprocks and Coke

    Thought for the Day: Give me Novacaine

    How I would like to die: Having a Blast/Burnout

    My soul's present condition: Walking Contradiction

    The faults I can bear: Why do you want him?

    My motto: Live without Warning :D

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